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In recent years, with the utilization of thb incomparable wealth of

the Ottoman archives, studies on Ottoman social and economic history are making rapid progress. Many of these publications nevertheless


to be'of limited value, and some totally misleading,


because their interpretations or statistical tables are based on imprecise

or inaccurate deflnitions of the terminology and units of measurement. Admittedly, editors of texts have'sometimes made efforts, focusing on a particular area, to determine terminology and measurements used in their roslsr;S. But in most cases such efforts do not go beyond reproducing iflftrrnrr,r, on found in the dictionaries, or at best Walther Hinz's handbook on Islamic weights and measurest. It was assumed, for example, that the Ottoman dirhem weighed 3.207 gr at all times, and okkq, kantdr and so were all series of weights on - it was supposed that kile, okka orcomputed this assumption. Also, kantcTr were always identical in all parts of the empire and for all kinds of goods.
Sometimes, it has not been noticed th.zt lidre and loclra, usually writren in the same way as o;J, were different units of mearsurement. The word krlc was often used by the Ottomans interchangeably for all local grain measures regardless ol'their actual size or weight, and the lilc lbr ricc was half the kile used for wheat. Thus, a measure could vary in the same area according to the kind of merchandise measured. It is evident that in order to reach reliable conclusions in the studies on Ottoman social and economic history, our primary task is to begin a comprehensive and systematic study of Ottoman metrology. Such a study should comprise not only a tabulation of weights and measures with reasonably exact equivalents, but also Ottoman policies and practices in metrology, and local practices and nteitsLrrer)'.ent systems which often continued under Ottoman terminology in v'arious parts of the empire. This is clearly a work that goes beyond one person's capacity'. It is necessary to organize our efforts as a team in this vast and arrduor-rs I I.iurr stl'e IIussc
1955 urtd

Grv'ithtt untg,ercclutet

itr.t trtc!rist'ltt'5'r'.r/r,lr. Lcidcn

: E. J. Urill

(hci.. I tcr l,ll

G l.



lNl l{Ol)UCl-lON TO O1-TON{AN l\lh l-ltOLO(i\


evidence should also be checked


field. Experts in each Near Eastern country should fbcus on local metrology trying to find concrete evidence lor local measures; folklore

with regard to local


systems In 1981, at the meeting of the Internutional Conmrittee oJ'Pre-Ottotttutt and Ottotnun Studit.y at Cuenca (Spain), the proposal fc-rr such a common

effort was enthusiastically endorsed . Turcit'u promised to publish such studies in a series in order to accumulate the necessary materials and studies for a final guicle on Ottoman metrology. In this paper, I have tried to bring together some notes on the formation of the Ottoman central measuring system and some observatiolls otl Ottoman policies towards local measuring pracLices. Ottoman metrology itself is an irrrportant topic involving Ottoman cultural, administrative and economic history. Generally speaking, a particular rneasure used traditionally in a society is part of its culture ancl often continues as one of the most persistent elements of that particular culture. Custom has, irt a traditional society, the assuraltce

of reliability established through centuries of experience. Thus, it is 1o wonder that under the Ottoman rule local or regional weights and measures persisted in nrarty areas even when terminology confbrmed to that of thc ccntral system. This is particularly true for the Ottomans as their central bureaucracy had ofien recognized wisdom and practicality in local nteasuren'rent systerns. This point shall be illustrated in the evolution of measllrement systems in Serbia, Bosnia and Albania. This line ol' study can substantially be supported and enlarged by field work on lblk nleasuremL'nt systcms in the countries once within
the Ottorttittt cmpirc.

as a result of Turks' commercial relations with Iran through the Sogdians. On tne other hand, Chinese intluence, particularly in thc Uighur culture area, is attested. ArStn, also in the lbrrn of arSun, cujtn, ulg'irt in Tr-rrkish dialects, Iionr the Pahlavt uru,stt (new Pcrsian '. draS, ru$. Butttmn, butlnlair in the Uighur docunrents, came lrotn the Pahlavr word petnldn, in ancient Persian putittruna. Composed of put tpad) and nutut putimAtru nTay originate lrom <the mana ol- the king)) of the late Assyrian systcm (see App. I). According to the Uighur texts, it was used in measuring meat, cotton, grain and various groceries as well as wine and rvater. Also. the surlace of sown land was shown to be meiisured tn budnrun. In modern times it was identified as the equivalent. o1'one Chinese ketti or 604.79 gr. In Buhara it equalled 45.093 kg. The series of the measure was as follows : I batntan : 4 uiltser : 80 urua. The use' of batman in lran, and its spread in Anatolia, may be associated with the Selluk and Mongol rule. Batmar and nrcirut were usecl interchangeably in the Ilkhanid Iran s. Batntan was known to Fr. B. Pegolotti u at Ayasoluk (Ephesus) around 1340. He states : Il peso d'Altoluogo si chiama 'huttirttuno, trl qualc pcso si vende ln Altoluogo tuttc mercatantie. Panni lani si vendono ad Altoluogo a ur.lir
misura che si chianra u(('ono. Biado si vende in Altoluogo a moggio (...;




cosa che non nianchi torna



libbre 32. Ivloggio 100 d'Altoluogo di biado f-anno in Genova mine

Clearly. hatnrun was the basic weight in this busy Turkish (Aydrn) port and apparently used for the same commodities as in Central Asia
centuries ago.


The Ottomart imperial metrological system itself apparently owed its formation to a conrbination of Turkish. Islamic and local traditions. There arc- indications ol- an original Turkish measuring system in Turkestan based on ar$tnand btttnuul. Middle Persian origins of these two words 3 can be interpreted as the influence of the Persian system
In arr inquir_1 trl'Abdulkrrdir inen. I-iirk Itulk Bilgisitrr uit ,lluddcltr. lstanbul 1910. tIut the lirlltruirrt nreilsrlrcs n'crc still ilt use itt Artattlliu tt that titttc: ur;trt, hatnrun, (('!ltt, (nl(i:(,, kilt, okku, dl;ek, s()nt(rr. (i'tca is lbund in an Otttlntan rc'gularion dared l5-ll (sec l3crinclc-i-Vcinstein. XV-l)conccrning goods intported liom Circassia. Tcrdal'thc trorr.l is prtrnouncr-'d iirlrrir, ('L'!(n, ('i!(tt. I'L'li.'tt( altd sil on. nlcaning a large h;,tskct t() eitrr\ slr.r\\. tlrcnce. rr trrtil ()l' rltci.rsurc lilr :tntw'. I-hc uord colllcs liorn 1it, clricd rcctl to rtltkc l'xrskcts 1l)t'rlctttc St):/rlga, lll. lOSIJ, ll19--101. r R. R. Ari.rt.,,Batrnan >,. islint, ll, 3'l-1: Ibid., <Ar$tn" (T. H.). I,615-616: G. Claust'rrr. .-ltt I:ttrrntlogi<ul Dictiotrur.t ttl Pra-l-hirtccntlt Ccntur-t"furkish, Oxlord : Thc Clurcndon llrrr.tsc. 1971, -ll)-i--l(Xr. his ctlntol()!t\ (1rrrl-: 'solttcthiltg wltich sirrks') citttnot

thus, I nrcggio (trtud or kile) equalled 41.31 kg. .lccono lbr punni[wollcn cloth] may be a distorted spelling of arSwr (urt'ono) rather than Armenian gankoun: Evans, 55 note 5). At any rate, the original Turkish measuring system must hal'e cotlle into existence already in Central Asia as a result of intensi"'e commercial relations with Iran and China 7. A closer study of Uighur documents ir thc future may reveal the Turkish systern in detail. Divan Lugut al-Tili'k8 (written in 1074 or 1077) contains these measures:
o Scc R. R. Arut, (Balrnun

lt weighed 32 Cenoese libhre or 10.144 kg. (One huttclrccl ol' wheat equalled 57 ntine of Gettoa or 57 x 83 kg : 4131 kg; lbr libbru .;rr'td minu of Genoa sec Hccrs, Piccarniglio. 2l:


be acccplcd

5 Sce /.1/U. t7-ll. lellu.llcrcttturtt, cd. Allan Evans, Cantbridgc, IVlass.. 1936, -5-j-56. " Lu Prutit'u -furkish ' Ir) castern r'i--rJ ctttltcs liom r''', a Chinesc li)()l nleasure and 7lr liorrr r'ia, a C'hirtcsc pound : B. l-lrrli'r. Sitw-lruttirzl. Ncw Ytrrk : l)itragort llook (irrllcry. 1967,519; tbr Uighur ntelrsllrcs scc N. Yanrada. ,r<Four Notcs r)n Scvcral Nurrics lirr 'l-tu't'ittt. Wcights and IVtcasures in L;ighur l)r)cumctrts>. Slrrr/rrt cd. Ligcti. -19 l-98. ,\ lhvidtrr ich, ,llutrriul.t ptt .llt'trttltt.qii SrrJnaytkortti Sretbtci .{--ii. l\losctrri 197(). n I lnt indcbtcd ttr Rrrbcrt DanktrtL'lbr the abr)\'c list: scc tlrc ncri cclititrn trl'the






artry (half a balanced load), iilgii, krklun (a.heaping nleasure), sugu (al-miky,A/, a grain tneasure), krin'g'i (: l0 rat[)e, batmun (: I matru), lgag (: I Jursah), tuda ('a piece of land extending as lar as the eye reaches'), kulug (lathom), ktrrrs, karr (;irc1' ), I'rg (iiru' ). The surc-st way to dcternrine the origins of Ottoman ntetrology to examine the physical mcasures fiom the Seljukid period.

Preliminary studies of Seljuk and early Ottoman weights were carried out by Nancy Pyle'o. She studied the Seljuk ring weights and fbund them to vary in weight between 30 g and 1290 gr'. They are all made and some bear stamps, tanrgas. of Ottoman of bronze and copper t2 that < the ring shape of these weights apparently times. She suggests exclusive to Anatolia at the time of the Seljuks, was spread by the Ottomans in the form of okkas to the lar corners of the Middle East>. They can be used lor metrological studies only when detailed lists with exact weights are' published. It is extremely curious that some of them bear nntgas of early Ottomiin Sultanstr. These weights may be standard weights kept in the central treasury department or made on the models coming fiom there. All of the sixty-one ring weights studied by Nancy Pyle are based on dirhenl and cast in a series of pieces, the largest unit being 400
dirhems. The descending units are : 200 clirhems (l 12), 100 dirhems ( I /4), 50 dirhems (l/8), 25 dirhents (l/16) and l0 dirherns (l/a0). Departing from the assumption that the Anatolian tJirhem weighed 3.20135 g, she is of the opinion that physical changes which occured over time were

of 3.207 g) the Ottoman standard oftka should actually be 1228.8 g. At any rate, she believes these weights cannot be assigned to the series of the milkalunits of Iran. The Ottoman ring weights of the sixteenth century, Pyle notes, are different from these <Seljuk)) ones in appearance. The ottoman weights have no decorative rnotils and (are often stanped on thc- surlirce>> with identilying rugra. The ear_liest ottoman okku weights dated by Pyle belong to Siileyman I (1402-l4l l). For the Seljukid period, the vakfilyes (pious loundation deeds)'a constitute another reliable source fbr the weights and measures. In one of the earliest vakfiyyes, that of Karatay dated 65111253, v"'hich was drawn up for his caravanserail ls, ul.ti1ta, irclab, and mucld are referred to as the measures used in the distribution of the provisions to the guests and employees t6. It is said meat, wheat and bread <the given guest bread daily, be of was three ulSiya ul;iy,a that every to weighing one hundred dirhem))r7, <The oklia (ul;iyu) in general use in this peri<od in Anatolia>, Osman Turan suggests, ((was most likely of that weight>, that is, one hundred dirhem. One of the weight rings examined by L. Pylctu is indeed'of a weight of one hundred dirhetrt or about 320 gte. This was the equivalent of the Byzantine argiriki litra (Schilbach, 229) or what is called ratl Rilmi (321 .428 g: Hinz, 3l).
Also in the vakfiyy'e of Kemal al-Din Alrmed (d. 72511324)20, bread is distributed <by ukiya of Sivas> which was apparently l0A dirhem. In Pegolotti (p.65) 2*! ntene (mcinn) of Sivas equalled I ruotoli of Acre or Famagusta. He added that all goods are sold in the ruotolo of Sivas

for the variations in the ring weights. She observed that themajority of them vary less than l0 percent <from the standard units of dirhents>. One actual okka piece weighed 1248.835 g or 389 dirhem (see chart no. l). If we take Ottoman clirlrcltr as 3.072 g (instead

Dit'drr; Tiirk $ivalcri Liigutt, eds. R. Dankoffand J. Kelly, Cantbridge : Harvard Printing Office. 1982. l-ll. e Perhaps the Pcrsian v'ord ktiJg'a liom Arabic kuJJu (the basin or scale of a balance) might be suggested as an etymology of kdwgi.ln western Trrrkish we tlnd kepg'e < ktiJ;e. ro <Ortoman Okka Weights >, Belltten, 61, Ankara : Turkish liistorical Socicty, January 1977, I l5-l2l: ilun, <Anltolian ltirtg WeiglltsD, J()untul o/ Turkish Studi<'s, II, Cambridge, 1978, 97-106: lbr the existing collections see N. Pyle, I0l, notc l; tbr Persian wcights Bruno Kisch, Sla/cs und lVaight.r, New Haven, 1965, Paul Balog, <Pesi di Bronzo Islarnici del XIII sccolo >, ,lrtulcrni Ticirtt'si li i\,t urrti,trtttttiL'u tt Cotttitr'rilu Classit'ln', Lugrttt..r. I 971' 179-87. 'r N. Pylc, r<.Attatolirttt Iting Weights>>, 9tl, l0l.

Salvastro ))). Since I ruotolo of Acre equalled 2.2 kg, I mcinn of Sivas correspondeC to 977 g (Hinz, 2l). Neither ruotoli nor mene of Sivas in Pegolotti corrc3i;1nd to the full okka (400 dirhent) or its subdivisions as tabulated in N. Pyle (p. 103)2r. Pegolotti's weights might be'connected with the transit merchandise from Iran to Syria. In the everyday transactions in Sivas, a one hundred dirhem piece of okka (in Pyle's list i of okka) must be used as demonstrated in the vakfiy1,es. This

'o XIII,

For a list ol'the published vukfiyyes of this period see Kayaoglu,




Published by Osman Turan, <Selquk Devri Vaklryeleri, Vakrllarr ve Vakfiyelcri>, Bt,lltten, Xlll45, 11-171.


Celaleddin Kararay.

2 Ibid.. 98. The tunrgu on the rcverse side of the bronze ring weight photographed and published by Pyle, Ibid.. p. 106, ll-cure -5, can be read rs Nlchnrcd b. Bayczid Uan; comparc P. Wittek, <Notes sur h tughra ottomanc>, B.t':untirtrr, XX, 1950, p. 27'l; and Suha Umur. O5ntunlt Pulisuh Tudrulurr,lstanbul : Cent Yayrnevi. 1980' 99-102.


re ln the vukJi.t'1'e ol'Sahib Ata (ed. by $adi Bayram and Ahmct Hanrdr Karabacak. <Sahib Ata Fahrtid-din ,\li'nin Konya imaret ve Si','as Gokmcdresc Vakliyclcri,,, Vuk(lur, XIII. ll-69) thcre seems to be a relcrcnce to a varicty of okka wcights (sec p.56;thc prirrted Arabic text is not legible). 2o ismel Kayaollu, <<Rahatoglu ve Vakfiyesi>, llukllur Dergisi, Xlll. Arabic rr'xt p. 20, line 65.

tE Pyle, 99.

tb lbid.,lines 63. 65, 91. t1 lbid., p. 95 line 20tt.


