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RAPE AMONG TEENAGERS NOWADAYS Conflict is a kind of problems in our everyday life but it usually two or more parties.

Micro level conflict can be divided into two types intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict to be exact could be extract in our lives. According to Business interpersonal conflict is a situation that occurs when an individual or group frustrates, or tries to frustrate, the goal attainment efforts of the other. In easy words it is among two or more individuals .That means every conflict got a goal to be ac hieved for their sake of advantage. Hence, this group willing to do anything as well as their aim is accomplishing. Interpersonal conflict is the material of life. Couples disagree about what to eat, whether to go to the mall, relationships with children. Students and teachers have conflicts over homework. We have road rage on suburban highways, disputes between neighbors over property lines, and arguments between workers and bosses. Interpersonal conflicts are everywhere and occur every single moment in human life. Interpersonal and international conflicts are not the same, of course, but in some ways it is easier to prevent international conflict from turning violent because collective decisions have to be made, often by hundreds of people. (Cate Malek Research Assistant, Conflict Research Consortium University of Colorado). Interpersonal conflict could make big impact to an individual. Therefore, individuals are responsible for solving their problems cooperatively. Conflict resolution is a growth industry, but the growing community of conflict resolution professionals still needs to become more visible so that people can learn about it and turn to it when a conflict arises. So learning positive forms of dispute resolution is usually a superior approach to all involved. Nowadays, we can easy to get the incidence of rape among teenagers from the news paper. According Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary rape can be defined, as the unlawful compelling through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. Any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person. Rape also can be define as an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation (Oxford Dictionary, 2001). It occurs in all parts of the world and involves sexes, all races and ages, and people from all backgrounds.

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