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Verilog HDL

HDL Languages and Design Flow Introduction to Verilog HDL Basic Language Concepts Connectivity in Verilog Modeling using Verilog Race conditions UDPs Coding FSMs in Verilog

Verilog Logic Synthesis Verilog Coding Guidelines Electrical Properties Macros, Conditional Compilation & Naming Conventions Verilog for Logic Simulation Introduction to PLI

HDL Languages and Design Flow

WHAT is a HDL? HDLs A class of programming/computer languages used for formal description of electronic circuits. A Hardware Description Language is one that can describe circuits operation, conceptual design & organization and can test it by means of simulation. Usually deal with the design of digital logic circuits and systems.

WHY were HDLs required? It is impractical to verify large circuits on breadboards or large chips after manufacturing. Highly important to find potential functional bugs in the early stages of design. These needs led to a the use of CAD techniques for digital design. The designers felt need for a flexible language that may help the design process by giving a complete framework for design.

WHY were HDLs required? (contd..) Software Programming languages Sequential in nature. (C, Pascal, FORTRAN, etc.) Digital logic circuits involve Concurrency of operations. Traditional programming languages lack the capability for explicitly expressing time. Using s/w programming languages to represent hardware is Inconvenient, Time consuming & Costlier.

HOW are HDLs advantageous? Allows designer to talk about what the hardware should do without actually designing the hardware itself. Designers can develop an executable functional specification that documents the exact behavior of all the components and their interfaces. Designers can make decisions about cost, performance, power, and area earlier in the design process. Designers can create tools which automatically manipulate the design for verification, synthesis, and optimization.

Design Hierarchy
Design Specification & Requirements Behavioral/Architectural Design Register Transfer Level (RTL) Design Logic Design Circuit Design Physical Design Manufacturing

System Specification Functional (Architectural Design) Behavioral Representation Functional Verification Logic Design Logic (Gate-level) Representation Logic Verification Circuit Design Circuit Representation Circuit Verification Physical Design Layout Representation Layout Verification Fabrication & Testing

Hardware Design Flow

Behavioral level



RTL Gate level Treansistor level

Arith Reg. Mem.




Hardware Design Flow

HDLs and CAD tools are used to describe hardware for: Design & Modeling Simulation Synthesis Testing Documentation

Verilog HDL Introduction

Verilog HDL - History

Invented by Phil Moorby & Prabhu Goel at Gateway Design Automation Systems in 1983/84. Later , Cadence took full proprietary in 1990. In 1995, Cadence published Verilog for public domain under OVI (Open Verilog International). Verilog-95 IEEE Standard 1364-1995. Verilog 2001 IEEE Standard 1364-2001. Verilog 2005 IEEE Standard 1364-2005. SystemVerilog Extended from Verilog and C++.

How Verilog Is Used

It is a general purpose HDL with support for . Allows different levels of abstraction to be mixed in the same design. Synthesis subset Can be translated using Synopsys Design Compiler or others into a netlist. Design written in Verilog. Simulated to check functionality. Synthesized (netlist generated). Static timing analysis.

Levels of Abstraction
Verilog supports a design at 4 different levels of abstraction. Behavioral Level Dataflow Level Gate Level Switch level Behavioral Dataflow Gate Level Switch level
Lowest Abstraction Level Highest Abstraction Level

Register Transfer Level (RTL) A combination of both Behavioral & Dataflow constructs. Acceptable to logic synthesis tool.

Levels of Abstraction (Cont..)

Behavioral Level :- Used to model the behavior of a design without describing its actual hardware structure. Data Flow Level :- Describes the flow of data between registers and how a design processes that data. Gate Level :- Describes the logic gates and the connections between logic gates in a design. Switch Level :- Describes the transistors and storage nodes in a device and the connections between :-describes them

Design Methodologies
There are 2 types of design methodologies: Top-down design methodology, and Bottom-up design methodology. In a top-down design methodology, we define the top-level block and identify the sub-blocks necessary to build the top-level block. In a bottom-up design methodology, we first identify the building blocks that are available to us. We build bigger cells, using these building blocks.

Design Methodologies (Cont..)

Top-Level Block




Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Top-Down Design Methodology

Design Methodologies (Cont..)

Top-Level Block

Macro Cell1

Macro Cell 2

Macro Cell 3

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Leaf Cell

Bottom-Up Design Methodology

A module is the basic building block in Verilog. Elements are grouped into modules to provide the common functionality that is used at many places in the design. A module provides the necessary functionality to the higher-level block through its port interface (inputs and outputs). In Verilog a module is declared by the keyword module. A corresponding keyword endmodule must appear at the end of the module definition.

Modules (Contd..)
Modules CANNOT be nested. Rather, one module can instantiate another module. Module instantiation is like creating actual objects (Instances) from the common template (module definition). Each instance of module has all the properties of that module. Module instantiations are used for: connecting different parts of the designs, and connecting test bench to the design.

Design Hierarchy
One top level module In which zero or more lower level modules can be instantiated. Each low level module can further instantiate still lower level modules. Verilog modules are like modules in schematics or classes in C++. Use them to make your design more readable and manageable. Debugging individual module is a lot easier than debugging the whole system together.

Structure of module
module <mod name> (<port list>); <declarations>; // input, output, inout // wire, register, etc. <statements>; // initial, begin, end, always // dataflow statements endmodule

Structure of module (Contd..)

The <module name> is an identifier that uniquely names the module. The <port list> is a list of input, inout and output ports which are used to connect to other modules. The <declares> section specifies data objects as registers, memories and wires as wells as procedural constructs such as function s and tasks. The <statements> may be initial constructs, always constructs, continuous assignments or instances of modules.

Basic Languages Concepts

Lexical Conventions
Keywords In lower case Case sensitive Delimit tokens, space String with double quotes Identifier A letter or _ can be followed by letters, digits, $ and _ Max 1024 characters Numbers [<sign>] [<size>] <base> <num> e.g.- 549, h8ff, o765, 4b11,3b10x, -4b11

Verilog Comments
Verilog supports 2 type of comment syntaxes Single line comment start with //, and end with newline. Block comment, start with /*, and end with */. Block comment cannot be nested.

/* Copyright Kacper Technologies Pvt Ltd, 2009 No unauthorized copying is allowed. */ input status; // 0:ready, 1:not ready output data; // sync with clock mClock

Verilog Number Specifications

Two representations: sized & unsized Format:<number of bits><base><number>

<number of bits> <base> <number>

Bit length in decimal. This is an optional value & if not specified, default is host machine word size. (usually 32 bits) b, B, d, D, o, O, h, H. Default is decimal 0-9, a-f, A-F, X, Z, ?, _

Verilog Numbers Specifications (Contd..)

Negative numbers: put minus sign before size. Format: -<size><base><number> <size> field is always +ve. Represented by 2s complement internally. Often _ (Underscore) is used in between digits of the number for readability. reg [5:0] Num; Reg [31:0] data; .. Num = -6; Num = -8d4; Num = d-12; data = 32h_1234_5678;

// Negative number // 8 bit ve number // Illegal !! // _ for readability

Verilog Numbers Specifications (Contd..)