Unless there existed

an okku subdivision of 300 dirht,nr.



I\I tiOI)t ('l


Ol lO\1.\\ \ll:I R()t.o(;\




Rfinti or Byzantine urgiriki litru. This weight is also the Ottoman litlre of 100 tlirlrcnl in the butntan system. The lact rhat the Ottonrans revalidatcd and used Seljuk ring weights is taken :rs a prool'that thc- Ottornan okku was also based on rlirltent with the sante weight. While Byzantine /itra seems to have been cont-

is identical to

identical uith



Wt,lt;il1S. \ll \sL I<ts .\\t) IIR]\ls l\l)l('.\Tl\(, ( \il (,()t{llrs rlt CoODs tr .1.1t l ttr tt tt-t R.r.7tD7,.rxD /tl.s tt.t,tt. I: tr r't n t i(!,r li{,ir

monlyuseditissa|etoSaythirtIranian-Ilkhanidtradition(hutmun> niin) cclnstitLrtccJ the busis o1'<<the imperial-olficial)) nteasuring system

of Turkel' bclitre thc risc o1'the C)ttomans. Handbooks on state finances written ih Irun ilere lbllou,ed in the chanceries of Anatolian states22. The fbllowing list ol'tcrms used in connection rvith measures may givc an idea ol- thc c.\l.cnt to rvhich thc Ottomans inherited this tradition (see Table l).
'.4lttl : nunrbcr (ol'aninurl: Iunrbe r. irort bur. ctc Ak;u : silvc'r coin Rir-i ('ir

[:quivltlents irt ()tttrrilrrr




u.slt: horsc pirckltrad


r-t tikii

Btir-i ttstt't': mule



: nrrusLlrc tll' eltplreitl (lor graln)

('r'rlr (rarcll uscrl. scc ttttrtltl

irnd Arlt')

lidrt' (100 dirlu:rrt). tttiinn and butnrun were apparently widely uscd as larger units in Anatolia in the early l4th century. In the 1330's, Al 'Umari23, obtaining his inforrnation from two visitors to Anatolia, reported that there, ratlvaried lrom one regiorr to another betweetr 8 and l2 Egyptian ratl. According to the same sourcc2a, Bursa's rutlwas identical to that ol'Gerntiyan which rvas 3120 dirlu'nr. Since I Egyptian clirlutn equalled 4.68 g (Hinz, 4), one Gerrniy'an or llurs;,t rutl was 3120 x .1.6ti : 14.600 kg. Flere. r'all was apprrrcntly conlirsccl with niinn or hutnrun. As a matter of lact a unit of 4 ttu'itttt which is lburrcl in India, with a wcight varying betwu-en 12-16 kg (in Surrt' 1.1.969 kg) (Hinz,22-23), niight be the same as the rutl (1 triirttt\ ol-rvestertt Arlatolia.
Besidc's ol,ku (400 dirlrcrrr) ancl

Diistiit'i: a sltcet (ol' l'ur)

Ditrclr : money ol'account

Dr:lt''trt' ( sikkt't. ttIttot

Dirhunr: wcight (lirr nrLrsk, clrugs, sallion, aloc

c'tc. )

Dirltttn (:ce rtrlrul


Furd : a single piece (ol'carpe t)

Iluhbu: a gntin (ol'pcarl)

Ltintl : (pl. uhtrulll cartrcl
Ku.t'lsii r nreirSUre

luhht iiAli. riiA

lold. or any packlotd

I.l itttl. tl,'y, - t

khdu: hilt (rl'suord or bow')

or crtpltcity' (lbr grain)


r', kL')'l or kilt

Kilida: so n.lJn) collrtrs (ol'huntirtg animalsl Kit'u: piecc (til-rtrohuir. stonc, tcltt. ctc.) Kutir : a train ol' scvcrt earncls Lt't'. A piecc (ol'Iiuropcatt eloth) :ll ulil: : strilnd (ol' pcirrls)
,lltjnn : rleight (lirr spiccs, srrrtclal, mcat, breaci, iron inrplcnrcnts. barlcv in retuill

It'i t- tr


(u tntitt of' sir clrrncls)


Di:i ,lltn
.ll tlAil ,lliitrllcd
.Il rttl. nrtitl



r.nusk. \loncs. ingot ol'golci or silvcr

llukuk yt'iAti.strt lttrilti .ll((tnu(t.\'t. l. I9ll. I-i. /lt'.trrlri-tt'l:uliiki)'.u7 rliscovcrcd h1 V. -l-rrgrrn is ctlitecl bt Walthcr Ilint. Dfu llcsili-.t't' I'-uliiki.r)li ,lt'.t '.'1luhtlltllt Iltrt ,llohutttrttuLl Ihn Ki.t'tl ttl-.llt7:utrtlttrirti. l:itt l)(r.\i.\( /t(r kitludut dc.s .stttutliL'/tL'tt llt'tltrtuttc.trr'(,.r(,/r.r ( tttn l-16-l l, Wicsbrrclctt : Franz Stcincr Vcrlag. l95l . firr othcr llnancial hand-



-l-oglr11. ,, i\'logtrlllrr

l)sr rindc Arlrckrlu'nun

Iktislili Vrrzilctir,, 'l'iirk

,lluculludd: books tlludl: (Asia Nl irror) It)clsLrrc litr grairt !,1ulur : pcrs()n. ttutnber (ol' pcrsotts)

Itu.sttu, t.skirlit. IttAu


lLittrtlpeun u'oolen cloth)



books sce Ibicl.. [,inliihrun,q, ltlso Nclat Coy'i.inq. I)u.: .sttgt'rtunnt(' tt l-llt'.ttilt tlt'.s trrrpublislted Ph.[). disscrllttirltt. Gottinge n 1962 . idcttt. <. lntird es'l'urilt DL'r.qi:i. XV 10. lstanbul : Univcrsity ol' Istitrtbul. Faculty' rrl' Serari vc Ilseri >. Lette-rs. 196-5, 7-l-fi6: iVlirkrrntal Nlbipour. I)it bt'idttt'lrctt Lcitliidur dr's I:uluk ',11i-.t't, 7'ultri:i illttr tlu.t .\t(rutli(lt( Rt't'lrrturtg.srr't'st'tr itrr 11. Jultrhund(rt, unpublishe'd Ph.D. disscrtrrtion. (iiittirrgcrr, 197--l . rrlso scc the importurtt studl'ol'Walther llinz. <, Ihs Rcchnurigs*cscrr oricrrtulrschcr Rcichslinlnziitntcr inr lVlittclalteri>, /)t'r l.tlutrt.19. Bcrlin 19.19. l-19 and I l5-l+l Anronr the sources ol'thc latc llkhanid pcriod in Iratt, .llukutt'hit. cd. Nl Srrli. L,rtltorc. l')-15rrrtd rirtltlecd. /li'l'-r/lu,ririi ol'Ilte rizir ILu5icl rrl-l)in. erl . I. Al,srrr. Tchnrn. trlso corr(lrin vlrlrlrblc irtlilrttuttitltt ol'tltc ttteltsttrittlr s\stctlt tll'lrutt lilr tlris pcrl()(1. purticular.L'rttrtri.


,50 _:ir.a-)

'Enid rt.r-5rlrnli.

Ra'.r (pl. rrr'u.r) : head (ol'anirnal) : bar (ol'silvcr). cu. 516 gr. (l{inz)

Rt".r. rl'rJ.r

Tultd, tulrtdtli: a sltect 1of'lirr) 'Jtl* (pl tikdt): it srttglc (gurrnent) Tut hckii : lirur (horsc-shocs)
Qrulhair). .utkirlrit 1l:urtipcan u'oolcn cloth) silk cloth. postin (l'ur). A(//rrr and .rrrrabil (shirt iur(l tr()u)ers). u,t/rji (\irtir), l'ukr, vikr : packltxrrl /,tt't \:it' r't : a plir (ol' sltoe s. stirrups) l.iri' : tcrtiles, vilid lsilk eloth), kirbu.s (eotton or llur lirbrrc)


ILtlttttt tt

1ir7r (;1 b;1lr'I

'J'p[ .


rr .\l :t i6. Jl

.l/,rrrrliA. l9--lfi



Ltt'lktt I ur)ttt



lt,\1 il_ IN \t ( lK


i'OI)tr('l'l()N l'O Ol-l'ONl/\N

fU[: I

l{Ol ()(;\


maritime statc-stt. An active trade, particularly in wheat, alum and cotton had developc-d betu,een ltall,and Turkey in the period 12001350. Thcrc' was also a lurge-scale trarrsit trade between Asia and the 'l-hcn, Mcciitcrr':.lnci.u'l thrtluglt lnrtt attcl Anltcllil in thc slurlc pcriod. two scts rtl'ucights r.urcl ttrcltsurcs, B)'zr.ultinc ancl Arlbo-lrlnian, contributed to thc lilrntation ol an international lltalian) measuring sl,stent which wils pre\/alertt in the conrmercial transactions in the Levant. In othr'r \'ords u,ltilc' in the past Rornan-Byzantine (and Iranian) systems had beconlL- tht-' basis of thc Islarnic weights and measures in the post-Crusacles period it was Islan'r that provided the basis of an internationlil measLlrinq svstem:b (see Table il). brief'. the Seljukid and Italian sources ol- the early fourteenth century irttcst lhat hutntun, lidrc. okka, kuntir a,r'td, kilt:, the basic terntinologv ilt thc Ottontan systent w'r-rr' comnronly' usecl lbr weights

The Seljukid SLrlti.lnirtc and the Turconran beyliks werc lbllnded on Byzantinc tcrritories and cstablished con'rmercial relations with Italian

Tqslr ll
It rt
\\ |

t(;lils ,\\l)

Ntti\S('RLs IN trsE t\'.

til l-t \ \\

(Pt'c;oLotr t. t,i'lrl)

Bcrllc' (sce Schilbach

: Bot,riior')


Cunturo (Arabic'. kintar known in two units large and snrall: sce Schilbirch : 1uv'lt1r'ctptor', XuvT(Iprov) Carrura (Arabic : girir) Cubello (see Schilbach : 1oL,[]ci.ror'.; Dirt'rrttt (Arabic : dirltunr. sce Hinz, l-8; Schilbach bpaXptl, bpuptov)

Giryr, or .qurdr. or fiurt7r Krbtl. kubul


Lihbru, see ruotolo ' trlutit'ule (Arabic : rnitkdl. sec Schilbach

:ll t<'tt<'t'tt ( Ara bic




itt thc Scl-irrkitl Asil IV{inor bclirrc thc'Ottonlrn perir)d. Otttltttttt oA'Au (r'lrArllr', lA'rlr'). w'hich becanrc thc basic unit in the Ottomatn $'cigilts s)'stcnr, equaled 100 dirlrctn or ten tinles onc ;rrr'i t,uki)'.r't'(sc'e Tuble lll) or four tinres rutl Rilnri (lirlra)of 100 dirltt,trr. Tlrus, the idcntilrcation ol' the exact w'eieht ctl' dirhenr is of crucial import;.rncc. ln the calcr-rlutions ol' oAA.a in kg. Walter Hinz's suggestion 21 1l okku : 1.2828 kg, basc'd onl dirhern: 3.207g) is lollowed in all recent publications \\'hereas according to Sahillioglu's calculations r8. the olliciiil dirhun in use (in coinage) dou,n to thc end of the
luncl rttclsut'cs

tnuk k



'lIt'tro (Arabic : ,n('(r'(') (see

Lrttin : tnctru.

Schilbach r(lLt, rtritr,'tu)

: [urpot',


1in Sr riu) ntr I t'L', ntdt urd

,llinu (Arabic

rrttirtrr) (sc'e

Schilbach: pivu; Hinz:


.lI tn

.lltrygio lrntttltlli or ttrtttti,'llr : I l-l ttl-

.ll ul.


Arabic : trtudd; Schilbach : irirtiro;) ()tt'hiu (Arabic : rlrArllcr or riAi.r'cr; sce Schilbach
oirTTiu) Ont'iu (Arabic :

L'ttkt', ttiigi, riiki Kurtu. usctl in Albania ti>r grain mcasure during the llrst declcie

r5 [n addition to W. FIeycl, I!rl.ttoirt'dtt tttrnrnt'rtt'<ltt l.t'tutil. l, cd. fr. Ray'naud. Paris. I936. rc'ccntlv ciiscorered dclcunrcnts show'that thcse comr.nercial relations u'crc closer than rrc- rcllizcd . scc Turati. I'lirktvt' Stlguklulurt Hukkrndu Rt,.snti I csikulur'. Ankura : Turkislt llisttrrierrl Socictl . l95ti; L--. Zuch;.rriudou, ,,Scpt truitcls irrctlits cntrc
2n Non' scc E, Schilbuclr, R)':utttitri.s<he .lletrtthtgr,', I, l\{unchcn: C'. H. Ileck'schc Verlagsbuchhandluns. 970, I 75 lf. 2' IMG,l-t\: itfunr,,,Hlperper und Asperr,. Dcr l.slutn, 19, 196-1,79-ti9. 'o O. L. Barklrn, <,J-hc Pricc' Rcvolution of the Sixtcenth C'entur\': A 1'urrring Point in the Eccrntrrttic History ol'thc- Near Easlr,, lntt'rtrcttiortul Jourtnl ol t\'litldlt, Studie.s, VI I, Janurrrr l()7-5. ll note 2. garc u sumnri.rrl ol'Sahillioglu's llndines in his Ph D. 'fabrizl Jirltt'trr, ucighing -1.071 g, uas uscd in thc Ottoman cmpire until dissertation. the end r:l'thc scvcntcetrth ccntur). Sahilloglu assL'rts that in the .l,500's and l-571 thc tlirfurn rvas J.072 g. (Btlg,'lrr, I\'. lt'': illt,23, 176); <according to our calculatigns l.rrrgcf tlr thc gold coin ol' N{chrncd ll,r. hc s.rys (( one .lirltL'tn rvas -1.()71 g. until thc middlc ol'thc sL'\'cntuenth centur\',, lBI-'I'D.1. 1969. -191.'fhe sur'i dirht,rtt u'as delinitcly ljxcd as -l.ll5 g (l.llG.,1;. but Dlnttski (Dantascus) tlirlrcttr ueighc'd -1.086 g lHinz, -r). Iror (iuzan K hun': rnonctilrv rclorm and thc rve ight o| dirhcn sce Z. V. -['ogan, <<N{oiollar,,. I IIl.II. l, 5, ll. I:clr thc Ottornatt drr/t,'ttr and changes introducccl or legalizcci ut r lrrious clutcs. C)ttt>rnatr clocrulcl)tation has still to bc carcfully collccted -[ ancl stuclicd. hc lirllowing is ;.ur exlnrplc ol- hou' such rlocunle nts can sirc il dee isrve

ct lc:6tttirats d'A1drn et clc l\lentele (l Napoli, 1976, l19-2'10.



l-l-1()7),,, Stutli prc-()t!rtttttttti

I OII()ntLtnt.

rArlu; sec Sehilbach : oriyyia, onca) Quurtu (Roman-Byzantinr', sc'c Schilbach : Tupru; Pegolotti refers to it as a mcasure of grain in Pcra, ol-oil in Rhodcs rnd wine in Cyprus. This <,one lburth)) mcrrsurr is used rridely in ltaly,
Turtis, Spain a;:cl Errqlltncl)

ol'the Ottonran

. it is relbrrcd to as

(fiortt Arabic ur-ruh') Ruotolo, libhru (Artttic '. ul-rut l: rce Schilbach
Rubo. rovu, riot'tt, urrohr.r

nlcasurc lionr prc-ott()nti.llt pcriod. Rub' , E'tir.t t'k






cxact l)umber ol cclins struek elrch tinre can be establishccl fiotn tltc ()ttornart recorrls. 'I'heir comparisorrs *'ith thc retual coins can tcll us thc cxuet werght of ltilArJl rrntl dirlrcn units lirr coinagr al a gircrt tintc. Such I study is still tLr bc citrne

clue: ((ll- the gold coin (//rrri) is to be of pure gold. 129 coins arc struck fionr one hurrclrcd nilkal ol'soli goltl ,, 1l{cgulations of thc mint rrl' Scrrc:. 1'KSI-. Rerun l'/-i-5, tblio l-jll). An Ottoman (l()cunt0nt r"'stablishes that I ntilkil cquallctl 1.5 r/rrlrt'rt (scc llarkan, lf',t1, XtX. lj--l). A cornpletc list of thc amounts ol gold or siircr u'ith thc




l\ Ilt()t)L t'llO\

IO Ol'l()NlAN Ill: ll{()l o(;\


ol-3.207 u uciglrt or onc of;f,rr

sr'vcrrtecltlh ccttturr \\'lts 'fuhri:I dirlunt ol'3.072 g uncl afier that tinte tlre Rrirri iirlu'ttt ol'-1.207. lt is kno\\'r'r that Ottontrrns also used Dimiskt dirhettt nhich u'as cqual to i.086 sr". The quc-stion is u,liether the Riltttt dirltt'trr tl'as itt usc'itt cveryclay'litb belbrc it wus nracle the standard for coinagc. In ull our citlcul:.ttiorrs here w'e lbllow,ed thc RrTlri rlirlutn

as lbllou,s

Egypt: I rul.fttlfitli: l2 illiiya : 144 clirlrttt: -150 g (tbr tinc goocls) rutlkultir : 160 dirlrcnr : 500 e (fbr ordinarl,goc-rcls)

We llnd the twct dillbrent weight series in the pre-Ottor'nllr'r slsteprs (Flinz l6-13. 27-3-i; Schilbach. 285)


l.2li2tl kg.

