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LDA address; Load the Accumulator with desired address content LDA AH Source: content of memory location AH Dest: Accumulator(A) 2.STA address; Store the Accumulator content at memory location STA 7FFFH Src: Accumulator[A](let,A=8AH) Dest: memory adress 7FFH 3.MOV Acc, B; Src:B Dest: Accumulator(A) 4.MOV B, Acc; Src: Accumulator(A) Dest:B 5.MOV Acc, immediate; MOV A,37H Src:Constant value(let,37H) Dest: Accumulator(A)

6.IN; Transfer data from designated port to Accumulator According to SAP-2, (if we have two distinct port) IN 02H Src: input port 2 Dest: Accumulator 7.OUT; Transfer output from Accumulator to designated port According to SAP-2,(if we have two distinct port) OUT 03H Src: Accumulator Dest: output port 3 8.ADD B; ADD B==MOV A, (A+B) 9.ADC B; ADC B==MOV A,( A+B+CF ) 10.SUB B; SUB B==MOV A,(A-B) 11.SBB B; SBB B==MOV A,{A-(B+CF)} 12.ADC [address]; ADC [address]=MOV A,{A+[address]+CF} CF=Carry Flag

13.SBB [address]; SBB [address]=MOV A,{A-([address]+CF)} 14.CMP B; Accumulator will be unchanged. Set flags according to (Accumulator B). 15.NEG; Accumulator= - Accumulator 16.JZ address; Jumps to the address if (zero flag,ZF==1) 17.JL address; Jump if less 18.PUSH; Pushes the content of Accumulator to the stack Src: Accumulator Dest: Stack 19.POP; Pops off stack to Accumulator Src: Stack Dest: Accumulator 20.CALL address; Calls a subroutine (at the specified address) unconditionally(go to that address) 21.RET; Returns from current subroutine to the caller unconditionally

22.JMP; Jumps unconditionally to the address 23.HLT; Halts execution 24.NOP; No Operation 25.STS; Sets the sign flag SF=1 26.CLS; Clears the sign flag SF=0 27.OR B; Accululator = Accumulator | B 28.XOR B; Accululator = Accumulator B

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