Verilog numbers may have x or z as part of numbers. x ? unknown value, z ? high impedance value A question mark ? can also be used as an alternative to z. reg [5:0] Num; Reg [31:0] data; .. Num = 6b_100x; data = 32bx; Num = bz01; Num = b11??1; data = 32h_x5f3_2693;

// Num = 6b00100x // 32 bit no with all x bits // Num = 6bzzzz01 // Num = 6b011zz1 // data = 32hX5f32693

Verilog Numbers: Example

module Verilog_number; reg [7:0] Num; wire status; Num = 16; Num = -8d4; Num = bx; Num = b0x; Num = b10x; if (status == 1) Num = 8b1010_0101; if (status == 1b1) endmodule

// 8b0001_0000 // twos complement of 4 // 8bxxxx_xxxx // 8b0000_000x // 8b0000_010x // status == 32h0001 // status == 1b1

Data Types
reg: Register Integer & Real Data Types Declaration wire: Wire/net integer i, k; real r; Possible Values: 0, 1, x, z Use as registers (inside procedures) i = 1; Default: 1-bit (Scalar) r = 2.9; reg A, B, C; k = r; // k is rounded to 3 Integers are not initialized in Vector: Verilog!! Reg[0:7] A; Reals are initialized to 0.0 Reg[7:0] B;

Nets Nets represent the connections between hardware elements. They are always driven by some source. Default value for any net type variable is z. Usually, declared by the keyword wire. Different types: wire, wand, wor, tri, triand, trior, trireg, etc. wire is the most common of all.

Registers These correspond to variables in the C language. Register data types always retain their value until another value is placed on them. DO NOT confuse with hardware registers built with flip-flops. A reg type variable is the one that can hold a value. Unlike nets, registers do not need any drivers.

Registers (Contd..) In synthesis, the compiler will generate latches or flip-flops for them. However, if it can be sure their output does not need to be stored it will synthesize them into wires. It can be sure they do not have to store if their outputs is based only on their present inputs.

Rules for reg and wire The common rule in Verilog: A variable on the Left Hand Side (LHS) of a procedural block assignment is always declared as a register data type.All other variables are of net type. Verilog register data types: reg / time / integer / real / realtime / event (reg is the most common of all.) So, reg is assigned within always or initial blocks. A variable is declared of type wire if it appears on the left side of an continuous assignment statement. Structural code continuous assignment statements start with the keyword assign.

Integers A general purpose register data type with default value having all x bits. Declared with keyword integer. Usually preferred for arithmetic manipulations over reg. Default width: host machine word size (minimum 32 bits). Differs from reg type as it stores signed quantities as opposed to reg storing unsigned quantities.

Real Numbers Real number constants declared with a keyword real. Real constants have default value of 0. Real numbers CANNOT have a range declaration. Two notations: Decimal & Scientific notation. When a real value is assigned to an integer, the real number is rounded off to the nearest integer.

Time & Realtime Data types time A special register data type used mainly to store simulation time. time is an unsigned 64-bit by default. Usually, it is used to store the simulation time. realtime is similar to time except that it has initial value of 0. Depending upon the timescale specified, realtime provides the simulation time with the fractional part with given precision.

Logical Operators
~& | ~| ^ ~^ or ^~ == or === != or !== > >= < <= ?:

Reduction NAND Reduction OR Reduction NOR Reduction XOR Reduction XNOR Logical Inequality Logical Inequality Relational Conditional

Operator Operation
! && || ~ & | ^ ^~ or ~^ & Logical Negation Logical AND Logical OR Bit-wise Negation Bit-wise AND Bit-wise OR Bit-wise Exclusive OR Bit-wise Ex- NOR Reduction AND

Logical Operation Example

operand1 operand2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 && A B C D E F G H

True (1), False (0) or Unknown (X) Examples 1b1 && 1b0 2b11 && 2b10 2b1X && 2b11 0 0 X 1b1 || 1b0 2b11 || 2b10 2b1X || 2b11 1 1 1

Bitwise Operators
& | ~ bitwise AND bitwise OR bitwise NOT ^ bitwise XOR ~^ or ^~ bitwise XNOR Operation on bit by bit basis 8 & A B C D E F G H

1 & A

2 & B

3 & C

4 & D

5 & E

6 & F

7 & G

8 & H

Reduction operators
Key symbols: &, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^, ^~. The reduction operators are and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor and an alternative xnor. They take one operand and perform a bit-bynext-bit operation, starting with the two leftmost bits, giving a 1bit result. initial begin a = 4'b1111; b = 4'b0101; c = 4'b0011; $displayb(& a); $displayb(| b); end

// bitwise and, (same as 1&1&1&1) // evaluates to 1 // bitwise or (evaluates to 1)

Reduction operation
& 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 &

3 & &

5 &

7 & &


Shift operators
Key symbols: >>, <<. The shift operators are shift left and shift right. The shift operator takes a vector and a number indicating the shift. The empty bits caused by shifting are filled with zeros. module shiftTest; reg [3:0] a; initial begin a = 4'b1010; $displayb(a << 1); $displayb(a >> 2); end endmodule // shiftTest

// shift left by 1, displays 0100 //shift right by 2, displays 0010

Conditional Operator
cond_expr ? true_expr : false_expr A ternary operator Acts like a 2-to-1 mux.


1 0 sel

Y = (sel)? A : B; Y = A if sel is 1 B if sel is 0

Concatenation Operator
{op1, op2, ..} concatenates op1, op2, .. to single number. Operands must be sized !! reg a; reg [2:0] b,c; a = 1b1,b = 3b 010, c = 3b 101; catx = {a, b, c}; // catx = 1_010_101 caty = {b, 2b11, a}; // caty = 010_11_1 catz = {b, 1}; // WRONG !!

Replication Operator
<no> { <variable/sized_number> } <no> is an integer. reg a; reg [2:0] b,c; a = 1b1,b = 3b 010, c = 3b 101; catr = {4{a}, b, 2{c}}; // catr = 1111_010_101101

Relational & Equality Operators

> greater than < less than >= greater or equal than <= less or equal than Result is one bit value: 0, 1 or x == logical equality != logical inequality Return 0, 1 or x === case equality !== case inequality Return 0 or 1

e.g. - 4b1z0x == 4b1z0x x 4b1z0x === 4b1z0x 1

Operator precedence
Operators Unary Multiply, Divide, Modulus Add, Subtract Shift Relational Equality Reduction Operator Symbols + - ! ~ * / % + >> << < <= >= > == != === !== & ~& ^ ^~ | ~| && || ?: Lowest Precedence Highest

Logical Conditional

Vectors have multiple bits and are often used to represent buses. The left most number is an MSB (Most Significant Bit). There are 2 representations for vectors: A little-endian notation: [high# : low#] A big-endian notation: [low# : high#] wire [3:0] busA; reg [0:15] busC; reg [1:4] busB; // little-endian notation // big-endian notation

Vectors (Contd..)
Vector Part Select data[15:8] = 8h_12; inter_carry = carry[1:3]; Slice management reg [63:0] out; reg [3:0] dest_addr; initial begin dest_addr = out[63:60]; end // Accessing only bits 16 to 9 of data

dest_addr[0] dest_addr[1] dest_addr[2] dest_addr[3]

= out[60]; = out[61]; = out[62]; = out[63];

Vectors (Contd..)
Vector assignment ( by position!! ) reg [2:0] bus_A; reg [0:2] bus_B; initial begin bus_A = bus_B; end

bus_A[2] = bus_B[0]; bus_A[1] = bus_B[1]; bus_A[0] = bus_B[2];