: ratl :

600 dirhent

Ztlhiri rtul

I iur

r lll



l ttrIiun -

.)rli i,( \\()\l( \l ,\\tl(,nlS \((()l{l)t\(, t(l Nllttrttt> l\lttXf I\lt'ru'' I rrr.rA - ir() rc7 l.ra' ----, S r,rtl I llAir'.r't' - lll
Jr)L'itsLtrL' lbr l ht-' thi ngs ttl' grca r q ua D ti t; ttteas[lre lirp ths tltings ot'snlrll quuntit-l


I hirrtl i ) t:iA : )l)l) tilttutt btttt)ttt)l I tiuitrtt i hdutt(tn, : l(r() tltr/tt'trt (t\ dirltttrr: I i:tttt' | 1,tr,tA , .\(t r',tt I I rutl '-. ll rrrAir ll I Airlru - i0

l()r Cr)ll()n



ltrttr scc tttlrtt.

ilppart-ntly originatcd lionr the Mesopotanria und wirs tr:.rrrsniittccl through the Greco-Roman system to the Meditcrrurnean world. In his recent work on Byzantine metrology', Erich Schrlbach pointcd oul 3oh that the basic unit upon which depencled all other Btzantine weight units, ancl the measures'derived ll-oni thc w.eights, was thc kryul>r111 ).itpu. the accorrnting pound. This poLrncl \\,1s rlircctll related to the lihru ol- the Rontan empire. In thc'latc'Rorniln empire thc system was based on the following series: I libru : 12 uttciu : -lf,i .sit'iliuts : J2 .;c.t'tttlu : 96 drucluttt' : 2titi scripultutt : 5J(t oholtt.s. and 100 /r),'rr was cstintated as I cent(uuriutrt. Altcr the nronetar), refiornls of Constal)tine the Great the /rbra was assignccl il w,ciglrt 12 oiTylur : 72 iquTru : l7]S Itpu^tru : 6912 otto{_oxxlrr. The basis of- this series - | litru : a 72 soliclif nomi.s'ntd gold piece lvas generally mainrained down to the twellih century. In order to-determine with thc- greatest precisron the actual rveight ol- litrq in various periods. Erich Schilbach usccl statistical data based on the monuments and gold coins. and he canre to the following conclusions 32 : 322 g (6th-7th centuries); 32C) g (7th-9rh as lbllows
corresponding to 326. l6 g Irr thc- Byzantinc'enrpire loguriki

libbra s,'().rf(/ : 357.749 g Genoa : lihbru .\ottil( : 316.750 g libbru gros.ta : 3118.450 g In rddition to the clual system in weights ariother continuing tradititlp is the duodecirnal systern. The duodecimal- und lie.radccirnul-s,\,stenrs

Venice: lihhru


]60 dirlrt'ttt: liJi s ('l-lbriz-i) rtttitttt : -i kg

301.230 g

L850 kg




1.500 kg

IHt l)t


\\tt(;ilts s\st[.\t \\D ilil.: t)tot)t..('t\t\t. s\slt.\t

In the Ottotttan s)'s[em ol-weights as given in the lificenth cel]tury handbooks written lbr the finance department scribcs, as well as irl the sixteenth celttury oflicial records (sec'TKS. Revan,43a) two svstems are clearly'drstinguished:one based ort lorlra, or kantar litlre.siequal to 176 dirhetn (: 561.132 g). and the other on lidre, or ,c:ne litlre.;iequal to I00 dirhgtt (: 120.7 g) (sornetirnes l2A dirhatl : 3iJ4.84 g). Thcnce. t\\o weight series w,ere derived I hutntutt : 72 liilrt, : 7200 dirltt,tn (: 23.090 kg) I kutilir : l0() lolru : 17600 tlirlu,n (: 56.4-13 kg) The first series was used in u'eighing line valuable goods, and the seconcl series, lbr hc'avt,goods. Silvcr r.l,as ueighed and cornputcd in litlre.

: I ioTuprlr ),[tpa :

lilra, the golcl pouncl. u,as


Stltcr'\\i.r\ *ciqlterl trt DurtisAi tlirh.'rrr irr thc silrcr nrincs of'sicieroklpsa (Nlittlcrttt'klt,rri.t) rtrt(l Ktiit()\() : sdc R. ,\rrheggcr lurrl ll. inulcrk. Ktitttttttttltrtc. (t6. '\r)r Nl . \1. rr llte tnttt:llrttrr lrnc,l c()lnnrcl.ltlr(t ol' .llrtltuki' ul-.1b/tur. a c()ntpcncliunt ol lslrtntie luri br lbnthirrt al-l.lalabi (l-l-59-15-19; w'ho canrc lionr AIeppo arrtl serrled in lstanbtrl l.lcrI'trlirl's tntn:lulitln had a uidc circulution in tlic Ottorrran errrnirc I u:c'd ll:; ctliti,,,; rt'l-llli. rol. l. l:turrbul. l-il--5 l.


the two types ol' litru (litre) of the Greco-Rornan and Bl,zantinc periods were to be found in the lslan-ric nretrological s)stent. l-hc Byzantine argiriki litru, also known as m(gu tulunton. w,hich ',1'as usccl
"'t' Bt'' .llt'trttlo.qit. Munchcn: C'. fl . llcek':che \'crluu:frrrchhlrrrrllurrr:. l(r() l-or tlrc uncrerrt \lc\()l)otlrnia:ee Ap. l. " lhid.. l6l-l()1. rt Il'i,l . 166.

centuries); and 319 g (in the lbllowing periodl. Under Islam tlte Greco-Roman systern continucci, and rnainl.ailrecl sirnilar lerrninology: kutudr (t'entenariutrt), rutl (litru), ilki.t,u (rrtl,girt uttt'iu).rnitktll (a.rugiu)trnd dirlrunt (druclunt'), kirit (kt,rutiu./. In lact.



il \t tt l\ \t(


l\l li()t)t ( iloN 'ro c)tt()\tAN

Nlt,-l R()r



rreighcd -l-1,1.-l-l-l g ultd corrcspolttlctl

to l2i oirTyiur

lurlgiu)rr. '


ttrgiriki lirru. ucighrng


,..i,,pi.1.t lr tltrntiil.rnt pltrcc irt dtc'Arabic ntctrtlltlgical s1'stcttr and

SchilbacS trclie\,cs thatr+ undcr thc Unayyads, thc Byzantirtc .333.333 I (or in.early Byzantine period 337.5. g)'

It was a s)';ten) rrencralized in largc arelrs b1'thc inrpcrial blrreuucnrts Rotnan, lJyzantinc, Perso-Arabic and Ottonlan, ancl local ntctro-logies tollowed this serial arrangement (see Table IV ancl VI).
O'rtOrt r\ \\ trt(;HTS ANt) r\tEASIiRt:S


\\r'ight trl'.1-i7 55 g. An Upr;.r11r.rcl lrtrl u.'ight ol-the yc'ur 7-l-1 A.D.. cxltnirrecl bi R. Ettingharrserr r... illus lituprl t9 g'eig11 -337.-5-i g. Since I dirltott wciglit cor\\'lts conlputecl lts resporl(1.r1 t() I .l ttti1l,i1l. thc dirhcnr in tltis rurl r". sillllc lhc g. cights ctlttllt'ttt rl sli.lss ,\bbltsirl ll5 -1. l'rtrt t IV
[:l rrnt \\ t l(,lt t s. ..\ ttt ()l)l ( l\l \l \) \l t \l \((()rit)l\(, l(} \\.lltrz trrr I-. S< ]lllli\(lir

Rtttl fk,:.t,, .Il iykil [)tr'/t,ttttttl-A,li Kirtit Ilthb,t

ll 'l l{)s llls (r9l I

books of this kind. Muhyi al-Din Mehnt"'d b. Hacci Atmaca wrote his ,llut'rtui ul- Kut'tl' it/ irr 89911 4933t, at the end oi his career. Writic-n by, t ttttltis'ib kitih. scribe specialized in accounting, this work is designed to be a handbook for beginners (mubtutlt) in the art of accounting. Hai.'ing u thct>reticll basis in the ear.licr Arabic and Persian handboclks on uccounring and arithmetic, it provides us with the actual Ottomun n'tL-asures in usc i1 his tinre in the introcluction and in the exanrplc's hc qives. N{:.ur-r' copics ol- this popular book survivedrs.' Here we rrracic usc ol- thc l\,1S. Though three or lour tblios are missing at the beginning. this particular MS appears to be a vcry good one with tables. The same volume

Handbooks lbr uccot-tttting and arithrnetic contlrininu lists 9l' thc rveights and measures uscd in a given period n-lLlst be classilletl :-tntong our sourcc's on metrolog)'. Thc'following ilrc'Ihc. bcst knttw'n Ottoplitr.t

6 9 ll'l 576

tsibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Supplement rurc

no. 5.13. l5b-j9a.

]5 ll 9()

16 6"t

in the lsllmic culturc arsa Ihi,rt ctI' dlnur, ltnd its rclationship to thc silyer crtin (l ro l2) provided the birsic systellt to be lollclwed. Since clivisibilitl, inrcl lructions wirs highcst in a duoclecimal systcln. this ofl-ered tiie p-lost elljcient ancl practical means in accounting ancl transactions. Tlius a scriul arrangentent with l2 and its fractions or
multiples was establishctl.
,rr fjor I:llrnrie \)slcnt\ ol' rlrclrsurcrrrcnt itt gettcfttl ll. Saurlrirc. .llulttriutt.Y p()ttt' .rt,r'r'il r) l'lttttrtttt' rlr' ltt ttttttttsttt(t!t(ltt( ,'t rlt' ltt 111i'111tl1t.qir tttlt\ttlt)ttttl('. -l vtlls. [)lrfis. lfifi]llifiT; uitS t[e c\(rl)li(]tr ol Lrsclitl )uP!!'sti()l]s irr /.1/(, (hcrc is tl() \\\tcllliltic irtie:tiglttttrrr
tft'rn.'orr thc r>rigint itrrd er.llutirirt tll'lsllrttic s-\'stcllls ol'tlleasurctl.tcttt.

Evide.ntlt. thc durlclccimal s),stenr \\'ils an ltritlinletic arri,lllgen'lent follorvecl bj the llnar.rcr' sccretirries and accounting expcrts that dL-termincd thc particulur scriul arrangcments itl l'arious mcltsurittg s)'sl.sllls. It must h1r,c bccn upplied lirst to the coittitgc systclll, ancl sirtce golcl and silyer coinage recluired precision in rveight to the highe'st degrec. it u,as taken trs ite nroclel by'other serial arrangemellts. Ill thc GrecoRoman w,orlcl rhe rvcight ol .wlidu.s,nontisntotu L\nd rts subdivisiclns, and

contains (40b-6la) a translation by Y[suf b. 'Abdullah ot' Mil'trth-i Kunil:-i Erbub-i Kulent .Llisbah-i Runtuz-i Eshab-i Rukun written by Uayr ai-Di'r $alll b. Ibrahim in Persia around ti80,i 147-5.
Handbooks on arithrnetic and measures in Ottoman Turkish closelv Ibllow Muhyi al-Drn Mehrned's work. Nasfih Matrakcr's '(Jntrlut ulHi.ytib, written in 92J;'1517, rnust be mentioned in particular. Anrong later works on arithrnetic und accountingrq, thc lbllow'ing arc worth!, of mention Mi/tfih u/-Hi.vab by Dervir; b. Hasan written in 988,'l-58d, and Tuh/ut ul-A'did /i'l-fli.rib by 'Ali b. Veli Selaniki+o.

r* Schilbrre h. ,t1t. r j1 . ll6-ll1. r: R. [:ttingh;.ruscn. ,,r\n [,]nuri\ud l)truncl Wcight r', 'l-ltc J,,utrt,tl ttl Ih,' Il ultt't.s Gttllo.t..ll. Ilultrnrtrrc. l').1(). 7.1'76. eitcil bt /l/(;. l. rtotc .1. t" llinr. ll,r,l


M. Tahir, Osntutrlr ,\lilt'llilltri.lll, Istanbul, 13,12 l9ll. l5l. the copies in TKS. see F. Karatay, Tilrkg't' Ytt:tnulur Lutulo.(u.Il, no. l-5tjl. ro l'lalil's bttok, lir;/ttku-i I.!i.sih: Stiley'rnaniye Library, Hsacl Illcrtdi. no .ll/l' Mchnted b. Atrrracl: l:srrd I:lcntli. tto. J176, Kopriilii l-ibrarl . Nl . ,'islnr. rcctt,rtt tto .]'ll. Nasfih Matrakcr's'(.trndut ul-I.lisil>, $ehid Alr Library, rto. l9(t7. Nurioslttarlil'c. rto lt)fi'1. lblio 5l afl'.;tirr books on urithrrictic and ntctrology also scc O. Nuri [-.rgin. lluullirtt ('crdrt t'e llu.y,tttr. lstanbul; ll. Slhillioglu, ,<Eski Hesap Kitrrplarrnrn t)cgcri n. B'l'il).

' to For

VIl. March


. Tahir. up.



