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Technical Guidelines

Number 12
Updated: April 2003

Requirements for Gravity Oil-water Separator

Foreword: Gravity separators are commonly used to remove settleable solids, floating oily substances from a wastewater stream prior to discharging into the sewer system or surface waters. As a minimum requirement, all oil-contaminated effluents from industrial and commercial premises, garages, and related activities must be treated to remove the oil through a gravity oil-water separator The Local Order No. 61 of 1991on the Environment Protection Regulations in the Emirate of Dubai requires all premises generating wastewater to comply with the effluent Standards by providing means of treatment of their wastewater before discharging. (Also see related EPSS TG Nos.1 & 28). This Guideline outlines the requirements for the construction and maintenance of a gravity oil-water separator. Guidelines: Design and Construction: 1. The oil-water separator must be constructed of impermeable material and with minimum of three (3) chambers (See Figure 1). Manholes should be provided in each chamber to allow access during maintenance The design and construction of an oil-water separator must achieve the two (2) primary objectives, which are: a) to treat wastewater and allow its reuse; and b) prevent discharge of oily water into the DM sewer system. 3. As much as practicable, oil-water separator must be separated from sewage and storm water drainage system. In the case where an oil-water separator is located in a wide catchment paved area, a by-pass channel should be provided to prevent large volume stormwater into the oil-water separator and avoid overflow of oil or contaminants into the municipal drainage system during heavy downpours.
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Large volume of stormwater surge flow should be reduced by catchment segregation and roofing of the oil-water separator where practicable. Clean stormwater should be directed to separate discharge points. A metal grill or appropriately designed screen must be installed upstream to prevent entry of debris into the oil-water separator. A typical design of a gravity oil-water separator is given in Figure 1, as attached. The final dimensions, taking account of incoming wastewater flow, should be made accordingly with approval from the DM Building Department and Drainage & Sewerage Department before construction. The oil-water separator must be designed with sufficient capacity and configuration to achieve the separation of oil and settleable solids from a wastewater stream. Minimum water retention period should be 30 minutes average dry weather flow and with provision for dealing stormwater run-off during average one-hour storm. The retention time is calculated from the basic formula given as follows:T = V/Q Where T = Retention time, minutes V = Total Volume of tank, cubic meters Q = Total flowrate of wastewater, cubic meter/min.

5. 6.




The final water discharge from the oil-water separator shall have: No visible oil and grease. With suspended solids of less than 50 mg/l or 100 mg/l during dry or wet weather respectively.


Alternative designs, such as corrugated plate interceptor, rotating belt, or similar oilwater separators would be acceptable where the design is meant to achieve better performance as and when required. The description, design computation, and relevant drawings showing location, plan and sections of the oil-water separator must be submitted to the Environment Protection and Safety Section (EPSS) for review and consent before construction.


Maintenance 12. If oil reaches the final compartment, the oil-water separator must be cleaned out. The accumulated oil in each chamber shall be taken out and placed in rigid plastic or steel containers or drum of sufficient capacity. To keep the oil-water separator effective, it must be desludged and cleaned regularly, on a quarterly basis or as the need arises. The generated sludge and wastewater shall be disposed off into a site or facility designated by Dubai Municipality.
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Disposal of sludge and wastewater as described in Item 13 above requires prior written permission from EPSS as per Technical Guideline 26 or TG 1.

15. The water from the last chamber of an oil-water separator should be oil-free and can be recycled, for example, in car washing activity. This will reduce the disposal costs. 16. Treated water not fit for reuse can be discharged into the DM sewerage system if it meets the prescribed limits and requirements specified in Technical Guideline 1. Collected oil must be traded or given only to waste oil collectors approved by Dubai Municipality. List of the approved waste oil collectors is available from EPSS. The use of detergents in washing off oil/grease can turn the oil into emulsion and makes its removal from the water stream extremely difficult. This would make the gravity oil-water separator ineffective. The use of detergent shall be avoided or minimized as much as practicable to avoid emulsification of oil. In the case where a simple oil-water separator becomes ineffective in removing emulsified oil from a wastewater stream, additional treatment process would be necessary. The Waste Generator is advised then to consult EPSS on this matter.



Further information is available at ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION & SAFETY SECTION Tel: 2064244 / 2064245 Fax: 2270160


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(the plan shown below is not to scale)

Further information is available at ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION & SAFETY SECTION Tel: 2064244 / 2064245 Fax: 2270160


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