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Dear Parent,
As parents and teachers, we realize it can be hard to get a child to discuss what he or she is learning in school. We hope the information provided on this page will assist you in communicating with your child about what he or she is learning. Your participation in the learning process is extremely important, as you are your childs best teacher. For the next few days, your child will be completing the Sustainable Agriculture Module. He or she will learn about modern farming practices and the impact these practices have on the environment. Your child will conduct several experiments on soil samples as well as begin the process of growing radishes in a Glove Garden. Words students will learn in this Module include: aeroponics agriculture biotechnology compost erosion hydroponics irrigation organic pH scale photosynthesis Student: Parent: Questions for Discussion During the course of this Module, your child will be assessed on key concepts and activities. You might want to discuss these concepts and activities with your child. He or she will be asked to: Explain the pH scale, how it is used to identify the acidity of soil, and the optimum pH for growing radishes. (The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Acids have pH levels below 7, bases have pH levels above 7, and anything with a pH level of 7 is considered neutral. The optimum pH for growing radishes is between 6 and 7.) Compare and contrast traditional farming with organic farming. (Traditional farms tend to produce more food; require less hard labor; and use genetically engineered seeds, hormones, and antibiotics. Organic farms tend to be more ecofriendly, produce healthier food, and can cost less to operate.)

Sustainable Agriculture
Explore the pros and cons of traditional farming versus organic farming. Investigate urban farming and its potential impact on large cities. Perform various tests on soil samples. Conduct a radish seed germination and growth experiment. Identify ways technology is making farms greener.

Session Focus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Radish Growth Experiment Setup Soil pH

Urban Farming

Soil Nitrogen Levels

Soil Erosion

Organic vs. Traditional

Glove Garden

2010 Pitsco Education


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