-ll0; Karatay'. ttp. t'it,


11t ',{ -1

It,\l ll lN.\l.c'lK -l-.rltl.t'V

Yf s[ t \ rolt


liot)t ('l ION l-O O-f-fOIl \N \lL I lt()l ()(;\


s N'l


tl ll sr | \l]l l ()l \ll \\t

t'" lir'tr'

r tn

i tr -l)Ir i\lt,Hrti


\ul L ()l
{ | -+'1.1


\\l) \r \sr tit \

l: ()l (/A( i/ I ,rAi il - l(X) /)r)t': "' or 1till | /,it,': - l()l) t,r'ir | ,r,t'ir : l0(t ltrtrtt

Iq:r. rrrrrrlll l

tl ll l

l{. lri

Nleasurc of

\\eight (for linc things): mtkrrl and it\ I'ractions


\lc:tstrre of l.cngth : 4ir5' | :iri' (trr r'rtilrt:t') : I0() l)ut't)t(tA

I tttitAil = (t tltut{ - )1 kirit ctr' ('L'kirJ(k t}r'l,/.r17 kirir \\r I ttrilkil ,- 1.5 tlirltctrr | ilirhtnt: ltltur,ga) ldnrg-1ktrd! I k irit : .l Jrr'rl'
i\Ioney: akqa (or dirhem) and its liactirlns

| /,(tt tttttl\ "




:prtlcr": tltrerttl .nt.rllcr urtits trl ---a rr' : I J. I I J trl' --rr',J I 1,lr.t .'/. I .ll trl ;rlr7' | .q ir,'h ,git ilt I rtJ.ill ttl lttt :rtlr l5()() (/i-)l/i,

I rltlik .

: l0() pisa: or.liil{r-t . ltt0 ,r.r'ir I ,rri'ir' - l()0 l-trtr,litl I frunkl - l()0 :(n't'Lt C('t't'() I

I pip,'--


\teasttrcs rtf Clprrcill

: nttrdd .' k ile I rtrttLltl .. l() Arlt I ktl.' '-. 50 A,t,/t'li tlt' Ari.rr' \rrr;'fller rttlits trl'kilt I l ktlc - Lrt'rt,q -' l2 Aul''lt 5(l ltttltltt' I I Ail,' ,,- I lirrrA '., )i kudt'lr

Ile as,rrc of Lcngth : giri'

| ;tr0- - l(X) l)Ltt'tttuk I ltitrrtruk = 100 rr,rlr'or iplik 3 fttrttt,tA lrrtcl Il.i li,tIr' : I girtlt
\lcasure of Capacitl : nrudd (plural: I tttudtl - 20 I'crlst' ( kih:cc )

\lcasures ol'\\cight (ftlr heatr goods): ) Attttrir =' )OO htrlrrt I ltttlrit : I 7(' ,lirht'ttt \le asurc for silk : lid
.\u lttlrr'

IantIr - lodra







],00 lluhbt'

1ktvl1,:: l.tririk

I lilrt .- ll() tlirlt,'trr


:rl, rrf Ir _-//lt

\leasure of \\ cight (lbr fine things) : nr i1[ a I I tttilkil 21 Lirit l/'it,it. J),r'ir. l.\ du-tlrileil list ol'\lltllller tlllits ol- rttrtAil is gircn)

A lrandbook on ;.rrithmetic in Greek a-r, nrc'rsl probubly, \\'rittcn by tr Creck scribe in Ottornan service in Salonica aroLrnd 1500+r. pro\ides interesting infornlrtion on Ottoman weights irnd nrr'asures ol the period. ln the arithmctic problems givcn as exitnrples in tlie text thc olcl Byzantincweightss)'stem (l litru: l2 uUkc : J)(.\ogiu: l7l8 kutttiu) is abandoned, and. instead the Ottornan kunttir > lodru (lilrtl systcnr
is applied as lollorvs+s

tr -l hc Itcrrilttt \\'()r(l /)e('-- ()r /)i)(':(/ Illc.tlls ;.t ttnltll III(rllctltr\ I:trtprru. llte etrtl)tlltrtl \\t)ftl lirr it uit\ /)l(irl(//' \\r ttl(ttlqttt

ln thc ()ltrllttitn

o: l'rtll l)ersian tlittu. ldrtut', grain t>r dArtuk, sntlll grtrirr. riltg ir ir l(,ttrllr put.t ol it dirlttttr or sixth ltlrrt ol'lln)'thing (Steingass; cf. llirlz. I lt. *r lf. llurrger ltrrcl K \;ogcl. Ein b.t':tuttintstltr'.s llr'tltt'rtlru, lt il'.r /.i .lultrlrt,tttltrt:. Tctt. ['hr,r;1,!:utts 11111! ]1ltnrtut',1/(/r. Ostcrr. Akad. dcr \\'iss. Phil.-FI ist Kl [)ertksehr. 7S. llancl l. r\hh.. Wicrr. l()(r.1. *o Sirrcc tllc l/ori rrus rvortlt 5(i rrAf'a and ()llc lrttt'ttl':rlk l(ttt rtAlrt itt llte hook tt n)ust bc writtcn urorrnd l-i()0. rvhile llungc'r atttl Vogcl.9. tlltte it ttluch elrrlicr a' Ihil.. 19. .15. 9+. I I I


ll.\t.ll. t\\t.(
11 ,kudt'.s'


li\ lltOt)ti(-l ION l(-) Of-foi\1.\N \ll,l lt()L(Xi\



I kantiurt'o, :

I ttkutlt.s :


1 litrc

compare thischart u'ith thc'Ottornan ollicial list belclrv p 2j5.Ottontan olllcial sources lglr.r- in ss11st'xl lvith the lisrs giyc.n in thcl hanclbooks (sc'c- Tablcs V lntl \/l). 'f rnr r, \ill
\\ t tt,til\ \\l) \| \)t l{t\ l\ llil \t \ltKl t lti (;L l \il()\i,t lstrrtrt I \\l) EDit<rt \R()t \l) li(xrr(, Bt

: : I litrc :

17600 tlruntr.s


400 dromis
100 drunti.s

Co\t.rt\t,tts.\\It(;ilts.\\t)\l[:.\st ltt:S.\Nt)nt:\tSI()li\\lil(lt Illr:) \t{l lN tlil: l{1.(jt\tt:t{s()t c',F.t, r\Kxt, l{\t .\\ rrD Kil t\ \lt()t \l) i.oo+


or i\leusurc .

Cit)0tl: tttCltsttrerl ()r

l'crCl l C(l t()


.-lrlrtl (nLrtrtbct trl .lrSurt.

sc'e _:iriJ'

Itidcs, blrlcs. cr'r:lnties. lrlt't't's ol'llrbl it'. Irr)uscrs. lunrbcr'.\, et(.


Bunluk (it cu1r, rt ntelrsurc) Bnril, sce t'or il (r barrcl)


Nlrus urc

Ctrods Nleusurcd

('ar.t'* (onc fourth. l



dyes, soap.' eott()lt rarn. raw silk


riee . /rrtlr.rt

.lrStrtt > rulf




tcrtilus. lurs
lunrber. h:rir-clttth saeks

Bttltltutt '-



(.r/i (u pair). (-it (a basket, ii ntelsurc)

dried tiurts
u'alnuts. hazclnuts. ulunt. ricc. sttlrl-l


ntcut. liuits dricd r)r licsh

(in'cl (a sack)
Danc (u singlc picce ol)

Kuttldr > okAtt >

Ki!c >,,Akrt

(in rc'tail)
tltrltr.rrt groccnes, pcpper. iron, llux. rVortl. ctrttorr



Dtnk (a bundlc)
Destc (u packct DtiS, sec turu/

rvlrrrle srrlc

or in rutaili

- drrlrtttr .llruhl :, kilt' > Sitri/r

.lli1kell > dahi'nt
D i r ltt'ttr



Di:i (u string ol) (iqt\ (a caskl Gurdr (a large sack) Kah:u (handlc ol)

ropcs. lL'lt knives, hantlkcrchicl'. rtirdlcs. ltuts. ligs wine, honcy. lenrorr .;uice. rincgar cotton swords, knircs, borv tirr, copper. rurils. dvcs, he nnu. srrsi-lr. l)tt.\.tn.nt(t (dricd rt.tclrl ). driccl liuits. lrorrcr . cl,rrrllctl butter. flar. soltJ-1. cotl()lt hanke rchicl. ltieccs o1'll.rbrrics. cr)lrr: ;111{ ,,t",.coats (/(i/(J/il4). prcecs ttl' lclttltcr. etlrtl. carpet, lurblrrt u'i nc, caviur. (/rrlAi. itlunl

gr:.rirr. l)our (Ailr,, rrlso spelled prL'cltrus rle-tals

llnc tpiccs. druus


Dt.t t c

BiSin. buq

lnd rhc like .




Ettlctt ('dtnlek

I ltt'tlt.n - l:ttil )()uurt . | ;iitttltk : 2 ttkku

cl()\er litr::

I higitt

20 buy,.

I hut

: I


Kut (a complete




Thc'rcgularion ( v, p 33t{) required ther Ailc (capacity measure ^ gririrr. llour irnd sllt), urgutl for (linc'ar measure). and tliriat, (6riiic ,nit lbr weights) R'erc' constantl)' to be checkc'd by' thc rnttlrtes,)'h, marker

Ar,t'.t'c, scc lrA'it'r'r,

Ktt'u (n piccc ol)

plck covcrirrg. picecs ol

r clve

an(l r.n()ltirtr

(,vi/) lrrlel c()tlr)ll !otrds 1/'oq'r^r). ei.|l'l'rr'1. lcatlter, quilt. shirt. drcsscs. bor. hrrrrcl kcrKt.t'lcc (k

sae k

chiel. girdle. a bridlc. a saddle rr'heat, nrillct. llour. rree. rrulnuts. the elrick

Kirhu (a leathcr


o" O l . llrtr-l'lrrt- ,r lJrtzr IJti,riik $clrirlcrtlc t:5,rl I'i-\'atlrrrrprrr 'T-cshrit ye 'l-clii:,i Iltrsu:llrtnt 'l'rtrtzirlr l:derl Kanuttlrtr,,. 'litrih I t,siAulttrt, It)s. -5, 7, lrrd 9; a cririeul cclititl' tll thcsc ttttportltttt tltleurllcilts ()n tltc blrsi: ()l'rnlul-! c\tiiltt c()pics is ncctletl.

rlrrv silk

t ' Ft)r {'le\c ruJistcr\



n\'<Thc qucstion of'thc ('1,:irrl trl'tlre lillek

l(r, Athcns. 1979. 9l-91

Sclr Lrntlcr (hc

.-lrAr'itttt I'tttrlttu



t\ I li()l)t ('l l()\ I


I'o ()l lo\1..\\

\il ilt()t()(;\
ut tcr.llrs

trl' r'll, r lr

:lI t'rr

liquids (wine. oily. pcppcr. urensils ol'ccrppcr, llorrr

ancl i rrrril)

I +'

u irre

I litlra : 100 lirltr'ttr I r'uA'i.t'.t't' : -l(X) dirlrott l;lihton (gold irirc) ol' lstlnbul
95 uksu.

it is lli

-, 7l()() tlirltr'ttt. in Lcrrns ttl litlrt it rr 7l li,lr,.'.





.lIi:tirti' (ttt,'::11tttl'.'. bctrrccn Attruril I

kdl ttntl | 5 dirltcttt. I t is ri orrh


.llul ,\'ilgi
Puri'. lttirt't
tA (tr pice e r)r u Jr.nlill piccs

j urlin. ricc, flour I tin. :ilk. ii llrrur

tcrrt. piecc' rtl' uOttle n elctth ((lAa) ()r cottol) cloth 1Airbr7.r). lcurhcr. srccl. lc'lt, rock-salt rrotrlen eloth (1'lArr). cr-\sti.rl cu[)s

Pu,s I tt t'

si rtgie skirt oll .\unduk (u btrr ol) .\upo. .strJtr Scpt,tl (\q)(t) (a baskct

Pu.:t (tt


Sclh (trlrjl)J (t gunlcnt ()l') $ilu|/ (a llrge bori'l ol) Tulttrit (u sirtgl.' piccc ol) l1N t.r ltrld trr rr pic'cc' ol)

ur: p. 5 t-tglr r sult. clarilicd butrcr rai:ins, ligs elrltltn:. rntrhlrir or lur etrtrt e hccse. ptstil (l'ruit paslc) lur


kldbton ol'Bursa is l0llrtAcil and lA dirlntn and it is u'orth 91 uksu. Howcver. tlte l;utttil h:.tcl a'dil]'erc'nt weight in Bursl us is rllustnrtctl in tlre [fursa court rccorcls. In Ruhi'I, 891,r\{arch l-lfi(r l s}iiprnent rrl' 8 kutttir of steel ancl l3 l,,utucir of tin \\'ils senI to Bursu 5'). These rreiqlrts were given ((in ternls ol'the kantdr of IstanbLrl>>. <<When tl-iey w'crc weighc'd in Bursa \\,ith the kuuu,' ol' Bursa)). thc ckrcunrcnt rclrtls. ((the steel was lbuncl to be 4 r,'e (okktt)and thc tin l2 rttl;i.t't't' short>. Thus, the l;urtttil'ol'Bursa must be about 43.5 okku u,hile thut ol'Istirnk ul was 44 rtl;liu at that time.

silk cltlth. turbtn. ntohuir lirr onclabric lbr onc bcd (rl)icA.iili). tish


Ottoman conservartism regarding nieasurL-s is in cornplctc conlbrntit)' with the gradual Ottonran process of integration ol' lln ltrL-it into the
inrpcrial administration. It was a policy of thc Ottonrans to kecp the prcconquest laws and custolns to which the incligcltoLls populatioll \\'Lts lortg accustomed'ir. Their abolition, it was thorrght, \\'oLllcl t:lltitil dillicutties :lnd cliscontt'nt. As will be seen. clirngc' ollen was sintpl) the replacernent ol' the pre-conquest terminology with tlte Ottornun one. This pt'occss usr.lully took quite a long periocl ol'tirtrc, and in sonlc cases it was never conrpleted. As to the spcciitl groLlps which \\'cre nlaintained in their original status with pre-conquest reeulations local Christian nriners or military groups such as the Eflaks, lbr e.ramplc -: the process of charrge was much slower. Thus, we flnd the Serbian or Bosnian systems ol-meusurement. withr or without original tcrrninology. included in the Ottonurn rcgulations of the lil'tc-cnth ccnl.Llr')' conccnting
such cornmunities.

/irrrrl (rt :rdc t)l)


(tt * lttrlc plecc ()r u buncllc ol')

blrlc ol'c()tl()n e loth. rrrohair or hcrrrp


balc'ol'hcnnu. hlshish. lcirthcr. silk ckrrn

lfulutit (u skrrt corttlrincrl

(tilu, tdltu), l'urs, clrr'sse s cltccsc, bLrttcr, honey, pckrttc:

clteesc. honsy. r,inc.gur. nails, knivcs. uruki peppcr. {rairr. llour. sugitr. hcrrna lirr reraill,


-sce rrr).q,i


lA'r t')

r' -

l(10 dirht'tttl

all kinds ol-spiccs, corton yarn

Zi lrl<' lpuirs ol)

lll kinds ol'clolhs


Finally. the litllou'it'tg ttote fionr an ci.rrly sixtccnth centLlry collccriol rcgulittiotts4" can bc considcrcd as an oflicial list ol' Ottomitn weights in this pe-ricld and corroboraLes continuecl use olkuntir anLl l)utttt(/l sVStcnts. It reircls

tion in prices ancl consccluently in nreasurcs. Sirrcc in thc Ottottturt


However, tlrxutir-rn in the timar system require(l u kincl ol'stiutclitrclizir-

of Ottotnatt

registcrs all iirrrur rcvenucs were to be conrputc(l in tentls r)l-thc Otttttttlttt lbr cach tinrar ulrit thc price ol-caclt agricultunrl product. gri.tir) in particular, was to bc- ljxed by the sovernmcnt. Iri doing this thc csntntl government had to Llse a standard measure wliich was the L;turrltttl 5" Ilursu $er'i11e Sieilierr. Ilurx Archlctrlrrgical Nlusculn. l1t) ..\ 5 5..lfirr Steci tirt *crc ttl hc :hippctl ',,r l.lrre ntlc to lirurrcl clull'lr)ns.
l0.r- l 19

l-he lirllou'irrc is recortlcrl lls prircticctl unrons pc()plc I /.tttttir =., l7(r00 tlirln,ttt : -1.1 Arr.r't, I ltxltu - 176 iirln,trt
kislt lirlk ctrnrol()!r)' tll'thc ltlrliu' nrei1surc nt(,::(ptLt. +'' hirt[ttr,thrr... l'KS[,. lte rlrn t1(). lg.l(). J.lll



| thittk tltlrt tltir i: .

