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Country Programme Type Programme Title Agencies involved Year started Programme Description Programme Objectives Transfers

Argentina -4 Pure income transfer child and family allowance Universal Family Allowance per Child for Social Protection Ministries of Labour and Social Protection, the World Bank 2009 New monthly family allowance for parents who are unemployed or work in the informal economy

Target population and coverage

USD$48 (ARS180): Given to one parent or child carer, subject to a maximum of five children. Conditions - up to the age of four children must complete all compulsory health examinations and vaccination schemes; from the age of five and up to the age of 18 children must attend school. Upper age-limit of 18 years, but no limit applies to handicapped children; the child must be of Argentinean nationality, naturalized or resident, who has been legally resident in the country for not less than three years prior applying for benefits; the child must be a member of a family group that is unemployed or active in the informal economy, whose income is less than the minimum wage (ARS 1,400 a month). The programme is expected to benefit 5.4 million children, which is close to the number of poor children in Argentina. According to the Central de Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA) , 47 % of children under 18,a total of 6.3 million youngsters, in the country are poor. The programme aims at covering about 70-80% of children with no benefits from previously existing family allowances.

Selection of beneficiaries Monitoring and Evaluation Evaluation results Cost Implementation Issues Programme and Evaluation Sources

The new family allowance programme costs around 2.6 billion dollars a year.

Bien Basic Income Earth Network, Newsflash number 60, February 2010, posted at: Valente, M. (2009) ARGENTINA: Child Benefits Expanded to Unemployed and Informal Workers, IPS news: BUENOS AIRES, Nov 5, posted at :


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