10.1.4 Unit Testing of Explicit Random Algorithm: SL No. of Test Case Name of Test Feature Being Tested Description

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4 Unit testing of explicit random algorithm

Sl No. of Test Case Name of Test Feature being Tested Description Sample Input Expected output Actual output Remarks DLD-UT- 4 Test case to verify e-random algorithm agents that are eligible to receive fake objects Creates one fake object in every iteration and allocates it to random agent. Explicit Request Particularly requested amount of data allocated randomly Same as excepted Good

10.1.5 Unit testing of explicit optimal algorithm

Sl No. of Test Case Name of Test Feature being Tested Description Sample Input Expected output Actual output Remarks DLD-UT- 5 Test case to verify e-optimal algorithm Optimization of requested object allocation select the agent that will yield the greatest improvement in the Sum-objective. Sample Request Requested amount of data allocated optimally Same as excepted Good

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