" Scc nty' ., Sule rrrr.rrt tlrc l-lrrgivcr ltrtrl L)tttlntlrrt [,lrri ,,. lt,lttytutt Ott()nlturi( unt. l. lt)('9. ll6-.1(r. itltttt. ,,()tt,rrrrr.rrr Nlcthods ol' (-()nuuc\t,'. .\'ttttlr,t ltlttrtrit,t. ll. 19i1.


il,\l lt tN,\l ( lK


I'tt()t)tr('t'toN I o 0l"IOl\t


i\ll: I li,ol o(i\


kila.yi t-tr ttl,l;u. Orrce thc pricc w'as firccl. price fluctuuticlrts ut the nrarket wL're no lr)ngcr takett ittto accoLlnI s:. Itr gettcrttl tlrxrttion lrncl lrclnrinistrutivc crigcncies lccl thc Oltomun govr'nuncnt to introcJuce relornts fbr stlrnclarclizutiort itt ccrtltin arcits. Urtrlcr Ottclrtrart aclrninistrirtion, the suttcul, is tukcn as u basic itdntinistrative unit lrncl lax rates were deterrrrirrecl lbr cach .s'rur<zrli in a speciul regulatic-rn (kdrmttrtutrtt') con-

cerrrirrg thut .tttncttA. Thus. irr u quitc lurgc urcu ri'ithin the

previous nlcasurcs shall bc totally discarclccl ancl ncu'oltc'S t)l'-l() r'rr(r'r'r't, nrade, attcl lionr Ilow on thc nreitsurgnrent lrnrl tri.lllsi.rcli()ns sh;.rll bc carried on bv thc nc'w A.a.l'/ and the local cadis shall cnter in their olllcirrl court books a cop) ol- my imperial order so that thc ne*'lr uppoinrecl cuclis too shall act accordingly. This order is given to Sinan, onc- ol'the (l('ft(r ('Lrvrl;es ol.tsudin [to be taken to Budin] onJ Cunuldul ol' 987 I July 1579.

tlrc stlrncllrtliz.lrtiorr r.lithirr thc.\rlrcrtA'w;.ts carriccl out bt'ertencling a typiell locll nlclrsurc to thc u'ltolc .stuttul, rtttrl its ccltrivirlcnt clelrrly dellnecl in tcnr'rs ttl- tltc ollicial Ottotnatt stitnclurds. Such relbrms attenrptc'ri in [lurtuitr;' lurcl Bosnia cluring the sixtccnth centLrr] are lrr IlLurglrr)'. t kilt' tl;u.rl). tltc nrcusure ol- cup:.rcity lbr grain, variccl widelv fl'om one i.rrr'a Lo r.ttrotlter lts cvideflcc'd in lrn impe'rilrl decree clutcd Jrrl\, 1. 1,5795i. Thc slunL. clccrec'stutecl thltt thc population olthc c()t.tnll'\' trskctl lilr ;.r trnilirrrtr n.lclsrlre.'fhcrcuprln, the Sultlrrr trrclercrl tlurt ll'ortt thut tintc ol.l. r.r /tilc ri,lts to bc 30 ol,l,u throughout the prrtlvincc. r.rrrcl thc locul c:.rtlis rverc orclcrctl to cnlbrcc it. Thc follo*'ing is :.r tnutsllrtiort ol'this orclcr ''* lsee Appenclir II).
Or.lcr lo lhc lleilerbetiol'lluclirr:.trttl lrl Behrhnr, tl:lc tful'tr'r-t'tttirtiss ol'the siune pf()\irtcc ti'itlt Ithc' spccill ltssigtuncrtt] ol'rnlrkirrg thc population and tir\ survcv ol'tlrc slrir.l prtlvirtcc: sirtcc Yrlu subrnittcd ttl rrrl l)tlrtc Lttpether docuttrcnLccl.

bourrcl:.rrics ol'tt.suttt'uk. unilbrrnity in the u'eig.hts and rneasures w' to be realizccl trnclcr tl'te .vutcttk kilttttttrttlrtta,s'i. In most casL's, however,

G. Kaldy-Nagy58 could identily the following

parts of it

However, unifitrrnitv was not established throughout Hunu:.r11, us ku.t'ls in rhe iarrious

I kilr d' Pcgrry : -12 okku : .11.02.1 kg I kile of Egri (1693) - 41.02a kg I kilc ot barle;' irt Buda (1665) : 18 okku :
Ottoman standardization attempts

kile >f Mohaq

: I Hungarrun.fertil :

21 ttkl,u

30.7(r ku

1J.76 kg.

uith a list ol'prtlblenrs to bc alts*'ered thut tlie Aa.r'/ [to rnL'usLrrc tithes in gruin] is E-{ r'rrA/r'l'('it' in some ol-thc kultlrAs5' uncl ()6. 71, 100, 90. rrr'.15 ilt sortic trlhc-rs irt thc prorincc. urtcl thlrt tltc po1'lullrtion in lrll tll' thenr uanls irnilirrttiitf irr thcir kurl. I or,-lcr thlt the Arr.r'i bc J0 r'rrArr lc lirr .rll o!' tltcrn Nt)r\ this is nr\' ()r-(lcr tltut t ou sltoultl [crlrnl-rutc the titlrcs] ;.rrtrl cntcr tltcrtt itt tltc ltc* sur\e\ book rtccorclinglr.lncl thlt this t'rrrlcr uiil bc rleclurcti irt it ntost elllcicnt rr;.r\ irt eaeh kr:l,ltltk s() thut -il ..\ettrr'.lir)-{ ttr llte ittstrLt.'li,)ns l() llt.'sttrtc\()r'\. tlte etrrrertt prie'.'lirr ctrclr prrrtlttct is lirctl lr: ltrllrrrts: lltc \ellr' \\ils tlirirlctl ittttl (ltrcc lrcrrtrrls. tlte tirrte ol' ltlrrrc:I r)l' 'l delircrl . the rrriddle lrnd the llttter pltlt. hc'sLtrrerr)r hilrl to Irrirrt rritlr liirn tlrc rloe unrcrrt certil_rir)rr \\l)lrtcvcr pnee rrlrs l'irccl br the ltlcul clrdi lirr cuclt pcriotl. und thc uelltri.rl govcn)nrcl)t tlrcd tlrc stlrnrllrrtl pricc.-lhu: thc priucs uc llrrd irr thc registcrs lrre bused
ort tlrc eurrclrl prires ()l cuclt Arlrlrl ltrcrt. llorvcvcr. irt lhc tultrit'registcr\.,.lrlrurr up its a rulL' onc lrlr circh .\'dtt(dk. tht' pricc tlred lirr cuclt kind tlf'gruin rvas oltcn upplicd lrl the rvhtrle .\dnr(t/.. lrt trthcr uords. it ults llte ccrttntl *tr\cnllltclll or. acl.ulrll_i. .\'i,rrlrrr'r ultrr lirr'd ltr.-rrtge pliee s lrrr elte l) .\rilrri/4 5r B.'\. ll[ihintttrt'. no. -l(). {7. s+ l.ot'thc lircsirrrilc sct lrppcrltlir ll. t* 'llre I)t'llt'r'-t'trtitri rrl'llLrdill is the reetctltrr itt ehltrgc t'l lhe lrlllrrr: e()l)cerl)llls tllt titrtir: rtt thc [rr()\titcc ttl lJuclirr. 55 I rrArltt, hcre is the Ottotnl'i ,t,l ;\ t(' irtAktt ' ol'-1(){) tlrrlttttt tlr l.lfilt kr: i" Il,ttlrlrA is tltc urel ultrler tltc Jltnidt!ti()lt ol it Arlli (cutli).

prices and their- rr'pr'rcussions on the timar incornes. For cxariiple. tlre t-rxed price ot'l5 uk('u per kila was confusing it'the kilr, u,as i3 okku itt one areil and 61 okku in artother. Thc' ciiscrcpuncy ntight huvc'lc'rl to serious disputcs between the timar-holclers uncl thc pcasaltts. In the early reguli.ttions there was no specification ol- the c..ruct" iultount of the measure usecl; how'c'ver, in the regulation of 1530 and subsectLrcpt regulations, each local measure was carefirlly dcljnecl in tcrms c'i' thc Ottoman standard u'eight, the okku. (see Table IX). Thc' Kinrlrtttitrrr,r>l' 1565 opens with the tbllowing provision -se When it *us repc)rtcd to thc'Porte that in thc old rcgistcr thc Ailt,rius 61 vuki.t'.r'r @kkui in the city ol'Saray (Sarqc'r'o) *'hilc in the Aulis o| Vr;egrad, Brod and Kobay the weight ot'the krcal Ailr,und thc llred price per kilc' u'as dillerent, the Sultan ordered that kilrs ancl prices slrtrulcl b', iclentical in all tltese kaqlis, and price s would bc incrcuscd 2 rA 1 rr {pcr Ailr'] lirr rrltcrrt rrnd lcntil lnd I rrA('tr lirr rriltl rrhctr( iul(l ();rts,',,. ln ctlnpliancc'uitlt thc order, kilr'w'as llxcd ut sirt5 r'rrAr't'r'r,unrl recorrlcd as such in thc nc\\'sur!'r'y book, and wheat lncl lentil *'crc pricccl lrt ll uk;u per ftilr'and *'ild wheat at 13 ukgu per Ailt,. ()ats i.rt 7 uksu pcr Ailt,.

Bosnia lrnd Hercegovinu lre particularly interesting for demonstrating not only thc Ottorni.ul motivltion lor reform but also the lact that grain measLlres rvere dircctly relatcd to the prc-Ottonlan units of grain tux. Appurclttl-\, the Ottolltln administratiott began to show. itn increusing coltcenl lbr the g111 measure in thc region in connection with thJ gorenu'ncnt llxccJ ir1i,r

tn ll anr indebtctl to Artrlras Riedlnra;,er lor kindlt trrrnslatins lirr utc (jlulir KrrltlrNagy, <, Mitgyltrorszirgi tordk adocisszeirasok > (l-urkish -l ax-Rcgistcrs ilr ll ulgrrr,i ). new seric's nrr. 5l of CrI.'4.',-r; tck u tc)rlint'lrtri Iudttnuirr.t'ttk kirtthil. ccl. bt J. \'lrrgu. lrrsriturc lilr Historicul Rcserrch ol'tltc Hunglriun Acadcntr ol'Scrcnecs (Budupc:r Aklrtlclrrlr Kiado), 1971. l7-18;:ce [-. Fekcte, <<Tiirk Vergi Tahrrrlc-ri,,. Rtllt, \1. l9.l?..1i-] 'u Kutrtt, i K'..',ut-nLrttii'. l. cd. B. Durdcr ct a1.. Slrnr.jr.'\t). ()ricntuini InstitLrt rr S.rr.r_;cr u, 19.i7. , r 7l bo ,lluhlut irtrultlut, i: a kirtd of u'hcat with thick skin like l-rirrlcr lsce I)t'rlt,rttt Sd:lii{il. 1X,,{ttkanr :'l-urk Dil Kurumu. 1971, p. -1105) ttr tiiltl out:.




INIROI)t ( lloN To OT1()ll.\N \tE'll{ol-o(i\


wlrile must is pricecl ul 7 ukE'u per tttedra




ti'itlt the olcl

On the 6thcr hund. the kile in use in thc ku(d ol- l'ctti-l'u:ut' uus ottl-\ 11 okku and rihc'at was priced at 15 ukg'u pcr kilt'. riilc'l *ltcat ut l0 a/.1a per kilc, oat itt 5 uksu per kile ancl must tt 7 ul;su pcr ttu'tlrc. Sincc thc
prices fat kilt ol- +:l ol;ku) cannot be llrther incrcitseci ther ucre thcse prices rlithout clt;.tttsc as the tllcl registcr.



It sho,rld be noted that tlre Ottoman aclministration clid not introclucc its standavJ kile of 20 ol;kct in Bosnia. the so-callecl i.stutthtrlA'ilr'.ri. but took the local mcasurc as a basis lor staticlitrclizi.rtion lilr thc rcgiorr bccause a drastic charrge in the actual weight ol' lhc nreasLlrc miglit have caused confusion in tht: collection of tirnar revenues and clispirtcs betwecn the peasants and timar-holders. Ottorlan stanclardizutirln irr Bosnia and Hungary revL'als the real nature of- thc Ottcln'urn retbrnt in weights and'measures ivhich aimed at uniforrnity onli,' in a purliculur




I c
-f t--

(= I

! r a, -C



region, or .yuncuk, under particular conditions. In some areiis evcn the nreasure in use in each l;rultlrk was officially recognized irs tl.]e only r-rnit in which to 1 ay tithes in kindt". ln fJosnil, ohriousll' stlrndardizlttiotr was lrttcnrptccl to lrvoicl overtaxing certirin ureas ultcrt tltc sarne llxed pricc' (rturlt) u'lis r.rppliecl in a region where gnrin tlr\ \\, not cleliverecl in tithes. Il'thc t:.rr w;.rs to be paicl in kilc or.r'irA. the areas r.l'ith largcr nlei.rslrrcs rvoulcl sul'lcr'. ll-it was to be paicl in cush, tltc areas witl'r snraller nrcltsurc's rvoulcl sulll'r. Both rnethods were practiced in the Ottoman cmpirc. although thc Ottoman regime triecl to extend its original systenr of tithes in kintl cveryrvhere. Whut is to bc noted hcre is thut the llxccl price systel'n was closely interrelated rvith the measuring. Fi.xing grain priccs rvas the basis of the Ottoman llnances as it made it possible to compLrte thc revenues and their ciistribution among the timar-holclers each w'ith it llxed tirnar inconre- dcterrnined in ntortetary units. Suppose the grliin prices we-re'lo\\'er in onc area compared to another bcclrrrsc rlf ir good harvest or soil l-ertility, or distance fiom the rnarket tlie tithcs delivered in kind would mean il lower incomc (Sipdhls hacl to scll their tithe's at the rn;.rrkct). but in such a case tltr'v t-tsuallr tricd ttr
nrake the peasants pu)' irt cash in ternrs ol- a trxecl price. Thcn lirr rhis particular region, a lurgcr rneasure was the solution liorri the llnancirrl stanclpoint.

A similar situation *'ith clivergencic's irr mu'asurc und in pricc clur hc lbuncl in Bulgariu as lirtc r,rs 1579 as demottstrutecl in thc lirlloriinu tlble.

