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DAY 25

DAY 25

MORNING ______________
Dr. Neil Anderson in his book Victory Over The Darkness (p.68) writes, God knows you
cant solve the problem of an old sinful self by simply improving your behaviour. He must
change your nature, give you an entirely new self the life of Christ in you which is the
Grace you need to measure up to his standards.
That was the point of Jesus message in the Sermon on the Mount: Unless your

EVENING ______________

Read the story in this weeks notes.

Armed with the knowledge about the chemistry set that resides in our brains, this story is
not hard to believe. Have you recognised any emotional or environmental cues that set
off a sequence of thoughts or actions in regards to your sexuality?

righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the


kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:20). The scribes and the Pharisees were the religious


perfectionists of their day. They had external behaviour down to a science, but their
hearts were like the insides of a tomb, reeking of death. Jesus is only interested in
creating new persons from the inside out by infusing in them a brand new nature and
creating in them a new self. Only after he changes your identity and makes you a
partaker of his nature will you be able to change your behaviour.
Have you really asked Jesus to come and take control of your life? If not, take some


time right now to get honest with God, to ask him into your heart, to ask him to infuse


you with his nature, to truly begin a work in you. Do it in your head, out loud, or write it


down, but do it!


Do you have a boot collection? If so, what is it?

















Great men are those who see that the spiritual is stronger than any material force.

Bring everything you have read and thought about today before God in prayer. Ask for

Ralph Waldo Emerson, QV.10693

his clear direction for you in the area of your sexuality.

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