Terminal Velocity

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Descriptive answer 1 Terminal velocity of a skydiver

Outline A skydiver falling under the force of gravity reaches a terminal velocity. The
forces acting on the skydiver and how they change (or not) cause this to happen. You will
need to be able to describe how this happens by linking ideas about forces and motion
using key words and in a logical sequence.

Main question
A skydiver falling will reach a terminal velocity. Describe in a logical sequence by
referring to the forces acting on the skydiver how a terminal velocity is reached.

Key terms:
Air resistance, weight, velocity, acceleration, resultant force, balanced, unbalanced.

1. Using the prompt questions below write a draft answer to the main question.
2. Read through your draft answer and, if needed, reword it until it

answers all the prompt questions


includes all the key terms and


is arranged in a logical sequence.

3. Write your final answer in the space provided overleaf.

Prompt questions
1. What force(s) act on the skydiver just after he/she has jumped out of the plane?
2. What happens to the velocity of the skydiver after he/she has jumped?
3. What happens to the air resistance as the skydiver accelerates?
4. How does this affect the resultant force on the skydiver?
5. How does this affect the acceleration of the skydiver?

6. What happens to the forces for the acceleration to fall to zero?

7. What happens to the air resistance when the parachute is opened?
8. What effect does this have on the resultant force?
9. What effect does this have on the velocity of the skydiver?
10. What happens to the forces for the acceleration to fall to zero?

Final answer

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