Vectors (Contd..)
Variable Vector Part Select [<starting_bit>+ : <width>] [<starting_bit>- : <width>] reg [31:0] data1; reg [0:31] data2; reg [7:0] byte1; reg [3:0] nibble1; reg [0:7] byte2; reg [0:3] nibble2; nibble1 = data1[31-:4]; // selects 4 bits from 31 to down, i.e. [31:28] byte1 = data1[24-:8]; // selects data1[24:17] byte2 = data2[10+:8]; // selects data2[10:17] nibble2 = data2[28+:4]; // selects data2[28:31]

Implemented with regs. Escaped chars: \n for newline \\ for \ \t for tab %% for % \ for \ooo characters as octal

reg [8*13:1] string_val; // can hold up to 13 chars ... string_val = Hello Verilog; string_val = hello; // MS Bytes are filled with 0 string_val = I am overflowed; // I is truncated

Declaration: <type> <vector_size> <ary_name> <ary_size>; <ary_size> is declared as a range. Verilog supports multi-dimensional arrays. Elements are accessed by: <ary_name> [<index>]. reg array1 [99:0]; // array1 is an array with 100 elements // each element is of 1 bit. integer ary1 [19:0]; // array of integers with 20 elements wire [3:0] y [10:1]; // array of buses reg [31:0] payload [34:0]; // array of vectors time checkpoints [1:50]; // array of check-points real results [39:0]; // array of real numbers

Arrays (Contd..)
//Multi-dimensional arrays reg [7:0] sonet_frame [89:0][8:0]; // a 2-dimentional array representing the SONET frame. reg [7:0] matrix3d [9:0] [24:0] [3:0]; // 3-dimentional array of integers

Declaration: reg <vector_width> <ary_name> <no_of_locations>; reg [7:0] string_val [99:0]; reg [7:0] ray2d [4:0] [49:0]; // a memory with 100 elements // each of 1 byte // 2-dimentional array

reg [31:0] mem32 [`DEPTH-1:0]; // 32-bit memory

Connectivity in Verilog

Port assignments
Modules contain functional descriptions and have input, output, and inout (bidirectional ports) for interfaces. The following are true of module interfaces: An input or inout port is a wire type within its module. An output port must be a wire if it is generated by a submodule. An output port must be a wire if it is generated declaratively. An output port must be a reg if it is assigned to procedurally. A wire if it is assigned through continuous assignment.

Bidirectional ports cannot be assigned to procedurally.

Module Instantiations
As we saw earlier, module instantiation is used to make connections between different parts of the design. There are two methods of making connections between signals specified in the modules and their input/output ports. Port ordered instantiation lists signal connections in the same order as the port list in the module definition. Unconnected ports are designated by two commas with no signal listed. Port named instantiation lists the port name and signal connected to it, in any order.

Module Instantiations (Contd..)

Connections by Ordered List <module_name> < instance_name> [instance_array_range] ( signal , signal , ... ); Connections by Named List <module_name> < instance_name> [instance_array_range] ( .port_name(signal), .port_name(signal), ... );

Module Instantiations (Contd..)

A module can be seen as a template which allows any other modules to incorporate its functionality without writing the same logic repeatedly. Modules allow instances & hierarchy. When a module instance is created in higher level module, the instance will have all the properties of the lower level module. Instantiations together. are used for connecting different modules

Hierarchical Naming
As modules instantiate one another, there forms a hierarchy of them. And them and their internal variables, etc. can be accessed from higher levels using hierarchical naming.

TB_TOP dff



Hierarchical Naming (Contd..)

TB_TOP dff1 Q, QB D (Signals)



Signals of the dff may be accessed using hierarchical naming as shown below: TB_TOP TB_TOP.dff1.Q TB_TOP.nand1 TB_TOP.nand1.o1 TB_TOP.dff1.QB

Modeling using Verilog

Gate Level Modeling

Verilog has built in primitives like gates, transmission gates, and switches. These are rarely used for in design work, but are used in post synthesis world for modeling the ASIC/FPGA cells. These cells are then used for gate level simulation or what is called as SDF simulation. Ex:- and, or, nand, nor, xor, xnor not, buf bufif1, notif1, bufif0, notif0

Gate Level Modeling (Contd..)

The gates have one scalar output and multiple scalar inputs. The first terminal in the list of gate terminals is an output and the other terminals are inputs. Gate instance name is optional. nand n1(z, a, b); // 2 input NAND gate xor x1(z, a, b, c, d); // 4 input XOR gate and x2(z, a, b, c); // 3 input AND gate or(z, a, b); // Instance name is optional buf b1(out, in); // Buffer not n1(out, in); // Inverter bufif0 U1( data_bus, data_drive, data_enable_low );

Gate Delays
Rise Delay: associated with a gate output transition to 1 from another value. Fall Delay: associated with a gate output transition to 0 from another value. Turn-off Delay: associated with a gate output transition to z from another value. If the output of gate changes to x, the minimum of the three delays is considered.

Gate Delays (Contd..)

Min / Max / Typ delay values: They represent the minimum, maximum and typical delay value that a designer expects the gate to have. Min, typ or max values can be chosen at runtime by options provided in the simulator. The gate delay cam be specified as follows: <gate_primitive> #(rise_time, fall_time, turnoff_delay) The gate delay can be specified with only one delay time or rise and fall times or with all 3 delay values.

Gate Delays (Contd..)

// rise, fall & turnoff delays and #(10) a1( and_out, in1, in2 ); // delay time or #(14,16) OR( op, i1, i2, i3 ); // rise & fall times xor #(1, 3, 5) xg( o, a, b ); // rise, fall and turnoff delays // For transition to x, the delay is taken as min(1, 3, 5) // examples for #(min : typ : max) values not #(2:3:5) inv(out, in); // min delay=2 // typ delay = 3 // max delay = 5

Gate Delays (Contd..)

nor #( 2:3:5, 1:4:7 ) inv( out, in1, in2 ); // min rise delay=2, typ rise delay=3, max rise delay=5 // min fall delay=1, typ fall delay=4, max fall delay=5 buf #( 2:3:5, 1:4:7, 0:1:3 ) inv( out, in ); /* min rise delay=2, typ rise delay=3, max rise delay=5 min fall delay=2, typ fall delay=3, max fall delay=5 min turnoff delay=0, typ turnoff delay=1,max turnoff delay=3


Gate Level Modeling Examples

// 1-bit Half Adder module ha( sum, carry, a, b ); output sum, carry; input a, b; xor #5 x1( sum, a, b ); // rise, fall and turnoff delay and #(1,2,3) a1( carry, a, b ); endmodule

Gate Level Modeling Examples (Contd..)

module dff ( Q, Q_BAR, D, CLK ); output Q,Q_BAR; input D,CLK; // Four Instantiations of nand gates nand U1 (X,D,CLK) ; nand U2 (Y,X,CLK) ; nand U3 (Q,Q_BAR,X); nand U4 (Q_BAR,Q,Y); endmodule

Dataflow Modeling
The data flow between registers and the way that data gets processes is modeled using dataflow modeling. Dataflow modeling involves continuous assignments, that is driving values to the net. assign is used to drive value on the net by continuos assignment. Syntax: assign <drive_strength> #<delay> <list_of_assignments>;

Dataflow Modeling (Cont..)

// Regular continuous assignment wire out; assign out = var1 & var2; // Same effect is achieved by an implicit continuous assignment wire out = var1 & var2;

A delay control expression specifies the time duration between initially encountering the statement and when the statement actually executes. e.g.#10 A = A + 1; The delay is represented using #. A number followed by # shows the delay value. In real circuits , logic gates have delays associated with them. Verilog provides the mechanism to associate delays with gates. There are different ways to specify delays in continuous assignments.

