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Objective ToUtilize what I know and to develop different skills on career path as a Software Engineer Academic Qualification


SCOE SCOE SCOE Janata Junior College, Chandrapur BBC HighSchool, Chandrapur

University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune Maharashtra state board Maharashtra state board

62.07 63.33 66.23 84.00

2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09




Topper throughout Schooling Passed Scholarship Exam in 4th and 7thstandard 2nd Rank in National Language Primary Exam (with scholarship Rs.500/month for 1year) Top three in sincerity and ideal behavior in school for consecutively 4 years

Projects and Papers

A project in Database Management System-'Medical Store Database using Visual Basic and Oracle Database (Aug-12 to Nov-12) Dealt with transaction of medicines from retailers to customers and keeping the records of the same Highly user friendly and efficient software Currently working on the project based on Image Processing-ComputerVision for MalariaParasite Classification in Erythrocytes using JAVA(Aug-12 to ongoing)

Technical Skills
Databases : SQL, Oracle Database Languages: C, C++, Core Java, Visual Basics 6.0 , HTML Packages used: MS Office Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Linux

Positions of Responsibilities Tools : Eclipse, Net Beans

Finance Manager,VOICE(A Youth Club)(Sep 11-ongoing) Arranging funds and maintaining the departments of VOICE Managing funds and keeping databases of the same Event Manager for FE students Accountability Coordinator forManagers And Leaders Association, VOICE

Extra Curricular Activities

Participated in many Quiz Competitions in different schools Class Representative in junior college Completed Personality development courses- Discover Yourself, Self Manager, Proactive Leader(VOICE)

Additional Information
Reading spiritual literature to achieve Character & Competence Playing musical instruments like Harmonium and cymbal Cooking different food items

Date <Date> Place - <Place>

Signature <Name>

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