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Personal details: Name Phone no Email Id Roll No No. of Family Members Earning Persons in the family Area of your house & square feet -

Survey:MOBILE 1. Do you & your family members have a mobile? If yes, which model?

2. How often do you change your mobile?

3. Which service provider do you and your family use?

4. Postpaid or Prepaid? Monthly usage?

Gadgets:Computers 1. Do you have desktop, laptop, tablet, I-pad or other gadget?

2. .How often do you change it?

3. Do you have Internet connection at your place? If yes, which provider?

4. Postpaid or Prepaid?

5. Which plan and what is the cost?

T.V. Which model?

Washing Machine



How often do you change?

Property 1. Do you have your own home in Mumbai?

A. If yes, is it on EMI till date?

B. If No, What is the monthly house rent?

General Expenditure 1. Your monthly electricity bill? 2. Monthly maintenance bill? 3. Monthly landline bill, if any? 4. Mothly provisional bills (milk and eatables)? 5. Other sundry bills (Newspaper, stationery etc)? 6. How much is the medical expense every month of your family? (Visiting doctor & medicine)

Educational Expenditure 1. No. of family members still studying? 2. Overall Cost of Education annually?

Vehicles 1. Do have any vehicle at your Home? 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler? Which model?

2. What is the Price? Is it on EMI till date?

3. Petrol cost per month?

Transportation 1. Which mode of transport do you and your family use? A. Roadway B. Railway

Other expenditure 1. How much does your family spend on clothing every month?

2. How much does your family spend on accessories monthly?

Entertainment 1. How much do you & your family spend on Movies, Theatre plays every month?

2. How much do you & your family spend on Hotels every month?

3. How much do you & your family spend on Vacations every year?

Others Domestic help Laundry Smoking Drinking Parlor

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