Delays (Cont..)
Regular Assignment Delay: This is the most commonly used method. e.g.assign #10 q = x + y; Implicit Continuous Assignment Delay: Similar to implicit assignment statement with delay added. e.g. wire #10 q = a ^ b; // which is equivalent to the following: // wire out; // assign #10 out = a ^ b;

Delays (Cont..)
Net Declaration Delay: The delay can be put on the net in declaration itself. e.g. wire #10 out; assign out = a & b; // which is equivalent to the following: // wire out; // assign #10 out = a & b;

Dataflow Modeling Examples

// All basic logic gates module gates( invo, ao, oo, nao, noo, xoo, xno, a, b ); input a, b; output ao, oo, nao, noo, xoo, xno; assign invo = ~a; assign ao = a & b; #10 assign oo = a | b; assign #1 nao = a ~& b; assign noo = #3 a ~| b; assign xoo = a ^ b; assign xno = a ~^ b; endmodule

Dataflow Modeling Examples (Contd..)

// 2:1 Multiplexer module mux21(op, a, b, sel ); input [3:0] a, b; input sel; output op; assign op = sel ? a : b; endmodule

Behavioral Modeling
In RTL and Gate level implementation, the details of the handshake mechanism between different processes are implied. The states are cycle-to-cycle accurate.

input data

received data

data ready

request data


acknowledge data

Behavioral Modeling (Contd..)

The behavioral model provides the ability to describe design functionality in an algorithmic manner or in higher level of modeling where behavior of logic is modeled. In behavioral modeling, you can use events for synchronizing. The details of implementation is based on the application.

input data

received data

data ready

request data

Behavioral Modeling (Contd..)

Most of the programming languages (e.g. C, Basic) are sequential in natural, or only one active process at any one time. However, hardware circuitry is concurrent in nature. All the circuitries are active in parallel. Verilog supports parallelism by allowing any number of always and initial blocks. Each always and initial block run concurrently. always and initial blocks are called procedural blocks. Assignment inside procedural blocks are called procedural assignment.

Procedural Blocks
Procedural blocks are the basic components for behavioral modeling. initial begin imperative statements end Runs when simulation starts Terminates when control reaches the end Good for providing stimulus always begin imperative statements end Runs when simulation starts Restarts when control reaches the end Good for modeling / specifying hardware

Procedural Blocks (Contd..)

Run until they encounter a delay. initial begin #10 a = 1; b = 0; #10 a = 0; b = 1; end or a wait for an event always @(posedge clk) q = d; always begin wait(i); a = 0; wait(~i); a = 1; end

Procedural Blocks (Contd..)

Procedural blocks are like concurrent processes.
Statements in a block are executed sequentially, but all within one unit of simulated time. (unless delay is specified) All blocks execute in parallel. initial block Executes only once. always block Executes repeatedly. It must have timing control, otherwise it become INFINITE LOOPS

Procedural Blocks (Contd..)

Syntax: type_of_block @(sensitivity_list) statement_group: group_name local_variable_declarations timing_control procedural_statements end_of_statement_group type_of_block is either initial or always. initial procedural blocks process statements one time. always procedural blocks process statements repeatedly. sensitivity_list (optional) is an event timing control that controls when all statements in the procedural block should be evaluated. The sensitivity list is used to model combinational and sequential logic behavior.

Procedural Blocks (Contd..)

statement_group--end_of_statement_group is used to group two or more procedural statements together and control the execution order begin--end groups two or more statements together sequentially, so that statements are evaluated in the order they are listed. Each timing control is relative to the previous statement. fork & join are used to two or more statements together in parallel, so that all statements evaluated concurrently. Each timing control is absolute to when the group started.

Procedural Assignment
Procedural statements are statements inside a procedure. (they execute sequentially) This can be expressed in two types of blocks: initial they execute only once always they execute for ever The RHS expression is evaluated and assigned to LHS variable before next statement executes. RHS expression may contain wires and regs Two possible sources for data LHS must be a reg (rooy) type data type. Primitives or cont. assignment may set wire values

Blocking & Non-blocking Assignments

There are two types of assignment statements are there in Verilog: Blocking statements Non-blocking statements. Blocking Assignment:- It is a way of blocking the further statements until the current statement execution is completed. A blocking assignment must evaluate the RHS arguments and complete the assignment without interruption from any other Verilog statement. The assignment is said to "block" other current assignment has completed. assignments until the

Blocking & Non-blocking Assignments

Non Blocking assignments allow scheduling of assignments without blocking execution of the statements that follow in a sequential block. Execution of non-blocking assignments can be viewed as a two-step process: Evaluate the RHS of non-blocking statements at the beginning of the time step. Update the LHS of non-blocking statements at the end of the time step.

Blocking Assignments
The blocking assignment operator is an equal sign (=). The blocking assignment with timing delays on the RHS of the blocking operator, which is considered to be a poor coding style. A problem with blocking assignments occurs when the RHS variable of one assignment in one procedural block is also the LHS variable of another assignment in another procedural block, and both equations are scheduled to execute in the same simulation time step, such as on the same clock edge.

Blocking Assignments (Contd..)

If blocking assignments are not properly ordered, a race condition can occur. When blocking assignments are scheduled to execute in the same time step, the order execution is unknown. Evaluate the RHS (right-hand side equation) and update the LHS (left-hand side expression) of the blocking assignment without interruption from any other Verilog statement.

Blocking Assignments Example

module fbosc1 ( y1, y2, clk, rst ); output y1, y2; input clk, rst; reg y1, y2; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst ) if (rst) y1 = 0; // reset else y1 = y2; always @( posedge clk or posedge rst ) if (rst) y2 = 1; // preset else y2 = y1; endmodule

A Flawed Shift Register

The following code doesnt work as one may expect: module flawed_sr; reg d1, d2, d3, d4; always @(posedge clk) d2 = d1; always @(posedge clk) d3 = d2; always @(posedge clk) d4 = d3; endmodule Because of all blocking assignments in different always blocks, the order of execution becomes tool-specific. So, the design wont behave like shift register!

Non-blocking Assignments
The non-blocking assignment operator is the same as the lessthan-or-equal-to operator ("<="). They are called non-blocking because the assignment evaluates the RHS expression of a it at the beginning of a time step, and schedules the LHS update to take place at the end of the time step. Between evaluation of the RHS expression and update of the LHS expression, other Verilog statements can be evaluated and updated.

Non-blocking Assignments (Contd..)

Also, the RHS expression of other Verilog non-blocking assignments can also be evaluated and LHS updates scheduled. The non-blocking assignment does not block other. Verilog statements from being evaluated. Execution of nonblocking assignments can be viewed as a two-step process: Evaluate the RHS of non-blocking statements at the beginning of the time step. Update the LHS of non-blocking statements at the end of the time step.

Non-blocking Assignments (Contd..)

module fbosc2 ( y1, y2, clk, rst ); output y1, y2; input clk, rst; reg y1, y2; always @( posedge clk or posedge rst ) if (rst) y1 <= 0; // reset else y1 <= y2; always @( posedge clk or posedge rst ) if (rst) y2 <= 1; // preset else y2 <= y1; endmodule

Non-blocking Assignments (Contd..)

