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Table Creation

Table : It can be defined as collection of various fields which can store n number of records. There are two types of tables. ( i ) Client Dependent Tables : Tables which contain first field as mandt are Client Dependent tables. ** Generally used client numbers in real time are 100,110,120,200,210,220,300,310,320. Generally used client numbers for leaning purpose are 800,810,820. Use only client dependent tables in real time Always mandt as first field.

( ii ) Client Independent tables: Tables which does not contain mandt field are Client independent tables. MANDT (Field) : It is a Three digit Unique number which is used to store the data at as separate location in the database. Note: By default data stored in one client is invisible to other clients. A table in data dictionary (SE 11) can be created in two ways . ( i ) Table creation by using predefined Types . ( ii ) Table creation by using Domains & Data Elements .

Steps to create a table by using predefined types :

( i ) Go to SE 11 , select database table & give table name. eg :- ZTAB_DETAILS Table names for tables which are going to create by us must start with either Y or Z ( According to SAP naming conventions ). ( ii ) click on create button.

( iii ) Give short description as Details Table. ( iv ) Give the delivery class as A . ( v ) set Display/Maintenance Allowed.

( vi ) Click on fields Tab.

( vii ) Enter the field name as mandt (client field). ( viii ) Click on predefined

type button.

( ix ) Enter the data type as clnt, length as 3, description as client number.

( x ) Enter the fields as below. Field Name Data Type Length Description Std_no Std_name char char 10 25 student number. student name.

( xi ) click on tech support button . Give data class as APPL0. Give size catalogue as 0.

( xii ) click on save, check & Activate the table.

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