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Popularity of Online Shopping among Indian consumer.

Pie diagram for response from respondent on question.

1) For how many years you are using Online Shopping? Particular Less than one year One year but<five year More than five year Dont know /Cannot say Total No of respondent 31 32 36 1 100 Percentage 31% 32% 36% 1% 100% Degree 120.2 111.6 129.6 3.6 360*


One year but < five year Less than one year More than five year




In the above pie diagram we can see number of responded are using Online Shopping for more than five years. So the conclusion is that audience is aware about the Online Shopping. Some respondent have tick on the dont know /cannot say that mean they are not aware about it or some other reason may be.

Popularity of Online Shopping among Indian consumer.

Pie diagram for response from respondent on question.

1) For how many years you are using Online Shopping? Particular Less than one year One year but<five year More than five year Dont know /Cannot say Total No of respondent 31 32 36 1 100 Percentage 31% 32% 36% 1% 100% Degree 120.2 111.6 129.6 3.6 360*

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