Nonblocking rule: This version works: reg d1, d2, d3, d4; always @(posedge clk) d2 <= d1; always @(posedge clk) d3 <= d2; always @(posedge clk) d4 <= d3; LHS updated only after all events for the current instant have run RHS evaluated when assignment runs

Non-blocking Looks Like Latches

a = 1; b = a; c = b;

a 1

a <= 1; b <= a; c <= b;

a b c

Looping Flow Control

Verilog supports for, while and repeat and forever loop // example of for loop for( i=0; i<`MEMSIZE; i=i+1) begin mem[i] = 8b0; end // example of while loop i = 0; while(i<`MEMSIZE) begin mem[i] = 8b0; end

// example of repeat loop i = 0; repeat (`MEMSIZE) begin mem[i] = 8b0; i = i + 1; end // example of forever loop i = 0; forever begin : mem_init mem[i] = 8b0; i = i + 1; if (i == `MEMSIZE) disable mem_init; end

Task and Function

Verilog support encapsulation of a piece of code into a task or a function. Use task or function when: A section of the code that is used more than once, with possibility different inputs. A code that is expected to be issued interactively. Break long procedural blocks into smaller parts in order to improve readability and maintenance of the code.

Difference between task and function

A task can have timing control constructs, whereas function cannot. A function can only model combinatorial functionality. The code that initiated a task has to wait for that task to complete or disabled before continuing execution. A task can have inputs and outputs, whereas function must have at least one input and only one output. (which is the name of the function itself)

Example of a task
task task_example; input [1:0] in1, in2; output [1:0] out1, out2; #1 out1 = in1 & in2; #1 out2 = in1 | in2; endtask

Example of a function
function [1:0] function_example; input [1:0] in1, in2; function_example = in1 & in2; endfunction

System Tasks
Verilog has some of the inbuilt task as part of the language itself. $display : This system task is used to display the text and formatted data on the screen. It inserts a newline at end of display text automatically. $monitor : It continuously monitors the changes in any of the variable/signal specified in the parameter list. Whenever, any one of them changes, it displays the formatted string specified within double quotes. $stop: It stops /suspends the simulation.

System Tasks (Contd..)

$finish: It terminates the simulation. $write: It is similar to $display except that it does not insert a newline at the end of the formatted output by default. $strobe: It is used for strobing purpose. When one wants to display the values of the variables which are assigned within non-blocking statements, it is a good practice to display them using $strobe. $random: It generates a 32-bit signed integer randomly. It is used mainly in test bench.

System Tasks (Contd..)

$time: It returns the current simulation time. $realtime: Same as $time excepts it shows the fraction part as well.

Compiler Directives
All compiler directives are preceded by a back tick ( ` ). `define : It is used to define a text macro in Verilog. `include: It is used to include content of some other file inside a Verilog code. `timescale: It is used to specify the timescale for simulation. It has two parts: reference time unit & time precision. First one specifies the time unit and the later determines the minimum unit that is considered for any round off. `timescale <ref_time_unit>/<precision>

System Tasks & Compiler Directives Example

`timescale 10ns/1ns `define A 10 module abc(); reg [3:0] a; initial begin a = 3; $display(Initializing.\nA = %d, a); monitor($time, \tA = %d, a); #300 $finish; end always #25 a = $random; endmodule

Verilog support the following type of process synchronization event fork and join disable

Synchronization - Event
# <expression> suspends execution of the process for a fixed time period @event-expression suspends the execution of the process until the specified event occurs wait (expression) suspends the execution of the process until the expression become true

Synchronization (Contd..)
Verilog supports event data type. module event_example; event e1, e2; endmodule Trigger an event using ->event_variable

Wait for an event using @event_variable

Synchronization fork and join

module barrel_sync; always begin fork <statement 1>; <statement 2>; <statement N>; join <statement S>; end endmodule

<statement 1> to <statement N> are executed in parallel

<statement S> is executed only when <statement 1> to <statement N> are completed

Synchronization disable
disable <block_name> remove pending events from <block_name> will not continue to execute the rest of the <block_name> if <block_name> is in the always block, execution continues from the start of the always block always begin : write_block <statement 1>; if ( write_through ) disable write_block; out = #10 ram[index]; end

if write_throughis true, all pending events (e.g. out=#10 ram[index] from the previous cycle) will be removed. Execution start from <statement 1>

Forever Statement
This loop executes continuously and never completes. An infinite loop that continuously executes the statement or statement group. Infinite loops in Verilog use the keyword forever. You must break up an infinite loop with an @(posedge clock) or @(negedge clock). expression to prevent combinational feedback, as shown in an example: Syntax; forever<execution statement> initial begin clock=0; forever #50 clock=~clock; end

Generate Statements
Generate statements are used when the same operation or module instance is repeated for multiple bits of vector. Generate statements allow control over the declaration of variables, functions and tasks as well as control over instantiations. All generate instantiations are coded with a module scope and require keywords generate endgenerate. There are three methods to create generate statements: Generate loop. Generate conditional. Generate case.

Generate Statements (Contd..)

Generate loop: It permits one or more of the following to be instantiated multiple times using a for loop. Generate conditional :It is like an if-else-if generate construct that permits the following Verilog constructs to be conditionally instantiated based on an expression.

A parameter is defined by Verilog as a constant value declared within the module structure. The value can be used to define a set of attributes for the module which can characterize its behavior as well as its physical representation. parameter <identifier> = constant; parameter byte_size = 8; reg[byte_size-1:0] A; Used to pass information globally.

Race Conditions

Race conditions in Verilog

A Verilog race condition occurs when two or more statements that are scheduled to execute in the same simulation timestep. It would give different results when the order of statement execution is changed, as permitted by the Verilog Standard. It can be eliminated by using non-blocking assignments instead of blocking assignments.

Race Conditions & their Solutions

module race; reg a; initial begin a=0; #10 a=1; The solution is to delay the end; $display with a #0 delay: initial begin #10 if (a) initial begin $display(may not print); #10 if (a) end #0 $display ("may not print"); endmodule end In this example, two parallel blocks have no guaranteed ordering, so it is ambiguous whether the $display statement will be executed.

Flip-Flop Race Condition

module test( out, in, clk ); input in, clk; output out; wire a; dff dff0( a, in, clk ); dff dff1( out, a, clk ); endmodule module dff( q, d, clk ); output q; input d, clk; reg q; always @(posedge clk) q = d; // race! endmodule

It is very common to have race conditions near latches or flipflops. The following is the example of it in which an intermediate node a between two Flip-flops is set and sampled at the same time. The solution for this is to use the non-blocking assignment in the flip-flop to guarantee the ordering of assignment to the output of the flip-flop and sampling of that output. always @(posedge clk) q <= d; always @(posedge clk) q = #1 d;

always @(posedge clk) q <= #1 d;


User Defined Primitives

Verilog provides a standard set of primitives, such as and, nand, or, nor, and not, as a part of the language. These are also commonly known as built-in primitives. However, designers occasionally like to use their own custombuilt primitives when developing a design. Verilog provides the ability to define User-Defined Primitives (UDP).

User Defined Primitives (Contd..)

There are two types of UDPs: Combinational UDPs Sequential UDPs Combinational UDPs are defined where the output is solely determined by a logical combination of the inputs. A good example is a 4-to-1 multiplexer. Sequential UDPs take the value of the current inputs and the current output to determine the value of the next output. The value of the output is also the internal state of the UDP. Good examples of sequential UDPs are latches and flip-flops.

