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CAT 1, DataComm. Time 1.5 hr Answer All Qtns. 1.

Give one advantage and one disadvantage of Copper Cable, Optical Cable and Wireless medium as methods of transmission. (6Marks)

Medium Copper Optical Fiber Wireless

Adv Cheaper to implement, easier to install More Secure, highest Bandwidth Easiest to Install and relatively the Cheapest to Implement.

Disadv. Less Secure (easy to tap) Most Expensive, Harder to Install. Least Secure.

2. Sate and discuss the functional role for each of the Layers of the OSI Model (8Marks)

Layer Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

Function Provides networking applications (dns, http, dns, smtp, etc) to lower level layers Does data conversion, compression and encryption of data Opens and closes communication links Error Checks & Correction, Segmentation and Retransmission Packet Routing and IP Addressing Error Checks and Framing at LAN level Electro-Magenetic and Optical characteristics of the transmission network device

3. You are in charge of a large network that has 400 users at ABC Ltd. Select a
Class B network and using Packet Tracer, design a 3-Layer network to serve the users. Within the Network, show the 1st and Last Host Addresses for your PCs (Host Range). (14Marks)

Show 3Layer Design with 10 (ten) x 48PortSwitches, 3 (three) 12Port Distribution and 1 12Port Core Switch. Use Classless IP routing to give i.e class B but with only 512 hosts. Provide Packet Tracer Sample PCs, Class B IP Network Segment,

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