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L:4 Course Objectives: T:2 P:0 Credits:5

To make the students learn the basic concepts of statistics and quantitative techniques. To understand various quantitative approaches towards problem solving and decision making. To make them understand and apply the practical aspects of various tools and techniques of statistics.

Unit I Introduction to Statistics : Introduction, Function of Statistics, Application of Statistics, Limitation of Statistics, Usefulness in Survey analysis Unit II Diagrammatic and Graphic Presentation : Bar Diagrams, Pie Diagrams, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Cumulative Frequency curve Data Collection : Classification of Data, Method of Collecting Data, Primary and Secondary Data, Sources of Secondary Data, Qualitative and Quantitative Classification, Tabulation- Tabulation of Data, Types of Tables, Formation of Discrete and Continuous Frequency Distribution Unit III Measures of Central Tendency : Arithmetic Mean, Average and its importance, Characteristics of an ideal average, Measures of Concept of Central Tendency, Decile, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, Mode, Percentile Methods, Quartile Measures of Dispersion : Range, Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Variance, Skewness, Karl Pearson co-efficient of Skewness, Coefficient of Variation Unit IV Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis : Scatter Diagram,, Karl Pearson's and Rank Method, Regression- Lines of Regression, Coefficient of Regression, Deviation taken from Arithmetic Mean Analysis of Time Series : Concept of Time Series and Its Components, Method of Semi-Average, Method of Moving Average,, Method of Simple Average, Method of Ratio-to-Trend, Method of Ratio-to-Moving Average, Method of Link Relative Unit V Index Number : Methods of Constructing Index Number- Laspeyres Method, Methods of Constructing Index Number- Paasche Methods, Methods of Constructing Index Number-Bowley's Method, Methods of Constructing Index Number-Fisher Method, Methods of Constructing Index Number- Marshall- Edgeworth Method, Chain base Index, Consumer-Price Index Unit VI Probability : Definition and its concept, Addition Theorem, Multiplicative Theorem Probability Distribution : Concept of probability distribution, Binomial Distribution, Poison Distribution, Normal Distribution Text Books: 1. Statistics for Management, 7/e by Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin, Sanjay Rastogi, Masood Husain Siddiqui, Pearson Education, 7th Edition, (2012) References: 1. Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making by Ken Black, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 4th Edition, (2012)


Print Date : 8/5/2013 12:24:17 PM

References: 2. Statistics for Business and Economics, 4/e by R P Hooda, Macmillan India Ltd, 4th Edition, (2010)

3. Business Statistics by Dr. S.P.Gupta, SULTAN CHAND & SONS, 38th Edition, (2013)


Print Date : 8/5/2013 12:24:17 PM

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