Homework - Term 3 - Week 6 (2013)

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Room 13 Homework

Term 3 Week 6

This weeks homework: 1. SPELLING: Task: 1) Practise your spelling words using LCWC (remember you need 4 columns). 2) NO SENTENCES focus on speeches 3) For those who have graduated past green spelling: 2. READING: Task: 1) Personal reading for at least 15 minutes per night The title of your book When and how long you read for and the page numbers you read Write a brief (2-3 sentences) summary of what has happened in your story over the week. 2) In your homework book record: Write 4 sentences to show you know the meaning of each of the following words: affluent, miserly , crepuscular , iridescence, genealogy. NO Word Master sheet


PLEASE NOTE: Homework for your speeches needs to be completed by the specific due dates so that we can use class time productively.
Task: 1) Choose a topic to write on and come up with 3 main supporting points that you could use (Due Tuesday) 2) Conduct research on your speech overall topic and the 3 main supporting ideas (Due Thursday) 4. MARATHON: Task: 1) Run 3km over this week 5. SIGNED: Task: 1) Get your completed homework signed by a parent or caregiver. Use Google maps or some other way of measuring your runs so that you can be sure you have covered 3km

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