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Short Personal Essay (Narrative): Understanding Your Personality.

Project Summary Personality is what makes us great and it can also be what makes other people so frustrated with us. While each of our personalities have great strengths, they also have inherent weaknesses. In order to truly know yourself--and to be successful in school and life--you need to know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Writers Purpose Your purpose is to clearly illustrate the strengths of your personality and equally explain the weaknesses of your personality. Make sure you address each letter of your personality type. Writers Role You will write as yourself, a student trying to understand your personality. Audience You will be writing to your teacher, classmates, and parents. You may also think about yourself as part of the audience and make sure that you understand exactly who you are. Form You will be writing a multi-paragraph essay. Focus Correction Areas 1. Addresses each letter of writers personality type 2. 2 to 3 compelling details from writers life that helps explain the strength or weakness of a letter of their personality. 3. Follows formatting guidelines (ID tag, title, double-spaced, margins) Procedure a. take the Myers Briggs personality type inventory. b. explore the letters of the Myers Briggs c. draft your essay. d. Revise draft (next class)

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