J-ltc Rcgulrttiott ol' Silistre drrted 1 569 rclds : " J-ltc pclr\liltt\ rhirll rle lir cr ( trl tlte tinlrr-htrldcrl b-r thcrr orirr lltrerrll kilt,, lScc rltc tert irr () t . 1l;.rrkrrn. Ktttttttrlttr. lN l-10).




l\.\t,( lK

I\ I l{()l)t ('IION


OI'lONt..\N Nll: I R()l ()(i\




l.l:l "l ()t \ \lit()t s A// /\ l\ t SI .\\l) (,1<.\l\ t,l<t('l S l\ ltll \ r\( tA ot Nlr;l ll()l t rNlt ol,Ol lsr l\ llit \ I \lt \r\r- lir!) pnccs
k t.t rl/,

1 ,1




herrt [-rlrrlcr .ttt(tltlil

price litr' rr hcut ol' l0 okAu lirr uA( u)


Nigcbttlu- Rulroru rrrrd Pilcr nc l',raca attcl Srrlrlt 'l'irtt<ti lr. Ziytt,r t rrrtrl I lrrltrlelt
'l-irrr,rrir (cert.ritt Aa/rlrA Hcza rgrlrtl )urrrnrr lrrrrl I.:ki-('Lrrrr'lt

l(x) l0()


Yan btilu


l: t-l ll li 965 ll l{ fi

e 9 9 {r 7 _5 _i


l. ti

when under a govL'rnnrent-enforced rnaximal pricc ceiling there was no other way of- adjustment left fbr the producc-r. Merchants ancl government had recourse to the same rnethod in export trade . Apparentll, alfected by such a policy. Venice made Hmr, ruler ol'Al'drn gLrarantee in the treaty ol l34iJ not to change the weights und rncasllres irr lrt--r trade with the principalityut. Examples ciln be lbuncl durins rhc Ottoman period ol'the gov-ernment agents' decreasing thc measui'es in order to increase tilxes which were cornputed per unit o1- nrc'asurclllent. The traders tried to do the oppositc to pay less on thc' cLlstorns (sec Appendix III). This practice was responsible.lbr the diminishing ovcr time of weights ancJ measures in general. Ho$'ever, in the- cupital citi Istanbul a policy of strict standardization and control was pursuect.
Assaying and the periodical inspection ol'w,eights ancl nreasLtres \\,r.1s considered one ot' the rnost important duties ot' the sovL'rnme-nt since the opinion of the populace was that shortages, high prices and l-aniine were ofl:r,associated rv'ith the lailure of the autliorities to check lrarud and
abuses cornmitted by merchants ahd traders. In the capital city it was consicJered one of thc mosl. important functions of' thcl grand vizir Lr> personally inspect u,eights and measures in Un-Kapanr *'here Istanbr-rl's

In general decreasing the contents indicated b;' a particular nlci,rsure was the usual meitns ol'adjustment to the changing nrarkct condirions




I .67

Fronr thc'abovc tubulation


grain prices $'L'rc niuch low'c'r. and the units ol'gruin measuring nruch larger corxpitred to lzlacli (u mountainous arca), itncl Yanbcllu ( large urban ccnters). The ciiscrc-pancies rvhich hacl bcen maintained for such u long timc cart pcrhaps be cxplainecl by thc ubcivc rnentionscl reasons. such as permitting thc' .rpr7ll.s of cheap grain areas to havc larger ilntounts ol'urititt pcr unit. Thus it is reasonable to sLlggcst that standardizatiott \\'as not alwuys secn as an ideal policy by the Ottontarr administration. The actual price ditl-erential occuring as a result ol' shortage or transporti-rtior.r costs \\'as met not by irrcreasing the price but by, rcdr-rcing thc' unit ol- measure. It was important lor the adnrinistration to dcllnc clearly in thc regulations the actual size ol' the rncasurc lor eitch ltrelt itt order to kccp timar-holcJcrs'cash revenue n'torc or lcss stuble sittce grain tithes \\'erL- surrcnderecl in kind. Thus. a sipuhi in the area ol-'firrtovu and Zigtol'i shoulcl rcceive w'heat tithe liom a fr i/r of-eigh1t okAu irl orcie r to obtain elevcn ukg'u w'hen convertcd into cash, while the same umount ol'cash was obtained in the $unrnu and Eski-Cunr'a areu liom t kila ol'60 okku. This sittuttiott cutt explain rvhy thc Ottclman government was cautious in pushing a strict standardizatior) policy lbr evcr), re-gion. Dc.lining the actual sizc ol'the kilc t-t-tr grtrin in a rc-gion tvls used trt prcvcnt prtssiblc clisptrtes ltttcl. ultir.tlately. tcl quarltlltee the ltrrrar-holclcrs' urtercsts ln cusc tltc pclrsants u'c-rulcl clainr to clelivcr tithes in thc snrallcr unit ol'nrc;.r\urc ol'lr neighbourins lirea.
n: .\'tt,r'1,,,1t,,,:/trir,lr'l li'ri.

is clcar that in Danubian Bulgaria

(market inspector) hinrscll', and he tried to shorv peoplr-- thut hc u'as concerned personally with this matter of'vital importance for the cit_t,. <<One of the important points on which people's welfbre depcndccl was the enforcement of the regulation of fixed prices and thus thc' maintenance of goocl orclcr in the aftlirs of people in trade >>t"'. In Istanbul tw'o rlll'icials, kiltt'i (irssayer) ancl tunt,qut't (stanrper). undc'r lhe ntul.rtt'.r'ib u'cre- constantly in chargc'ol'tc'stins und certilling all kinds ol'measures in use at the market. Using stundard nrcusLlrcs kept in the public treasury the kilet'idid the job ol'assaying ('u.r'dr) an,J then the tungu(r certiliecl the correctness and validity by irrprintinu the olficial starnp (tttiri turngu) on nleasures. Their olllcc w'as at thc
E. Zachariudrru's "r t'a lrrticl,.'. .\upru, note 25. Kurrtdr baluttce: rrt tltc cusl()lns hclusc. consitlerccl tlrc rrrtl:t rclilrble. rrere u.scri tlrc of'liciitls to e ltee k nrcirsrrres lirr hcavv goocls : scc () Nrrri (l:rgin). .llctrll,'. l. ,,Osntiurlr Klnhnnlrnclcri ,,.

provisions arril'ed and the main bazaars were located u*. All the office rs responsible for the city's provisioning and security accompanied hirn in his tour. He punished on the spot those traders rvho haci firilc-d to cornply with the standards and pricesos. Enforcemcnt ol'a llxeci pricc pcr unit as recordcd in tlie nurfi or ihti:;ab regulatior)s \\i:]s thc objcctivc ol'such inspc:ction tours. In otherwords, in the capital city of the enrpire the grand v'zir tc,ok care to perform the duty of cadi ancl trtulltcsrh.


I:rgirr),,11 tL cllt. l7.l-7-l

"t ""

rill tlrdcr


,Villi Tctr'hhilur .llrttrtLitrtr. I l. l.lll l9lj. i()l-.r().i .lu'hin lll5'Jlrnulrl' llitll rtprotltrcctl irt ()snrirn Nrrli

I lh




l{()l)t ( | ION l'O () I lONl.,\\ \lt: I I{()l ()(;\

I t7

(-arcluk t('urrrlk) picr rrhcre ull kirrds ttl-prrort.:iotts itt'rtr.'d b,r ssa lor

had to bring to the ktl* i .rittJ /rllilirt i in ('.trdlrk lirr atljLr:u.).rc-nl and certilication uttder rCgulutirtn tltc /. i/r's tltet tttlttlc ['rcltlrc thc'; solcl tlte ttt. A list rtl' r,urious kinds ol- nreasurcs ( t'r:n() tnaclc by' kulut'us of IstanbLrl lrrc listc'd ri'ith their cxtrct capacity in the trurlt rcgtLllttiort oll(r40"8. Ip tor.vns lrncl snlrll citics thc lirrrctitttts tll'kilt'ci ttr-ttl tunr,qttc't \\,L.rc pcrlitrrttcd tr) thc rttulllt'.rilr u'hcl cl-rlrrged it sn-rall l'ec lbr this sclr'icc (l rrAE'rr lirr l;ilc lt C'allir. in 9-19 l-542. bLrt.l ul;;u fbr starnping urlul). Thc ntrtl.ttt:lb w;,rs to pcrioclicull)'toLlr thc rrtarket placc's in the to\\'r'l und check thc u'cights ancl nreiisures in Ltsc. Il'he lound out any

Istart brrl's provisitltlittg " 1-lte l..trtrrctrs. thc nlrkers o1' sri-ritt nrr-i.rsLlrcs.

measures rn

A dortri,iant

lccor{irru lo ths court t'lccision by intposing lincs or sutr-iecting hinl to u bcuting ilt public clr imprisor.nncnt. Ol'l'enccs comtrtittecl otl tleccssities \\,crL' considcrccl crirtrinltl ltncl scvere lv pttttishecl("'. It is kt)()\\'lt that tlic Ottornln govenunent kept stullrlltrcls t() llssay ucights unri lncilsLlrcs in circullttion. Iror e.rltl'ttple. a rtlpe scitled ltt trvo cpcls lbr nteusurins llelds in ddtiitrr l!'as kcpt in thc treasury

clcliiulr hc il,oulcl tuke tlie oll'cndcr to tlie carli's court and penalize hirn

dc.partntci,t at thc Sultun's palace-t'. Unrlcr Selirn lll a standal'd urSutt (tti';rtt) nrrrrlc ol'ehon_r lnd dil'idccl into ytmruA uncl /-1tttt was pttt in thc rr ncrr lv cstublishcd scltor-ll ol' c'tlgittccrirlg irt lstltttbttl i\ rcrolutiorrirrl plun liir thc sturtclltrdizutit.xt ol' lrll wcights attcl lpc;.lsul'cs lirr thc *'hole cntpirc \\'lts propctseci litlltlw'ing lttt cct>ttc'rtttic crisis urouncl l6-10. Wlien. in l6;10. a rclontr u'us etntrirrkcd rtpotl to halt the inllation in silvcr dL1'tt and to set correct prices lt thc ttttrkct. tlrc- govcntntcnt w'rrs lclv'isecl <<to stltnclltrcliz,e kilc. urglttt. t'tlA'l-t't't' ancl tlirhutr in all the provinces ol'tlic enrpirc accorcling to the startciards ol'Istirnbul>>':. It w'trs obscrvccl that the travcllirtg ntcrchltnts dcspaired beclus,-. c.Lrch provincc had its on,n systcnt o1' weights attcl mei.lsures so tircv n,cre'chcatccl. <,Just its tlre Sultan's [sy'rlbols ol-authority,] fiuthu lncl .lrAA.r, (Friclal' sermon and coinage) ure the sanre- everywhcre in his L'nlpire>>. tlic lrdviscr acldccl. <<so kili'. urgutt, t'uki.t')'a and all the ptficr lncilsufcs shoulcl bc thc surlrc r.ts in Istlurbul>r. Thc proptlsal,

nature ol'the gclocls transported, or the mu'ans of- tnrnsportatiori but also the goverltntent tuxation per unit that cleterrnined thc starrcllr<iizecl types ol'contairters (st-'c Tuble VIII). While hdt'. u tr:.rnsit cJuc. or n'ri:rkct due was taken per unit bundle, bale. packloaci customs - and therefore goods wcreetc dues were taken acl vitlorem u,eighecl 1t t5c public scales. In orcJer to prevent disputes the rcgulations of tolls 1pd

Tabriz, tit.: n-tost ccnter <>l'Asiurr-liLrroJruarr trade during thc pcrit.rcl 1260-1360 acLually' irrrposccl rls rrrcir\urcrrlcrll systen-ls on Alti.rtolia. particularly casterrt Att:.ttolia. I'esolottr rcntlr ks that Trcbizond (-frabzon) r,l,hich was onc ol'the grei.rt cr)tpr)t.iunrs ol' the Tabriz trade had the same weights and measures as Tabri2. Ottornan Istanbul play'cd a sirnilur role for the rcgions which rnuintainc.d 1p intcttsive tralllc w'ith it. lstanbul's standarcls canlc into use in a pror ince mostly for the goods subjc.c't to such a tratl'rc - ' in Cairo, lbr c.rup-rplc, :ird'Lo ntcasurc woollcn cloth was the siune thlrt ol'lstunbui in lcrrgth (Hinz, 56). Kila ol'Istanbul to measure gnrin becanrc u stitnclarcl in several areas nrainly because of'their regular grain e.xports to Istanbul. Also it was truc that malrket dues imposed on weight or pL-r pic'cc wcre rcsponsible lbr scltnc sort ol-standardization. It was not oplt, thc

conlnrcrcial center irnposes o\cr ttntc its vr,,eights arrcl a sponttuteous way in a quitc large areil. For cxurnplc.

tnarket dues (ArTrtltrt-r hit' r,c tamga) ofien dc'flnecl thc rveieht upcl lllsilsure ol- thc blrle ttsecl. For ccrtain -uoorls it \\' nranclatory rtr be weighed at the public scales called Lilntit' t>t' tttl:dtt. Thcrc \\'crc two -cf l;urttir, big and srnall (bti.r'tik l;utttir uncl A-rig'rlk l;uttttir\. wherears, tbr prccior-rs goods such as silk, a brlance w,ith gr.catcr precisiorr called rrti:titt wus used. It is nlso tr-r bc rertrentbercc'l thlt Ottomans tried to simplily commercial ta.ratiorr in the coltqucrecj lands, lbr examplc. in Eastcrn Asia Minor during the periocl l-516- 15-10. They distinguished between horse and camel packs as llr irs trirpsrt clues were conccrned and reduced the ratc ol'customs dues liont llv'c per cent to two per cetlt.
l_.r\\:; '-.r. st.\\t) \RDlz_A'l'lo\ lVI llt. \l\l. ll,t..\ ill ( t..\ lt R\

liorvcvcr. ltad rttt ellccts.