Rules to Define UDP

UDPs can take only scalar input terminals (1 bit). Multiple input terminals are permitted. UDPs can have only one scalar output terminal (1 bit). The terminal must always appear first in the terminal list. Multiple output terminals are not allowed. In the declarations section, the output terminal is declared with the keyword output. Since sequential UDPs store state, the output terminal must also be declared as a reg. The inputs are declared with the keyword input.

Rules to Define UDP (Contd..)

The state in a sequential UDP can be initialized with an initial statement. This statement is optional. A 1-bit value is assigned to the output, which is declared as reg. The state table entries can contain values 0, 1, or x. UDPs do not handle z values. z values passed to a UDP are treated as x values. UDPs are defined at the same level as modules. UDPs cannot be defined inside modules. They can be instantiated only inside modules. UDPs are instantiated exactly like gate primitives. UDPs do not support inout ports.

Combinational UDP-Example
primitive mux4_to_1 ( output out, input i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0); table // i0 i1 i2 i3, s1 s0 : out 1 ? ? ? 0 0 : 1; 0 ? ? ? 0 0 : 0; ? 1 ? ? 0 1 : 1; ? 0 ? ? 0 1 : 0; ? ? 1 ? 1 0 : 1; ? ? 0 ? 1 0 : 0; ? ? ? 1 1 1 : 1; ? ? ? 0 1 1 : 0; ? ? ? ? x ? : x; ? ? ? ? ? x : x; endtable endprimitive I0 I1 I2 I3 S0



Sequential UDP - Examples

//Define level-sensitive latch by using UDP. primitive latch(q, d, clock, clear); output q; reg q; input d, clock, clear; //sequential UDP initialization //only one initial statement allowed initial q = 0; //initialize output to value 0 //state table table //d clock clear : q : q+ ; ? ? 1 : ? : 0 ; //clear condition,q+ is the new o/p value 1 1 0 : ? : 1 ; //latch q = data = 1 0 1 0 : ? : 0 ; //latch q = data = 0 ? 0 0 : ? : - ; //retain original state if clock = 0 endtable endprimitive

//Define an edge-sensitive sequential UDP; primitive edge_dff(output reg q = 0, input d, clock, clear); table // d clock clear : q : q+ ; ? ? 1 : ? : 0 ; //output = 0 if clear = 1 ? ? (10) : ? : - ; //ignore negative transition of clear 1 (10) 0 : ? : 1 ; //latch data on negative transition of 0 (10) 0 : ? : 0 ; //clock ? (1x) 0 : ? : - ; //hold q if clock transitions to unknown //state ? (0?) 0 : ? : - ; //ignore positive transitions of clock ? (x1) 0 : ? : - ; //ignore positive transitions of clock (??) ? 0 : ? : - ; //ignore any change in d when clock //is steady endtable endprimitive (10) Negative edge transition from 1 to 0
(1x) Transition from 1 to unknown (0?) Transition from 0 to 0,1,x.potential +ve edge transition (??) Transition in signal value 0,1, or x to 0, 1, or x

Modelling FSMs in Verilog

FSM Classification
Output is a function of present state and inputs. Output may change if inputs change during clock period, due to this the outputs may have momentary false values because of the delay encountered from the time the input change and the time that the FF output change.


Next state Decoder


Output Decoder



FSM Classification
Output is a function of present state only that are synchronized with the clock. Input Next state Decoder Output Decoder Output


Clock Input Next state Decoder Output



FSM encoding
Encoding the states is assigning unique binary numbers to the states State Initial S1 S2 S3 S4 Binary 000 001 010 011 100 Gray 000 001 011 010 110 One-hot 00001 00010 00100 01000 10000

FSM encoding
Binary The number of storage devices (Flip-flops) is minimum. Gray If it is gray encoded, there will be only one switching between adjacent states. This reduces glitches at the outputs due to unequal delays of storage devices.

FSM encoding
only one of the state variables will be 1 and all others will be 0s for a state. Complexity of Next state Decoder and Output Decoder is reduced Due to reduced complexity of Decoders , the speed of the FSM (Max.clock frequency) is not limited by the combinational logic. Hence Faster FSM. Use casex for output and next state decoder

Modeling Mealy FSM

always@(in or pres_state) //Next //State Decoder always@(posedge clock) //Memory always@(in or pres_state) //Output //Decoder Ex: 101 Sequence detector

Modeling Moore FSM

always@(in or pres_state) //NS Dec always@(posedge clock) //Memory always@(pres_state) //Output Dec Ex: 3-bit counter with output 1 when count is 111

Verilog Logic Synthesis

RTL Synthesis
What is RTL Register Transfer Level : storage element, like flip-flop, latches : transfer between input, output and register : level of abstraction

RTL Synthesis



RTL Synthesis is a process to transform design description from RTL abstraction to the gate abstraction.

RTL Synthesis
VHDL/Verilog RTL level Optimization Structural representation, Control-Data Flow Graph Gate level Optimization Cell from a technology specific library.

Logic Level Optimization Fixed Synchronous logic. Boolean equation representation of combinational logic


Why is RTL synthesis important?

It is an important tool to improve designers productivity to meet todays design complexity. If a designer can design 150 gates a day, it will take 6666 mans day to design a 1 million gate design, or almost 2 years for 10 designers. This is assuming a linear grow of complexity when design get bigger.

Synthesis Process Synthesis

RTL Cell Library

Operating Condition

Design Constraint Area Timing Power Design Rule DFT

Cell Name Cell Type Cell Function Cell Area Cell Timing Cell Power Cell Pin Cell Pin Loading Cell design rule Wire Load Table


Synthesis Process
Not all Verilog commands synthesize easily. For example initial initializing variables is easy to do in a program where all variables are stored. However in hardware only variables stored in flip-flops are easy to initialize. For this reason only a subset of Verilog is synthesizable. These presentation will concentrate on that subset.

Technology Library
A Technology Library contains a set of primitive cells which can be used by synthesis tools to build a circuit. Technology libraries are created by the silicon vendor. Not by the synthesis tools. A library may contain: The timing and electrical characteristics of the cells Net delay and net parasitic information Definition of capacitance, time and resistance units. Most libraries are compiled before delivery. They can be understood by the tools, but are unreadable to you.

Verilog Procedure
initial is not synthesizable and is used for test benches. always without @ condition, is normally only used in test benches Variables on the left-hand side should be of type reg in a procedural code , or at least not of type wire. In a structural code the LHS variable should be of type wire

Only Put Latches If Necessary

Many procedures do not need to store values. If all left-hand values can be calculated from a single procedure entry, nothing needs to be stored. In example2 we have initialized the value before the if statement so that it need not have to remember the value where as in example1, since it has to remember the values when enable =0 ,it will infer a latch. Example 1 Example 2

Only Put Latches If Necessary

Every time one executes a procedure all of the variables defined anywhere in the procedure must be calculated. If the procedure has several paths, every path must evaluate all outputs. Else synthesis will insert latches to hold the old value of those unevaluated outputs. Set all outputs to some value at the start of the procedure. Later on different values can overwrite those values. always @(. . . begin x=0; y=0; z=0; if (a) x=2; elseif (b) y=3; else z=4; end

Method 1:

Method 2
Be sure every branch of every if and case generate every output. always @(. . . begin if (a) begin x=2; y=0; z=0; end elseif (b) begin x=0; y=3; z=0; end else begin x=0; y=0; z=4; end end end

Procedural synthesis
Logic Inference Deciding what logic to synthesize from code is called inference. always @ Can infer: flip-flops, latches, and/or combinational logic. always @(posedge Clk) This is the statement that tells the logic compiler to generate flip flops. Latches and Combinational always @(C or D) :- This may generate a latch. It may just result in combinational logic.

