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4th LO: Carsinogen

Various Carcinogens:

1. Chemical Carcinogens:
a. Natural carcinogens - Organic, example: Aflatoxin can cause liver cancer and find in the seed nuts - Inorganic, examples: Cadmium, Radium, Uranium, etc b. Synthetic carcinogens using for: - Industrial materials, examples: Paints, textiles,wood, etc - Drugs, examples: Diethylstilbestrol, Alkylating agent, etc

Chemical carcinogen also classified into 3: 1. Direct acting carcinogen - very active and directly cause cancer - generally unstable 2. Pro-carcinogen - Not directly cause cancer - Metabolized by the body's enzymes - Proximate carcinogenmetabolismultimate carcinogen binds to DNAcancer 3. Co-carcinogen - This material has very little activity carcinogenesis, but may increase the reactivity of direct acting carcinogen or procarcinogen

2. Ray Ionization - Rays can ionize the water and electrolytes can lead to the disintegration of the cells that can lead to death - Radiation on cells or tissue lesions can cause varying degrees, depending on the dose given

3. Virus a. DNA Viruses DNA viruses can join to the DNA patient and alter the transcription process and / or translational genetics at the gene, so that after the replication, the properties of the cell change b. RNA Viruses RNA viruses have the reverse transcriptase enzyme that causes the virus can insert its genetic information into the cell. This enzyme can cause DNA using viral RNA as a reference for making mold replication of DNA in cells

4. Hormones - Hormones can cause cancer only in the organ whose growth is influenced by hormones, such as uterine, mammary, prostate - due to hormonal imbalance - Estrone and estradiol : carcinogen - Estriol: anticarcinogen

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