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www= world-wide web Internet = contains various types of

information to people all over the world Intranet= limited web-network of computers within an organisation or network of inter-related organisations

Communication between people using networked computers is called Computermediated Communication (CMC) e-mail and web bulletin boards are the most common form of asynchronous CMC

= face to face communication or on the telephone-we need to maintain the flow of communication the listener not only should listen to the speaker but also respond to the conversation,relevantly

alternative to the traditional classroom in the

delivery of education
changes in the world of communication, make it

necessary for the web to become an important component

Theoretical reasons: provides many different kinds of course material and many alternative modes of engaging with those materials as a way to enable students to become lifelong learners and to be able to practice self-paced, selfassessed and self directed learning

theories about language had changed from learning

the components (grammar, vocabulary) to communication importance

web which contains different forms of

communication provides multiple opportunities to students to acquire the skill

Knowledge explosion Changing world semiotics(functions of signs

and symbols) Greater access to computers Growing importance of English among more people

Pure web-based learning Ad-hoc use of web based learning Blended learning

Formulating objectives Checking on equipment Grading the tasks Check on the students proficiency in both language and computer skills Check that the web based task is within your present level of expertise Plan the tasks carefully

Remember that class organisation affects learning outcomes Take account of time constraints Assess your own attitude to web based learning Check on the students proficiency in both language and computer skills Check that the web based task is within your present level of expertise Plan the tasks carefully

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