Algebra 2 2013 Welcome Letter

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Honors Algebra 2

Mrs. Ciardiello 2013-2014

Welcome to Algebra 2 at Northern Middle School! Throughout this course, students will learn and hopefully master various mathematical concepts. In order to achieve this goal it is imperative for us to work together. I am looking forward to working with each of you. This year will be exciting yet challenging. I have summarized my academic and behavioral expectations as well as my grading policy. Please read this information carefully so that these expectations are clear to you. I can be reached at 410-257-1622 or by e-mail .

Daily Materials
Spiral Notebook Binder/Folder w/ paper Pencils (with lead) & a highlighter Covered Textbook **I have purchased glue sticks, scissors, pencils & tissues for the class, please consider donating some of these items. Thanks!

Class Rules
Be on time Be prepared Be respectful


Final quarter grades are determined from the following weighting scale: Homework 20% Quizzes 30% Tests



All assignments must be on time and in pencil for full credit. Showing work is mandatory; Completed work is full credit, one day late or incomplete work is credit, and beyond one day late & no assignment is a zero.
It is the responsibility of the student to make up all work missed because of an absence.

Quizzes and Tests

Students will be given 1-3 quizzes announced and unannounced within a unit. Students will be given a test at the end of every unit to show their mastery of the material. Tests are always announced. We will review all materials prior to each test. All Quizzes and Tests will be sent home to be reviewed, signed and returned. Benchmark Tests will be averaged into the grade during the appropriate quarter. The Final Exam will be averaged into the fourth quarter grade.

As we strive to aid students in the mastery of the mathematical content, the county has provided us with content specific benchmarks. Please review the back of this sheet for the tentative schedule.

Algebra 2 - MSA Diagnostic (2-day) by 8/23 - Algebra 2 Midterm (1-day) by 12/6 - MSA Benchmark #3 (2-day) by 2/15 - MSA (2-day) on TBA (March) - Alg. 2 Performance Assessment (1-day) by 4/25 - Final Exam (1-day) by 6/12 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Middle School Math Assessments

NMS Math Department Retest Policy

As a math department at NMS, we have decided to better define the retest guidelines to ensure equal opportunity for retests. We would like you to review these guidelines with your student. Students will be allowed one retest of a product assessment per quarter excluding benchmarks and final exams. Block students (2 math periods) will be allowed two retests of a product assessment per quarter excluding benchmarks and final exams. In order to be eligible for a retest, students must complete each of the following steps 1. Retests must be scheduled within two weeks after the original assessment is returned. 2. The student will complete all missing/incomplete homework assignments for that unit/chapter even though they may not count for credit in gradebook. 3. The student must show studying for the retest has taken place. This may be an additional review worksheet or assignment from the teacher, or re-teaching from the teacher during a designated time.

4. The student will complete the retest during a time designated by the teacher which may include but is not limited to an after school retest, or OP re-test. 5. Teacher discretion may be used for unforeseen circumstances.

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