Latch Inference
Inserting Latches With or Without Your Asking Latches form if //Latch Inference form if reg Q; always @(Clk or D) begin if (Clk) Q <= D; end //No Latch Inference from if reg Z; always @(Ck or D) begin Z<=1b0; //Initialize if (Ck) Z <= D; end

RTL level Optimization

Code related processing is first performed when a model is synthesized. Some of the steps are: Expansion - subprograms are in-lie expanded. Constant folding - eg. A + 3 + 2 becomes A + 5 Loop unrolling - loop statements are unrolled to a series of individual statements. Dead code removal - any unused code is discarded.

RTL level Optimization

Bit minimization - for example, VHDL state encoding, operator bit width, or assignments of different widths in Verilog, etc. Different implementations of arithmetic operators have different area and timing characteristics. E.g. + operator can be carry look-forward (fastest), carry look-ahead or ripple carry (smallest). Common sub-expression sharing. Operator reordering. Resource sharing, etc.

CDFG format
The control data flow graph is often used by synthesis tools for highest internal representation. If (S == 1b0) begin L <= A + B; M <= L + L; N <= A - C; end; else N <= A + C; end if; L=A+B M=L+L FORK N=A-C JOIN MERGE CDFG level optimization techniques will be used. N=A+C SELECT

Logic level optimization

All registered elements are fixed, only combinational logic is optimized. Optimization at this level involves restructuring of equations according to the rules of Boolean law. The types of logic optimization include: minimization equation flattening equation factorization The algorithms used work on multiple equations and multiple outputs.

Logic level optimization

L = A.B.C Y1=L+A.B.D Y2=A.B+C+D flatten equations Y1=A.B.C+A.B.D Y2=A.B+C+D factorize factorize M=A.B L=M.C Y1=L+M.D Y2=M+C+D

M=A.B N=C+D Y1=M.N Y2=M+N

Gate Level Optimization

Gate level optimization consists of Combinational mapping Sequential mapping Gate level optimization is a process of looking at local area of logic containing a few cells and trying to replace them by other cells from the technology library that fit the constraints better. It then looks at another local area with an overlap with the first local area. If the optimization effort is increased then the optimizer will look at a slightly larger area each time.

Mapped circuit before gate level optimization.

After gate level optimization

3 cells 14 transistors 3.5 equivalent gates

Verilog Coding Guidelines

Verilog Coding Guidelines

Guideline #1: When modeling sequential logic, use nonblocking assignments. Guideline #2: When modeling latches, use nonblocking assignments. Guideline #3: When modeling combinational logic with an always block, use blocking assignments. Guideline #4: When modeling both sequential and combinational logic within the same always block, use nonblocking assignments

Verilog Coding Guidelines

Guideline #5: Do not mix blocking and nonblocking assignments in the same always block. Guideline #6: Do not make assignments to the same variable from more than one always block. Guideline #7: Use $strobe to display values that have been assigned using nonblocking assignments. Guideline #8: Do not make assignments using #0 delays.

Verilog "stratified event queue"

Electrical Properties

Signal Types
0 : Logical 0, or false condition 1 : Logical 1, or false condition Z : High impedance state X : Unknown logic condition. Can be 0, 1 or Z

Signal Types(cont)
0 0 X Z

0 1 1

1 X X

Signals (cont)
0 X 1 X 1 X 0 X 0 S0 S1 SEL X S0 1 X X 0 X 1 S1 X X 0 1 SEL 0 1 X X Z S0 S1 0 1 Z

Signal Strength (cont)

Logic 0 strength Logic 1 strength

7 6 5 4 3
Su0 St 0 Pu0 La0 We0

2 1 0
Me0 Sm 0 HiZ 0

HiZ 1


2 3 4 5 6 7
Me1 We 1 La1 Pu1 St 1 Su1

Su1(7) Su1(7) La0(4)

Verilog Syntax for Strength

Only for gate instantiation // and gate with weak pull up and (supply0, weak1) (out, in1, in2);

Note: Valid strength keywords are supply1, strong1, pull1, weak1, highz1, supply0, strong0, pull0, weak0, highz0.

Support for transmission gate

rcmos, rpmos, rnmos, rtran, rtranif0,rtrainif1 reduce the output strength as follow: Input Strength Supply drive Strong drive Pull drive Weak drive High impedance Output Strength Pull drive Pull drive Weak drive Medium capacitor High impedance in0 in1 sel out

Timing Delay in ASIC library

Pin-to-Pin delay
module AND2 (Z, A1, A2); input A1, A2; output Z; and (Z, A1, A2); specify specparam A1_to_Z=12, A2_to_Z=14; (A1 => Z) = A1_to_Z; (A2 => Z) = A2_to_Z; endspecify endmodule

A1 to Z delay

A1 Z A2

A2 to Z delay

Timing Delay in Gate



Delay Calculation


Physical Information

Timing Delay Calculation

RC network

Delay Load
Cell Library

Output skew Load Input skew

Table Look-up



Timing Delay - SDF Back-Annotation

Using system task $sdf_annotate(). Example $sdf_annotate(full_chip.sdf); $sdf_annotate(mod1.sdf, mod1, , mod1_sdf.log);

Note: $sdf_annotate() can be placed anywhere in the HDL code. However, it make no sense to put it after time 0

Macros, Conditional Compilation & Naming Convention

Macro names and the names used in the design are different Macro definition is global. There is not scope restriction. Macro can be re-define. The last definition read is used. Keyword cannot be used as macro name. (It does not make sense). One line comment (//) will be excluded in the text substituted. Macro can also be defined in the command line. These macro has the highest priority. (e.g. verilog design.v +define+regressionSuit=4 )

Macro Cont..
define WORD 8 //word size define CLOCKMUX ssmux8 module register() reg [WORD-1 : 0] cpu_reg; CLOCKMUX hand_clockMux (); endmodule

Conditional Compilation
ifdef, else and endif can be nested Syntax for the ignored Verilog texts are not checked. Verilog simulator does not keep record of the ignored text. Thus any output (e.g. profiling and encryption) from the simulation does not retain the full Verilog input. module adder(a, b, c); output [8:0] a; input [7:0] b, c; reg [8:0] a; always @ (b or c) begin ifdef BEHAVIOURAL a = b + c; else gateAdder #(8, 7, 7)i0 (a, b, c); endif end endmodule

Good Naming Convention

Use all upper-case for constants specified by define macro and code inclusion control name defined by ifdef and define. Use short instance name. Unique pre-fix for modules belong to the same circuit partition. Use the same port name and wire name when the signal goes through different hierarchy. Use very short name in ASIC library. Do not use port names that are used in the ASIC library.

