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DAY 10

DAY 10

MORNING ______________
Its a new day, and we are learning to bounce the eyes away from every sight that
provokes lust and impurity in us. No matter what happened yesterday, this is the day the
Lord has made. It is a day in which you can experience growth in your personal purity.
Revisit the foundational passage defining the purity of a Valiant man.

EVENING ______________

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 (focus on verses 7-8)

However we may set out on the path of pilgrimage, we spend a lifetime walking it. There
are no rest stops, no plateaus at which we can flop down and say that weve gone far
enough. At the beginning, God accepts us in all our sinfulness and selfishness, but this
does not mean that he is content to have us remain in that state. We are all in the New

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Testaments terrifying phrase called to be saints. Our Father knows our weaknesses

Focus on verses 2-6

even better than we do, and he does not expect us to become saints overnight. But

What are your thoughts at the start of today?

he does demand that we keep moving in that direction, or as the good old Methodist


phrase puts it, groaning towards perfection. At each step of the journey, the question
that really matters is not whether we are a little further along than some of our friends or
neighbours, but how far we have progressed since yesterday.
Louis Cassels


Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose.

Victor Frankl, as quoted in Stephen R. Covey,
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

What are your thoughts as today draws to a close?

How did you go bouncing the eyes today?

A mans true value consists in his likeness to God. What gives value to his thoughts, his
feelings, and his actions, is the extent to which they are inspired by God, the extent to
which they express the thought, the will and the acts of God.
Paul Tournier, QV.7366

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