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de pura casualidad

by mere chance

quemarse las cejas

to burn the midnight oil

tomar entre cejas

to take a dislike to

tener entre ceja y ceja

to be set on

tener celos

to be jealous

ms ciego de un topo

to be blind as a bat

comprar a ciegas

to buy a pig in a poke

Un ciego mal gua otro ciego

The blind leading the blind

decirle cuntas son cinco

to tell someone what's what

saber cuntas son cinco

to know a thing or two

meter en cintura

to hold back

sacar en claro

to clear up

fumarse la clase

to play hooky

apretar las claves a uno

to put the screws on or to turn the screw on someone

dar en el clavo

to hit the nail on the head

darle coba

to soft soap

comerse el coco

to think hard

comerse el coco

to try to think

comerse el coco

to worry

comer el coco a uno

to brainwash

estar hasta el coco

to be utterly fed up

Todo saldr en la colada

It'll all come out in the wash

estar colado por

to be infatuated with

colmarle de

to shower someone with

ensear los comillos

to show one's teeth

tener colmillos

to be long in the tooth

tener el colmillo torcido

to be an old fox

Ya tengo colmillos!

You cant fool me!

tener mucho colmillo

to have been around

ser el colmo

to be the limit

dar color a

to lend color to or to liven up

verlo todo de color de rosa

to look at everything through rose-colored glasses

sin faltar una coma

down to the last detail

no valer un comino

not to be worth a damn

precipitarse en sus conclusiones

to jump to conclusions

confesar de plano

to make a clean breast of it

constarle a uno

to seem evident to one

sin consuelo


Arriba los corazones!

Keep your chin up!

con el corazn en la mano

in all frankness, frankly or sincerely

llevar el corazn en la mano

to wear one's heart on one's sleeves

partirle el corazn

to break someone's heart

ser blando de corazn

to be soft-hearted

brindar a coro

to drink a toast together

hacerle coro

to echo someone's opinion

dejarse llevar de la corriente

to follow the crowd

corriente y moliente


estar al corriente de

to be up-to-date on

estar hasta la coronilla de

to be fed up with

estar hasta las chanclas

to have had it up to here

dejar las cosas a medidas

to leave things half done

no ser de morirse

not to be fatal

no ser de morirse

not to be serious

poner las cosas en su punto

to set things straight

ser de la propia cosecha

to be one's own brainchild

ser coser y cantar

to be child's play

por los cuatro costados

on both sides

estar hecho un costal de huesos

to be thin as a rail

con creces

an then some

tener mucho colmillo

to know a thing or two

estar crudo

to have a hangover or to be hung-over

ser crudo para (soy crudo para el chino)

to be brilliant at (to be brilliant at Chinese)

ser un cualquiera

to be just run of the mill

cuanto ms ms (cuanto ms diner tengo, ms necesito)

the more the more (the more money I have, the more that I need)

cuanto ms menos (cuanto ms diner tengo, menos necesito)

the more the less (the more money I have, the less that I need)

en cuanto a

as for, as regards

tanto cuanto (tengo tanto cuanto joyas quiero)

as much as (I have as much jewelry as I want)

cuantas cabezas, tantos pareceres

as many opinions as there are individuals

cantarle las cuarenta a alguien

to tell someone a few truths

meter la cuchara

to butt in

metrselo con cuchara

to spoon-feed

caer en la cuenta de

to catch on to or to see the point

correr por su cuenta

to bear the cost

cuenta de la vieja

counting on ones fingers

dar cuenta de

to report on or to give an account of

darse cuenta de

to realize

echar la cuenta

to balance the account

hacerse cuenta de

to imagine or to suppose

las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso

lets keep the books straight

ir a adjustar cuentas

to settle

ir a adjustar cuentas

to have a bone to pick

no tener que dar cuentas

to not have to explain or justify ones behavior

rendir cuentas a

to explain oneself

ms de la cuenta

too much or in excess

por cuenta y riesgo

at one's own risk

tener en cuenta

to bear in mind or to keep in mind

cuento de viejas

old wives' tales

Djese de cuentos

Get to the point

sin cuento


en cueros

stark naked

saber al dedillo

to know backwards and forwards, to know by heart

en vivos

buck or totally naked

luchar cuerpo a cuerpo

to fight in hand-tohand combat

Cra cuervos y te sacarn los ojos

to bite the hand that feeds you

cuesta abajo

downhill or easy going

cuesta arriba

uphill or heavy going

no tener cuidado

not to worry

sin cuidado


tener sin cuidado

not to bother

cuidar de

to take care of

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