('' 'l lie !t)\ err)lllcltt \r it\ !()lrccn)cd i.lh()ut e ttlirrcittg stillt(iilr(l\, cspecrltll-i u hctt ltlrtlcr: rrrtr.le lrirtrrls rn the $cigltts lrttrl tttc-lrsttt'cs itt trrtlcr [() rc(luee the rlttc:0l'lltc lir\cs t() hc prrid:lirr ltrt crltnlple sce O. Nuri (Ergilrl. lltil "s l:r',il l)t'll,'t't. lliesirlrilc tcrt. l'l-1. ,"' See () )'1 rtri. t)lt ttt.. J. ('.-j 7--{.i. rrl:tr tlte reuttllrliottr <tl' tltti.tri/, rll'lstlrrtl'rtrl. lltrrslr rintl lrtltrttr'Itrl'rltsltt'tl l.r i) | ll.rrkrrlr. / I tto:. \. \'ll. l\ " Se.' nl\ .,ltrr'c ( ultr\ilti{)ll lln(l tlrt' q,'/liiAr i-li, rtrrJ Srrtcrrr ln tlle ()ttr)llllrn Errtpirc,,. /rtttii,t. \l\. ll.l -r .l;1'lt qtlnttri..'.1 irt.rrtbrtl Sul;rt itllrrt:i. Irtlttttrrtl l()5J -' S,t,ilttt ll, t,iltJtt l-rtttitlrtrtitt tr tn('uili t'l-.llti'ttritritr. cr.l. \'lr;rtt' \'ticcl. .\ttkttrlt : [)tl rc I rrr.rlt ('()rrrtl\lr liltktiltest. l9S(). ll

Serious attetttpts at stitndardization and unilrcation ol'rvcights antl

mei-tsures throughout thc- empire were nradc

relbrms werc introduced in the Tun:imat period (lti39-lfi7(r) -r.


onll' when


t lr()r tlte lcgisl:rtr()rt ilttr'()(lucing thc rttetric s)\tellt rt.e 1)rrrlrll.. rol \'. TJJ. .iirrr tts 1,tttl (sttlrlrlctttcrrtl. rol ll. 10.1. (;. \ trur)r.t. ('1ty1t: ,l, l)ttttt ()ttrtttttrtr. rirl l\. Orlirrcl 1905. -l(16-67 \'orrrrrr ulso publishcd 1367-76t tlblc: ol'the trltl rieir:hls ;rrrtl ltlci.t)tlrc\ rrttlt tltctr rttetrie eqtrivlrlcnts nlrich arc'blscrl ()r) tlrc irrlirrlt.trl()1 (lrlr\\tr ()1
Frurtgttti.Lr'. \',:rne r and [)lrrnbrnlrrrn. /,,,r ltttit.ttttttt'.t ,,t!'rr't ,/tuts lt' I.t'\Ltnl, antl tlte dlttlr :trpplictl br tlrc ()t!,ttttrttt [)trltlt, [)r,ltl .-ltltttitti:!rrttirrri. ..\lsrr \('f ()\n)ilt) Nuri ([:ruirr). .lltr'r'llt.ll. lst.rnlrLrl.

tttt IJullctiu tlt' ltt ('lrr.urtltrt' lc ('tttntrtt'r'ct'






IN I'R()t)t

C'ilON fO


OI\lAN tvtI: I t{()l.o(;\


Witlr l spcciul llu' tltc Ottorttirn g()\'et'l'rnrent nl.rdc thc rrsc ol' thc mctric s)'stenr nrartdalorv in all olllcial transactions fl'orn March l, 1871. arttl lirr all subjects throughout the empire liorn Mtrrch l,1814. It rnirclc r'.\ceptions lclr the curtonical dirhurr used in the transactions administcrccl unclcr Islurtric Law us rvell us in coinagc anci jewellery. SuhseclLrcntly. scvcntl lltttclbooks \\'ere llublishcrl lilr thc application ol'tlre neu svstcnr. Galitr lley's I'ctri ,rlik.r'd.t'lunr di'ir Ri.;ilt'(Trcatisc on the Nov Wcights ancl Measures), lstartbr.rl' 1287iltJTl, wzts rcprrblislrecl in ll99 artd I33I. Uncler a kururndrrc (decrc'e) issued orr 29 $'cvtdl 129u,24 Scptenibcr ltiu l, lists of'conversions o1'the olcl weights nncl nre:.rsurcs irtto thcir rnctr-ic ec;ttivalents w,cre publishecl?a. Thesc luu's r.rttcl rcgulittiorts rentairtccl r"rninrplcmented. arrd in Scpternber ltiti I . l nc\\'clccree hucl to bc issucd to nlrke thc use rll'thc nre tric systL'r'rl rtr.rnclutor'_i' in the cntpire . Aglin a clccree issued in 1886 w,hich nracJe the usc ol- the nrctric systcnl clbligatory in Istanbul afier llve ),ears. h:.rcl rro n)orc succr'ss cluc- to tlte resistlutce ol'the people whrch apparr'ntl\'\\'irs suppol'tcd in religiclus circlcs. In lirct thc rcligious coclc rrf-lu*,(,1'lrccllc), coclillc-cl since I869. tirllori'ecl Islirmic nrctrologf irr gettc' (kuyl I'or tttukiltlt. t't':rt I'or trrtn':hrtt7t,'utlt't/ I'or'utluli)'.t'it, ttntl ;irrt' l'ot' ttttt:t't1" it)-; Irt corurcctiort w'ith thc qttcstir)rr ol- w'ltetlter itn-\' chlrngu' c-rccrrred irr the w'cight tll'thc ,sur:i dirltt'rr, Cevclet Pa;;r"r. chlrirnran ol.the colnmission lirr prcprrnrtion of'the trlctcllc, sent a lc-ttcr Lo tlit-' Egyptian govct'nnrcrlt ln l\llrf ltj7l, irrquiring ltbout tltc ltncicnt rnoclcl ntuld rrltcle ol' eo1'r1'rcr itt l:s1pt '". I tc rcrttinrlcrl thcnr thut in 57 | I 175. Al-Rilr.r'rr rirotc tlutl he sltu it tttttticl irr the Dir ul-Lli.s'bu in C:.rircl rcpr)rtc'rll) lrrrscrl tln .\rJ' (FIinz. 5l) trsctl in tlic l)rophct's tilrre. rrcishing 337 lirltttrr rll-1'rurc \\'i.tlL'r'. fit'ortt Cltiro Mltluttr-lucl BcY rcpol'tccl (through Tal'rrt Prrlr.r) tlurt his clilculution show'c'cl that the u'eight ol- lirltt'trt. based on thr'ntellsLlrc rr'portcd by al-Rifir'a, had not changecl und it Irlu,a)'s n'us J.089lr g-t. At an1'nrtc. the Otti-rnlrn lln,sunlnltrizc'd irt

de Contmercc Frc:tr,'ai,st'(nos. 77-80, 1893), and some other soLlrces. are useful in that they provide further details on old Ottomun wcisSts and measures ol'various parts of the empire (Table XII). As was true for lhc cltrlier attempts to rcforrn thc u,cighls upcl measures in the Ottoman empire, the new law irrtroducing tlic nr..trie system remained a deaci letter except in official ciealings atxl in thc big port cities of Istanbul, Salonica, Izmir and Beirut. Under a law J' the.Republic of rurke; dated March 26, 1931, thc mcrric systc-nr was to be applied throughout Turkey beginning ih 19347t'. Brit again it took some years belbre the people used the new measLrres. Evcritocl:.rv one can flnd many old weights and measures still used in rentote ani
isolated parts of Turkey.

this article (Table XI) which introduced the metric sy' cr.yl bc taken as a point of'departure lbr Ottornan olllcial nretrologv in gepcrll. In addition, tables published by G. young basecr on-ihir-ofil.irt regulation, as well as the information in the Bullt,tin de lu Chunthrt,

Wt,tr,tils..\Nl) \ll,\\t

til.\ IN illlr OltONt,.rx lil:(it | .\il()\ ()l Itvs



of l-ength: ar$un
urSutt <-tt'rltirs()ll ()r ilrLi)ituct




: l) llql

llqt : 12 ttttk!,t
rrr';lrt rrl'1rrr,r'rr (blr^tlrr) or rndd:c : tl ruh' .rrr'rrl rrr lur.;uh-i kudirtt : 7-500 urSun ol- rntsoll

of !,\eight: oNf,a okku ctr trr rt, - 100 dirht'nr dirlttrtt : l6 krrLit

lrukktndu kttrttrttirtrL'tlir'. sectrrtd eclition. lstanbul : 'l'ophune-i 'Arnirc l'rrntirtg f.ltrusc, Ctttrti,ltt I 9. ll99 -5 .1/.'.,'//,. .rlticlcs lll-ll7 (.lcllnrtion:). urticlc: ll7-199. clcirls rrith lhc rrlitlit-r .rl' thc':ltle c()ntr.rcts iihcrt tlrc lcgltl rteights ltrrtl nrclrsrlrcs \\crc nr)t uscd: lirr ucights itntl ntcirsures tne rttiottcrl nt .llt'ct'llt'. rtlso scc lltc chlrl'ricr ott thc dir ision tll' inhcritlrncc articlcr lll{-Ilt)1. lltr\lc\cr irt tltc crplrrn.rtiort:!. \\eights lntl nrcirsurcs irr current usc such tts r.tttrl oAAir ltre ltlst-r llterlli()ltfrl. ltt tltc sirtccrttlt ccntur\ ltr)()thcr grcitt ''-.Stt.uri :lltcl))pte(J l() rr'\i\c iu)(l cr)li)tec olrl lslrrrnic stlrlrrirrrrls lrs Ottrrtttlttt legi:t ..\brr pltrl trl hir -uirrelrl irtLcntJ)t to ltillr .rppl-r tltc ;rl'i prirreiple: irt thc Ott()nlilr) lrdrrrini:truti()tt (sca ttlr. ,,Strlcirtt.ttl tltc L.twgitcl' ltlttl Ott()lllilll l-il\\,,. .1 ttlrirtttrt OIIontuut(ut,t. l. p Illt Ilt'.rl:,r trrcri (rr e rpllrin. ott tltc atrtltori tr ttl'rra'i srrtrrecs. the dilli'rcrrec frctrrecl thc;rrl' !'urrcl)tl\ u:crl in nrclrsurittg tertiles ltiti tlt.rt used irt :urlucc nrcasurinu. ' \lrtltt.ttorrrl llcr. ,,[-c Sr:tcl.ttc Ilte tritl uc ire ltlcl rl'l:grpte ,,. Juttntttl .1 tiLttitlttt'. ri'rie 7.

-t f i )9 .)L'r'r17/ \('/i(' /-)9,\ r't' li I I irid.'-i'\(,///|l(,.iPi,lt;tl/ti


liil .tort l)97 Ittrlltrlt



htt) rulLrtt

kuttdr : 11 okAu

1 Aunrir


: 6 okku

Nleasure nf Capacitl :


kile I kilt, ol'Istanbul = -l ,rirriA

l\leasure of Surr.rce; diiniinr I di)niint : lOOt) squitrc ursurt




lX-?.l. l(r-X{.1

?8 No.

lTltl and l0li.l

lbovc note 7.1

in thc

-- C,rtllnltrc Ill(i

oljicial cocle ol- llws ol''furker

l-1. rrhtr lrlllrntccl thlt thc \tundlrr(l canonieul dirlttttt

rvus -l.ll-5



,j -t( )

ll,\l ll. lN.\l ('lK

l,r;uirulcnts ol'tlte old measures in the mctric syslom
,1ft,rr (snrall)


ltol)L'('l ION


()l l()N{.\N

Nll: I

ltol ()(i\


6 okku 12.5 okku l). okka 19 okku


7.69.1 kg

I ttrStut ol'nrirson : 0.7-5ti rl I urytrtt ol'grl ,ru : ().6fi0 nr I cttrld:L : 0.6-50 rn | /ttr.ttt/t : -5bfi-5 nt I rtAl'u - I .ifil9-l-r kg I tlirlttttr - I lt)716-l g I Ailr'ol'lstirnbul - -17 eubic dccirucrcrs I Attttrir -., -50 -l-i9(r kg I 1','Ar , ll5 79li kg I l,(ttttt(ilt - 7 tr,)767 kg I squtrrc rl',rlrr tll-ntilsor.l : ().-i7-1-56-t sq. ntr-ter I sclultrc rrr,rrrir rrl'( {//',\'1l : 0.-161-l sq. lltctcr I :rlLrrrre t'uiltrrt' 0 -llli srl. n.tctcr | ,/iitttlittt ') I ()..j srl. rrictcr

,l/crr (speciiil)
rl'lt,ir (lre avy) ,ll ur
.tt ,rl

16.0.j(r kg
I .5.







ri'. or l-1


l)re cl

() u s




ilkil ilkil


llg llg
2 kitrttir
.100 rir.

uk rr


OlArr (old)

6 okiyt

0 ()(XXrl5 s L2fi1 kg l.2l'(l()-15 r:

7li r,/r/.r,, I()() i,11, rrlte r tlte u)tt\'rlu\'Lron rll'tlrc rrrclric


rl ( rtc*

()AArr (rtcw 0AArr thcav'y ) OAArr (lirruclulcnt\

2.5 okku
J80 rir'.

I rtrt t'
l\ ()\l ()lil)

r(i-- i()-

0AA,r (Egypt)

\\'r t,,ut\ tst \irl l\llltl trt (j. \'()t \(i (irlti'r l)l t)titttl Ottrtrt tt

OliIu 1 l't'rtt,rltk

;rll kinrl. ol'



tli:C c\udnt .tlk lt tt.l

100 r/r.

0kit't' (()un(t'l




l l'lir lghrch

IJu !





0 ki.rt
| 't'i l lt'

S-r'rirr Nl

75 dr. 66.5 lr.


l0 dr.






..\tlu tta frl ossul

,kku { ,kAu
(r 1

7 (r91 kg


,AA,t fi() ,AArr


-l fi-lfi k'r tt.l-16 kg

51 rirr

o(lrt or
rut I

ll3 g .ll g .ll.t)li kg

100.066 kg

intli-utr lrrcl spices




-ll0 r/r. l.-it)9 ku

-l{, 57 kg
{) {)5 g


| 't': ttr'


78 okku

8().{([l.l (scc
(.,t1, D<tttg



l2.ll:t-t kg

I ti




32.5 ttkku
-1,-l rrAArr


6t)5 kg llcltr


oA Arr

Quur Irt

Slr lott ir'lr

r)6_t g
.i I ..1(18-

I)irltr'ttt I iril

(r-l r/crr.q


-l l()7.161-5 s
1.5 g

Quintrrl tkutttirl
liq uicls


-10-{-l rrAArr 80 rr(lrr

IttO olArr



ls tlr n bLrl

ttk ktt

j6 -{()() ku 6 kg
1-10.t)ll kg
l(.x).066 ku

speeilrl uot,.l:

ll ilun Kttrldr

Quintal Quintrrl


78 okku
.19 oA Sy

56.-l-le kg




l ..160 kg


kg kg

gtlrrris l'roni

liortt Iiurrrpe (i lJritain

Kant ur

130 t)J2 kg l-ll.-1(J()


Ilutl trrttttl)
rvotld attd churcual





\l ashrc

Kuru KttrulLtl


)()tl ukku )10 okku



l\l r\()p()tl


2-2.5 okku I okku

l.-i6-l-3.2U5 kg



[:ey ptian

-j07.tte6 kg 32Ct.72-5 kg
256-5.9()t) kg



l13 dr.
1000 oAA'rr 1560 okku

160 ir

lirr caral'an plckloa(ls

te s

l2fi-l kg
1000 kg 156 kg rcc Arlrrlrlr


)(l()0 okku

Tirr3ir ( hca r .r )

r,AArr l0()

I 603 kg
0.2t)0.1 g


200 okku

Iluntl' or A'irrit

1 tltttt,g

('rk i




7e() ks



il,\1,il_ l\,,\t_(


li\ I R()l)Li('1-lON


o-l'l()Nl.\N \ll llt()l ()(;\





.{r i lrirk

(rk i
('ck i ('tk i ('aki

NIitvlcncrrnd iznrir lzrn ir

okku' 2-50 kg l(10 okku I28.l8 k-rr I .15- l-10 ol Aa I 73- I 79 kg llJ0 rrAA.c 23t) ti96 kg 25tt lr. plus .5 763 g


()od (()llicial

!\ oo(1 \\ ()od \\ ()0d

opiu rn

pcr ccnt

in the origins of nreasuring slstr'nls the fblk measures or finger were givcn precision iln(l ccrtain arithmetic division arrangements by state bureaucnrcies. Il.ornan uncl medieval measuring systems including the Ottonralts' ci"ul bc tracc-rl back to those of' Mcsopotamian civilizations in their basic lbaturcs I. It
seems i.htt

based on grain, foot. cubit






nrohair grlld und siiver

Decimal, duodecinrul s-vstems and ihc use of l particulur nlclrsurc lbr' particular comntoclity and even tlrrl nantes of' sortie nreasurcs cillt bc

'fhe n*v s)'stcm caused conlusicln in the bazaaluvhen, lbr instance, unclcr tlic luw, introclucing the nretric systcnr. the nerr.' g'rki lvas trxcd at t-our kutrttTr of ,50 kg each or 200 kg which was 12.5 kg less than the old g'rti. 1-hc rncrchants ol- llrewood began to Llse thc new i'cAi without acljusting thc pricc uccorc'lillgly. Thereupolt the sctl'ernrlreltt rulecl that 1't,Ai u,trs to bc 2-50 kg in the luturc. It w'as reporte('l by the French in Istanbrrl (Bullt'titt tla lu Clturnhrc dc ('onttnt'rt'c fiuttq'ui.s(i, lto. 180, I\{arch 1902) that is rvls irnl'rossible to determinc the exitct weight o1'g'cki used by thc ntc'rchuttts ctl' Istunbul. 'fhc lbllowiltg shttw's the continuation ol-tlie- olcl tneasurcs (Bt'zuntincItaliirn'l) ilr u ntthcr isollrtcd pl'ovittce.
l- rrrr r, Xlll
WI tr;ttts ttr lit,il(r s l\ ilil, lNro. ,( j. \', rt \(, /r,,,j

r. <. Ittight hrc cithcr < Neo-Assyrian weights)), J. N. Postgate sal s 'heavy' (tlannu) or 'light' (qallu), the one beirtg tw'ice titc othcr. -fhe absolute value of these weights is best attcrtecl by a seric's of inscribccl bronze lion weights discovered at Nimrud by A. Il. Luvarcl. und nrnuirrg fiom 5 (heavy) tttitrus to 2 (heavy) shekt'ls>,r. As an c'ramplc' \\'e carl
take the seties o|ntinu (mana).
1,/r)rrl lJea r'-i l-lclr vy

traced back to this origin.

