Era 6 - The Industrial Development of The United States Notes

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Unit III: The Industrial Development of the United States

The Triumph of Industry

Tuesday, September 3, 13


Complete the following notes on Tuesday

Tuesday, September 3, 13

What was the Gilded Age?

The period of great industrial development
that took place after the Civil War through the late 1910s.

Tuesday, September 3, 13

Entrepreneurs, Robber Barons, and Tycoons

It was a time of great wealth and great


rags to riches concept depended on


read end of page 101

Tuesday, September 3, 13 4

How businesses got so BIG

capitalism- individuals own most business laissez-faire economics- government stays out corporations- many owners trusts- many businesses under the trust of a

vertical vs. horizontal integration

Tuesday, September 3, 13

(see page 110-111)

Protecting America

protective tariffs- higher taxes on imports to protect Americanmade goods patents- ofcial rights given by the government to an inventor for the exclusive right to develop, use, and sell an invention for a set period of time Time-Zones- read- Sherman Anti-trust Act- 1890 law banning any companies or trusts that limit trade or commerce between states National Parks established to protect environment labor unions- groups that are legally recognized as representatives of the workers that they represent. (see page 117)

Tuesday, September 3, 13

A labor union is:

a group of workers who organize to collectively bargain for wages and rights

Tuesday, September 3, 13

Labor unions fought for:

better working conditions and increased wages

Tuesday, September 3, 13

Politicians were eager to gain the support of labor unions because:

labor unions had the power to sway elections because of the number of people they represent and/or influence

Tuesday, September 3, 13

What is a strike?

-when workers collectively refuse to do work. It is a bargaining tool.

Tuesday, September 3, 13


Strikers involved in the Haymarket Affair were speaking out against:

violence that had occurred at previous strikes

Tuesday, September 3, 13



Complete the following notes on Wednesday

Tuesday, September 3, 13


New vs. Old Immigrants

America is made of people coming from other countries. During the Gilded Age, the number of people coming to the U.S.
rose drastically. The immigrants during the Gilded Age are called new immigrants because of their shared characteristics Why Did They Come? Immigrants came to America during the Gilded Age mostly for economic opportunities. The Gilded age was a time of industrial growth following the Civil War which demanded labor- mostly cheap and unskilled.

See Chapter 5 and

Tuesday, September 3, 13 13

New vs. Old Immigrants

Old Immigrants New Immigrants Mostly from southern or eastern Europe (Italy, Russia, Greece, Poland) and Asia (China and Japan) Mostly from northern and western Europe (England, Germany, Norway)

Geographic Origin

Tuesday, September 3, 13


New vs. Old Immigrants

Old Immigrants New Immigrants


mostly Protestant

not Protestant- Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish

Tuesday, September 3, 13


New vs. Old Immigrants

Old Immigrants New Immigrants

settlement moved to farmlands of patterns the south and midwest

mostly stayed in cities in

immigrant neighborhoods many came make money and go back home

Tuesday, September 3, 13


New vs. Old Immigrants

Old Immigrants New Immigrants



factories in unskilled jobs

Tuesday, September 3, 13


Push Factors?
-what compels people to leave their homes and immigrate to a new place -Think, what pushes people from their homes?

farmers struggled world wide in the 1880s 1840s- China and eastern Europe experienced repeated wars and revolutions which disrupted economies and lives 1880s- Jewish people ed religious persecution lack of jobs

Tuesday, September 3, 13

Pull Factors?
-factors that draw people to a new place -Think, what pulls people to come to a new place?

hope for opportunity land and employment opportunities inexpensive farmland families already living in U.S. offered homes to those who came to the U.S. religious and political tolerance democracy

Tuesday, September 3, 13

Between 1890 and 1920, Eastern Europeans emigrated from their homeland to the United States primarily in response to which condition?

A.economic prosperity B. potato famine C. religious persecution D. political stability

Tuesday, September 3, 13


Between 1890 and 1920, Eastern Europeans emigrated from their homeland to the United States primarily in response to which condition?

A.economic prosperity :) B. potato famine :( C. religious persecution :( D. political stability :)

Tuesday, September 3, 13


Who benetted most from new windmill technology.

cattle and sheep ranchers in dry regions

Tuesday, September 3, 13


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