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FEDERAL ORDINANCES AND STATE AND SETTLEMENT ENACTMENTS 7 1953 General Index of Ordinances, Enactments, Proclamations, etc., in force on the 3st December, 1953 cue PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY keane Herc . 1988 823 STATE OF JOHORE SACTMENT No. 2 OF 1953, I assent. ISMAIL, L S. Regent. (14th September, 1! 3). ‘An Enactment to incorporate the State Secretary, Johore. ITIS HEREBY ENACTED by His Highness the Sultan, with the advice and consent of the Council of State as follows: 1. This went may be cited as the State Secre~ tary, Johore (Incorporation) Enaetment, 1953. 2. In this Enactment— interests, € al, in, to or out of pro- “ property ~ includes all estate: and rights, whether equitable or leg -, and things in action. (1) The Otlicer for the time being di ging the of State Secretary, Johore and his successors in all be a body corporate under the name of “State y, Johore " (hereinatter alled © the Corporation "). (2) The Corporation may sue and be sued in its said name and shall have perpetual succession and a corporate seal, and the said seal may from time to time be broken, changed, altered and made seems. fit. 4. The Corporation may’ enter into contracts: and may acquire, purchase, take, hold and enjoy movable and im- movable property of every: description, and may convey assign, surrender nd yield up, charge, mortgage, demis reassign, transfer or otherwise dispose of, oF deal with, any movable or immovable property vested in the Corporation upon such terms as to the Corporation seems fi 5. All deeds, documents and other instruments requir- ing thy seal of the Corporation shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation in the presence of the officer for the time being discharging the dutics of State Secretary, Johore, who shall sign every such deed, document or other instru- ment to which the corporate seal is atlixed, and such signing anew as to the Corporation * Short tle. Interpreta- tion, Ineorpera- tion of State Secretary Pawers Corpor tion. ments STD 526 Jotiore No. 2 oF 1933 said seal was duly the lawful seal of the shall be suflivient evidence that the properly allixed and that the same i Corporation Vesting of 6. All property, movable and immovable, of whatever property. description, which, immediately before the commencement of this Enactment, was vested in the State Secretar: Johore, shall, on the commencement of this Enactment without any conveyances vest in the Corporation for the like title, estate or interest and on the like tenure as the same was vested or held immediately before the commencement of this Enactment. nd assignment or transfer whatever, aving of Nothing in this Enactment shall affect the rights rer oe Highness the Sultan . Highnes: the Sultan, _ Repeal, 8. The State Seeretary Incorporation Enactment (No, 108) is hereby repealed.

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