Verilog for Logic Simulation

Input command line





Key Log

File Output
$display(), $write() and $monitor() have a counterpart to write to a specific file, beside the log file. integer fileID; initial begin fileID = $fopen(capture.dat); if (fileID == 0) $finish; $fdisplay(fileID, Start Simulation %s, $pli_currentDateTime() ); end

Test bench
The following things are essentially required to be provisioned a test bench. timing control input stimulus device under test reference model diagnostic logging assertion checking

Test bench timing control

initial begin #10 inputA = 1b1; #12 inputB = 1b1; inputC=1b0; inputD=1b1; #9 {inputA, inputB} = 2b00; end initial begin clock = 1b0; forever #10 clock = !clock; end

Waveform Probing using VCD

Verilog supports Value Change Dump (VCD) output. A VCD waveform viewer can show the result in the form of waveform display. Specify VCD filename $dumpfile(<fileName>); $dumpvars(<level> <,<module or variable>>*);

Specify dump variable

Start/Stop dumping

$dumpon; / $dumpoff;

Waveform Probing using VCD

$dumpfile; Dump all variables in the design. $dumpfile(1, top.mod1); Dump all variables in the module top.mod1. $dumpfile(0, top.mod1); Dump all variables in the module top.mod1, and in all module instances below top.mod1 in the design hierarchy. $dumpfile(0, top.mod1, top.mod2.net1); Dump all variables in top.mod1 and all modules instantiate below top.mod1. Net top.mod2.net1 is also dumped. <level> only affect module, not variable.

Interactive Debugging
Simulation control (depends on simulator) $finish() $stop() . ,; $reset : finish the simulation : stop simulation and enter interactive mode : continue simulation : step : restart the simulation

$reset_count : number of times $reset is called

Some useful system tasks $showvars() : show unresolved values of specified variables $system() : execute a system command $showallinstance(): show number of instances of each module, gate and primitive in the design

Simulation Tips 1
Zero-delay loop
A common mistake in big design. Usually indicates a logic error. module top(reset); input reset; reg a; always begin if ( !reset ) begin // what happen when #10 a = 0; // reset is 1 #10 a = 1; end end endmodule

A more complicated zero delay loop module top; reg clk, reset, d; reg [3:0] a, b, c, res; initial begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = !clk; end initial begin reset = 0; #10 reset = 1; #10 reset = 0; #1000 $finish; end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) if(reset) {a,b,c,d}=13b0; else d = !d; always @(a or d) begin b = b + 1b1; if (d) res = b + d; end always @(b) c = c + 1b1; always @(c) a = a + 1b1; endmodule

Simulation Tips 2
Accelerated vs. Non-accelerated Construct
reg var; parameter delay=10 assign #delay a = b; assign #(delay + 1) c = d; assign e = f & g; assign #var h = i; assign j = k + m;

Accelerated continuous assignment Non-accelerated continuous assignment

Simulation Tips 3
Timing violation in register when crossing timing domains



clk1 clk2
unSyncD clk2 syncD

The timing violation can kill the simulation. The Xstate get propagated to the rest of the circuit, and the simulation becomes meaningless.

unSyncD sel clk1 clk2

Introduction to PLI

Where PLI is Used

The Programming Language Interface (PLI) provides a set of interface routines to read internal data representation, write to internal data representation, and extract information about the simulation environment. User-defined system tasks and functions can be created with this predefined set of PLI interface routines. PLI is used to customize the capability of the Verilog language by defining their own system tasks and functions for which designers need to interact with the internal representation of the design and the simulation environment in the Verilog simulator.

Simulation Flow Using PLI routines

Generations of Verilog PLI

Task/Function (tf_) routines make up the first generation PLI. These routines are primarily used for operations involving userdefined task/function arguments, utility functions, callback mechanism, and writing data to output devices. Access (acc_) routines make up the second-generation PLI. These routines are provide object-oriented access directly into a Verilog HDL structural description. These routines can be used to access and modify a wide variety of objects in the Verilog HDL description. Verilog Procedural Interface (vpi_) routines make up the thirdgeneration PLI. These routines are a superset of the functionality of acc_ and tf_ routines.

Uses Of PLI
PLI can be used to define additional system tasks and functions. Typical examples are monitoring tasks, stimulus tasks, debugging tasks, and complex operations that cannot be implemented with standard Verilog constructs. Application software like translators and delay calculators can be written with PLI. PLI can be used to extract design information such as hierarchy, connectivity, fanout, and number of logic elements of a certain type. PLI can be used to write special-purpose or customized output display routines. Waveform viewers can use this file to generate waveforms, logic connectivity, source level browsers, and hierarchy information.

Uses Of PLI (Contd..)

Routines that provide stimulus to the simulation can be written with PLI. The stimulus could be automatically generated or translated from some other form of stimulus. General Verilog-based application software can be written with PLI routines. This software will work with all Verilog simulators because of the uniform access provided by the PLI interface.

Linking and Invocation of PLI Tasks

example of a simple system task $hello_verilog
#include "veriuser.h" /*include the file provided in release dir */ int hello_verilog() { io_printf("Hello Verilog World\n"); }

Whenever the task $hello_verilog is invoked in the Verilog code, the C routine hello_verilog must be executed. The simulator needs to be aware that a new system task called $hello_verilog exists and is linked to the C routine hello_verilog. This process is called linking the PLI routines into the Verilog simulator.

At the end of the linking step, a special binary executable containing the new $hello_verilog system task is created. For example, instead of the usual simulator binary executable, a new binary executable hverilog is produced. To simulate, run hverilog instead of your usual simulator executable file. Once the user-defined task has been linked into the Verilog simulator, it can be invoked like any Verilog system task by the keyword $hello_verilog. A Verilog module hello_top, which calls the task $hello_verilog, is defined in file hello.v as shown below: module hello_top; initial $hello_verilog; //Invoke the user-defined task $hello_verilog endmodule Output of the simulation is as follows: Hello Verilog World


Summary of Verilog
Systems described hierarchically Modules with interfaces Modules contain instances of primitives, other modules Modules contain initial and always blocks Based on discrete-event simulation semantics Concurrent processes with sensitivity lists Scheduler runs parts of these processes in response to changes

Modeling Tools
Switch-level primitives CMOS transistors as switches that move around charge. Gate-level primitives Boolean logic gates User-defined primitives Gates and sequential elements defined with truth tables Continuous assignment Modeling combinational logic with expressions Initial and always blocks Procedural modeling of behavior

Language Features
Nets (wires) for modeling interconnection Non state-holding Values set continuously Regs for behavioral modeling Behave exactly like memory for imperative modeling. Do not always correspond to memory elements in synthesized netlist. Blocking vs. nonblocking assignment Blocking behaves like normal C-like assignment Nonblocking updates later for modeling synchronous behavior

Language Uses
Event-driven simulation Event queue containing things to do at particular simulated times. Evaluate and update events. Compiled-code event-driven simulation for speed. Logic synthesis Translating Verilog (structural and behavioral) into netlists. Register inference: whether output is always updated. Logic optimization for cleaning up the result.

Little-used Language Features

Switch-level modeling Much slower than gate or behavioral-level models. Insufficient detail for modeling most electrical problems. Delicate electrical problems simulated with a SPICE-like differential equation simulator. Delays Simulating circuits with delays does not improve confidence enough. Hard to get timing models accurate enough. Never sure youve simulated the worst case. Static timing analysis has taken its place.

Verilog Strengths and Weaknesses

Verilog is widely used because it solves a problem Good simulation speed that continues to improve. Designers use a well-behaved subset of the language. Makes a reasonable specification language for logic synthesis. Logic synthesis one of the great design automation success stories. Verilog is a deeply flawed language Non-deterministic. Often weird behavior due to discrete-event semantics. Vaguely defined synthesis subset. Many possible sources of simulation/synthesis mismatch.

References Palnitkar, Samir, Verilog HDL: A Guide to Design and Synthesis IEEE Standard Hardware Description Language Based on the Verilog Hardware Description Language, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Std 1364-1995.


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