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Loretta Gilmore MSW, CSW

Profile I am a very energetic pe rs on who learns quickly. I can be a follower but t e n d t o shine as a leader. I am a strategic thinker who has the ability to make quick decisions. I believe I would be an excellent asset to this agency and look forward to the opportunity to prove it. Experience Program Coordinator for 2nd Chance Re-entry Program, Family Advocate and Student Internship Supervisor March 2012-current Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program (4400 Briar H i ll Road, L e x i n g t o n K e n t u c k y 40516) Facilitate individual counseling sessions which include conducting assessments, mental status exams, diagnosing, and treatment planning Run 4 -5 weekly support groups which include PTSD and emotional regulation, codependency, assertive skill building, parenting and self-discovery for female trauma survivors. Supervise 4-8 students per semester who are in social work or other soft science majors in the masters program of several different universities within Kentucky Supervise 20 volunteer coaches and 20 inmate participants with reentry efforts, which include a 26 page Womens Risk Need Assessment, pre-release assessment and post assessment, provide case plan, and case management, record and compile stats for the federal grant, facilitate and co-facilitate trainings

Residential M an ag er / Crisis Counselor Supervisor February 2011 March 2012 Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program (4400 Briar H i ll Road, L e x i n g t o n K e n t u c k y 40516) Supervise 5 crisis counselor employees, 4-6 interns every semester and 4 trustees Conduct assessments and biopsychosocials Coordinate and supervise all volunteer groups and activities Draft policies and procedures Participate and assist in drafting the s trategic plan Participate in administrative meetings Continue to manage six different aspects of the budget Continue to manage a 16000 square foot facility Oversee and manage outside accounts such as Goodwill and Gods Pantry

Resident Manager December 2008 - February 2011 Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program (4400 Briar H i ll Road, L e x i n g t o n K e n t u c k y 40516) Manage a 16000 square foot facility that served over 350 clients in 2010 Managed 6 different monetary accounts Reduced the budget, saving over $2000 the first year, $6000 the second year, and further reduced the budget the third year, saving over $13,000 Secured funding and donations with local persons and organizations to ensure clients needs were met Ensure t h a t policies and procedures w e r e being followed and assisted i n the process of changing policies when needed Supervised 4 trustees from the department of corrections Met with clients and conducted case management, and assessments Facilitated parenting and house meetings weekly

Loretta Gilmore MSW, CSW Education Masters in Social Work MSW,May 2011 University Of Kentucky Cumulative GPA 3.8 Advanced standing Bachelors in Social Work BSW, December 2008 University Of Kentucky Cumulative GPA 3.5, National De a ns List, graduated Cum laude of my class Licensure Certified Social Worker (CSW) Licensure number 6079 with a provisional licensure to practice clinical social work under supervision. Currently obtaining supervision from Kathy Doyle Training, Speaking Engagements and CEU facilitation Domestic Violence Trainer training for all incoming staff, interns and volunteers. I have been doing this training for over three years on a monthly basis. Trauma and Neurobiology trainer for the staff of the Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program Speaking engagements at the University of Kentucky and BCTC on social work and Domestic Violence Co-Facilitator of re-entry trainings with the Kentucky Domestic Violence Program Webinar trainer for the National Clearinghouse of Violence Awards Social Work Student Supervisor Award for Outstanding Supervisor 2013 Recognition award from the University of Louisville Kent School for Outstanding Supervisor 2013

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