Il inu Light



.\/rr'Ar'l l-rghl


()o .r0





[:qurr lrlcnt
hl ,t
) 1l


In the later AssS'riln system rneitsures ol'lcngth tollou'ctl tltc scric: ol' | -24 - l;+4 - 2t{8. und w'eights lolcl system) lhut ol'l - 60 - ](rUO. With the Hr.tites. I - 6 - 24 - 12 series are to be tbund in thc' mr-asLlrc ()l' capacity (puri.stt.;utu. [u:i/, and upnul+. It is t-rhsen'ccl tltat dcspitc thc great variety ot' units the systern of metrology is basicully' thc sarnc. -fhe nu-ttu or ttut-tir,-r, hacl two rttajor varietics . llrc rtuut{/ 'ol tlrc king' ancl thc nu)na 'olCurchemish's. The ttrunu 'o1'thc rttcrcltrrtt',<ctlrrltl rclc'r -flte rnerely to a set ol'wcights used in the tritnsucl.ion in qucsticltt>. nrtitr | ol' 60 .sltckr,l.s lo I nutttu is constant. .s'ltt'l;tl cclLutls lli0 gririns but only liactions til' .s'ltcl;clwere used. Thc largcr w,cight unit n'us tlrc talcrrt
t| rltltl
ru rr hlr ir olivc oil


A rr



L\r) 1 l)rcr e zlt )

| -5() r/i


L ttr

-r rrAArr

k tttlttt tt

.1.5 oAArr

{..190 kg
127 g

()t t.q /r it)t

I ( ()uncf

I -l rrliArr ll dt.

' C.1". .e hnllrin. ,r [)lrs lrltblbyltlniscltc Nlaitss- tttttl (itrr ielrt::r :luttt ;.rl: ( irrrrtrlllruc dcr antikcn Gc$ichts-. Nliinz- uncl N'tlltss)'stelncr. .l( It'.s tltr ,\'' ( rr7iq,2 1)1 lrttcrttl. tlr': ()rit'tttuli.;tt'.\ l(nu t'tt l,\,\'9 Li Stttcklrttltrr t't tt ('ltri.s!itnttt. l' ;llrrtic. rectiott I ll Ieiticrr.



kg \\ Inc


(r0 riAAc

e l. Se hilbuch. l. N. f)ostgrlc. l:iltr .\t'rt-.l.r.t.t'riutt Lt'g,tl l)t,t ttt)t( ttl\. \\':tlttiittslct' (l:rrsl;rrr.i) . .\lrr and Phrllips Ltd., (r-1. I rrnr inclcbtcd ttr I\1r:. J.;\. Serrl,re L' kirtrl rte': 1ir1 1111 Ie l('r'cll!'r'\ l()

691. l('5-l-{9 :


thc ancicttt rr'orld.

.ltttit1rr.t. l9 (l9li0). ll()

5 I)tt:ltllltc. rtlt

r ll,tl. ' L;. F. (lcl l\l()r)te . ,, \lctr',rlogirr l.littitrr



ll,{t_lt_ tN.\L('tK


lt()l)tr( l'lON l() OI l Oi\|.'\N

i\l1: I

l{()t o(,\


(bi-lttt or

br.r.rrr) w,hich was

60 lteut'r' tnunu


120 light tttuttu. Thus,

1200 l. sfukal

the syste nt was as lilllou's :(' I herrrl (itlent : 60 It. ttttttttt ,.' tl0 l. tttttttrt : .1600 lt. .shckcl I light rirlcrrt : -10 h. rrrartrr - 601. rtttuut: lfi00 h..slttktl :


: -

60.6 kg 30.3 kg

Tlre s1'stcnt is birsctl orr rriultiplicutir.ttt ol'30 trttrtttnvith 2-4-60-120-240. lp clry clpacitl' thc decimul systenr wlls lbllorvecl. Lirtcar lncasures were-based on 'lingcr', 'palnl' arlcl 'cubit'. It can be suggested that the Mesopotantialt basic wcight tntiL ttrtttttr (pound)continued in GrecoRonrarr ntinu (see Schilbuch, p. 279) a,nd Iranian-lslarnic niitrrt (see IMG, pp. l6-23). We have in lritn two kinds of niinn as in Mesopotamia, nttitttt-i ,v7ll (roylrl niinn) and snrall tniitrtr. 7, << the normal SyStemS of measure< Sorne times>>, Postgate poillts oLlt ment by volume (or weight) gave place to a unit more suited to the particuiar- corntrioclity. Most such units were containers ol- various kinds ancl rrot strictly nteasLrres at allr>. For ittstance, tnuqurrutu meant a 'roll' or 'bale' (1or straw), cbi.r.rtr. 'bunclle' (fbr reeds) or pittu (for trrritrrrs. scstrnrc). ntidtlttttt llirr u'ittc). I lotttt't' t)r cntdt'rt, itttt;t'tr. thc .clonkey'(-loacl)n wrrs usecl as a mcrisurt; (Arabic llinttlr nrcans donkcy).




'"!:r;t i q,r/,i:,
t , t l

'/b)ri ri,aiJ: /r+r ,.Ji,_

;,,{) t

lJiad r:t /) .!;;rr;






?tY r; i c. Lt) rr zrlt: li *.r

Q rl

rl,i i,Jrj.t slt)



iF*, rt;

4'/vt' q i/.$I 1t qtl) dp,: gv, ,tr // !-U- u ,, ttJ,tt '! YiV q'L 4r ti aI|1.-, d; i:: ;P * o! lt -: d,Jt*W! wt A)

rlJ, t r'.t! rr4) 6.f;1 .' 'J- d-/ ,VrI; " J o t\.

t uut ae: iV /-ir(qai,,

" ()ur':lfliulgell)elll is [t:.r.e,l trn l)tr:tglltc':. - lltitl . (:\-(,')


,t;.-J r

' lhtl . (r7. I:rrf \lc:ogro111111rart rieiuhts ltrrd rrrcirsurcs alstl sec F. 'l'hurcltu-I)an-urn, L'L'. lc Q.'\ ct lc \{ina. lcur rnesurr' ct lcur nrppr)rt,r. Jourtul .l.tiutiqut', l0' scric. L\ll. l!)()i t')-lll: O Neugct'rlttter'. I'lrt Lrrrr'l Jt'it,l(('\ i/r ..1/i/i(/ui1.r. Nf\\ \ ork: Br.ititl I rrrrcr:itl l)te:s. l9-il: .J ]litlttr) itl 'l LLltrtttlrtqt. eti' t [. Singc'r,'l rrl.. Orlirrd. 195-1. --l-i-l


il \t-il IN.,\t.(


lN I ltol)l.j('



O'l'l Ol\lAN

1\llr I

lt()l ()(;\



,f--.::l -'l

-* ;'iilt ;7 t'i 4ll


di 4:ts> S-py. -,U; |.; ?-f s 16 t-f -- I c;,orJ J-L-r*j; (5- )y- *g )* t4-1, l! r[-: -, ) ot! 2 )r-r f -jsl ),r)yJ $ttst :-fb ,$*;-$iyl );,.t,Ji6 jLIt/ ,41 r)l osl )-h 3

Al-'Umari, Masalik '. Al- L'nruri's Bericht iiber Anutolien in stittutr l'l/t:rk ,llusilik ul-Absar Ji ,UIunulik ul-Atrtsdr, ed. Franz Tasschner, Leipzig. 1929. B A : BagvekAlet Arqiv Gencl Mtidiirliigii, Istanbul. Barkan, Kanunlar: 6rncr L0tli Barkan. .YI' r'(' .\'l'ltttt't ,1:trlurtltt O.r'rttuttlr imparutorlugwulu Zirui Ekontntinin Hukuki vc .lIuli I:.v.rlurr, I. Kanunl;.rr.
Istanbul : Trirkiyat Enstittisri, 1943. Belgeler: Belgaler, Tilrk 'furih Belgelari Dergisi, Ankara: Ttirk Tarih Kuruntu.
t964 -Berindei-Vein:rtein



Jsl ,S)-P -tJ):,

f lt)l

,*Je S:s)-r iUJl J\.d*l otS)ye> I

-riv 4-r.jl L,r,L G); 4stp )t-f ojl+llJ-l g,)l ;,CJl +V s &-:6 5 ljrrt iYJl :t)-y'-P --|) ;:):" -/..i'-r-! il-t*s lt- )-v- o,t;)l .;iu 6
J)s +L--'Uri

Mihnca Berindei and Cilles Vcinstcin, ,,Rt-lglenrcnts clc concernant le Liva de Kele>>, Cultit'r.s du .llotulc rrt.\.\'(' (,1 sovidtiqut, XV- I (anvier-mars 197 5). B T T D: Belgelt'rk Tiirk Turihi Dergisi.lstanbul. D T C F Dergisi : Dil ve 'furih CogruJt'a I'ukilltesi Dt'rsi:i. Ankara. Derleme Sozlugti Tiirki.t'e'fu Hulk Ai:tndun DerlurtL'S'r,,:/r(,ii, Ankaru: -fiirk


Dil Kurunru, 1963-1979. Es'ar Delieri: 1610 Turiltli Es'dr DeJtcri, tacsimilc' cclition b1 Yagar Yiiccl. Ankara: Dil ve Tarili Couralya Fikriltesi Public:.rtions. no. 3ll, l9fi2. G. Young:George Young, Corps de Droit ottotnun.6 vols.. Oxlbrcl. 190-5,1t)06. ffayraf-Din Halil :Hity'rll-Din l-{alil, Fu:luku-i Hi.sdlt.lVlS. Siilel'rnuni;'e Libnrry. Istanbul, Esad Et'encli no 3172; Bibliotheque Nutitrtutlc. Plris. Suppl!.nlcnt
turc, no. 5.11, ,10b-6lu (,llilrill). Hcers, Piccanriglio:Jacqucs Hecrs, Le livrc clt cttntlttr'.s


y. o-uJllyl

(]" -:6 Jjri

iUit, !+l r)\ i)t -lst


Giot'ttrtrti Picutttticlit,.

z L>gL>l

i-tll -*k

'tl -l r 4rr.\Lr t _y


4st.s: )-y.r. tt gU; 6r -b-'l lLc +; ))p _," :J;[l iL-;") JJI S tf : 9

-\:r f<,--d1l ^r) ^;*- S)-F

-l:t :lt

lnnntcs d'u//hire:' gtttttti.s'. 1156-1459 Paris : S.E.V.P.E.N.. 1959. Hinz: Wirlther Hinz. l.slurti.s'cltt rtIusst' und Gcx'it'ltt( unt.q('r(,chttct S'l'.vlr'rr. Leiden: E.J. llrill, 1955.


I M G:Hinz. I F M : istanbul

Lirtit'arsitt,.si ikti:;at Fakilltesi Ilcctrruusi,lstanbul. 1939 ismet Kayaoglu: isntct Kaf aoglu, <Rahatoglu ve Vakliyesi,,, I'tk4/lur Dcrgiti.

nut:ur w'hich eclualled one huttcJrecl itnd t\\'enty Vcnetian lilret. rvas to bu' solci lbr thirtccrr aA1a. But. rvlrcrr thc knezcs ol'Dubrovnik applicd thc rtut:ur rihich is irt usc in I)irbrovnik fiirr thc selling ol'thcir salt hcre] iurd sold cleh llr--rrr lbr elc'r'cn uk('u. lt clisputc ltitcl ltriscrt [bcnvcen thc' knczes and thc Ottonlrns]. At the prcsent tinrc- the albrr'mentioneci knc'zcs t'rl'Drrbrovnik ugreed lnd untlcrtcrok tltat tltc rrtu:ur lin sclling salt] is tr-r be, in accorc'lrtrtce with the prel'ious regLrlatictn (kutlitrtr kurntn ii:trc\. rhe rntcur ol'one hundred t\\'enty Venetialr lidrr. ; taclt ttru:ur is to be ri,eishc'd bt kuuur and sold lbr thirtecn uk<'u. Thcrcttn,rrt this docurt-tcttt ol' Dubrovnik str is drau'n up ancl clelilered into the hands ol'thc r

\\'rittcrr b-\ Huslur SOn t)l'ldns. cldi :.rt thc court ol'Nori -l'hc rr';.rson lirr thc uriting ol'this clocurlrcnt is thitt prcviously. iiltcrt salt uls inrpeirtecl liorn the lbrtress ol'Dubrovnrk to the lirrtrcsses ol'Nova and Rilcsln. the establishccl ancl confirrncd rule was that cach Vcnetiart

XIII, Ankara: Vakrllar Ge'nel Miidtirl.ngri, 1981, l-19. lVlehnred MevkDflti:ft'rir,t'kit-/iti,2 vols. eds. lVI. Kanril and Istanbr.rl, l--120 H.

M. Karnil.

Muhyi al-Drn Mchrred: N'luhyr al-Din N{chnrc'd b. I-lucci Atmaca. .llt'tnttt

ul- xur i'zd MS, SLilcynranil'e Ktittiphancsi, IstanbLrl, Esacl no. -1176. Ilibliethequc' Nationalc, Plris. Supplernc-nt turc, no. ,5-l-1. Mukirtabirt-i Rayiclr : Fitdl'ulluh Ra;;id al-Din, tllukurubit-i llu,lidi. cd. M. Shlli',



O. Nuri (Ergin), Mecelle : Osrnan Nuri, ,l/c<'tllt'-i LittuTr-i Balttli.y.r'e.

Teskilat-i Belcdiy.r'a. I, Istanbul, 1922.



Ottoman Regulation ol'll99rl88l : Yeni 6lsiilt,rirt'liut:irrt t,t'Tttt.sikilc Suvtr-i It'raiy.t'asi Hukkindu Kurdrtanrcdir, second edition. lstunbul : T'ophllne-i 'Amire Matba'asr ll99 I 881 Pyle, <Anutoliun Ring W'cigltts>: Nancy S. Pyle. <<Anuttlliun Ring \\'cigltrs,,.

I I Vcnctirrtr

prool u'hcn rtec'ded. T'his took place lncl rvas writtcn on the lirst clal'ol'thc. sercrcd o!' Rurrudfut itt thc lear ol- t9ti.
lihhnt .gt'()\'re


Pyle, <<Ottom.Ln ()kka Weights>: Nancy S. Pyle, <<Ottonran Okka Wcights,,, Bcllttot 6 (Ankanr: l-urkish Historicll Societl'. Junuur\' 1977). ll-5-ll.l.

Journul o1' Tu-.t' ish Studie.s.


(C'ambridge 1978).



-l-i7 7-19 g.

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