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Empirical Research Synopsis

Effect of Psychographic Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Behaviour An Online Perspective

This study relates with the Online Psychographic Advertising and Consumer Purchasing Behavior, it measures the traits like click-rate, no. of consequent purchases with respect to the psychographic ads served to the users. To target the right advertising audience, it is imperative to know what kind of customers constitutes the audience and what customer needs to pursue what he/she likes, thinks, and values. Every user or customer is different in regards with his/her tastes, personality, behavior, preferences. And as their lifestyles are different, so are their consumption behavior in terms of tastes, purchasing, shopping patterns. The lifestyle factors collectively are called Psychographics which involves study of personality traits focusing on activities, interests, and opinions, also called AIO variables. When a relatively complete profile of a person or group's psychographic make-up is constructed, this is called a "psychographic profile". Psychographic profiles are widely used in advertising like Google, Facebook etc. The research in context draws upon the Psychographic advertising patterns from the websites like Facebook, Google, and Flipkart etc. Consumers are asked to respond a questionnaire regarding the purchasing patterns like stimulus-response behavior when they are served an ad based on their psychographic factors. The hypothesis that this study postulates is the positive correlation between psychographic advertising and number of purchases done by the consumer. The hypothesis takes into consideration two variables: 1. Dependent variable : Number of Purchases done by consumer(1st variable) 2. Independent variable : Click Through Rate(CTR) in context of psychographic ads(2nd variable) Based on the data collected, a co-relation between psychographic advertising served and number of purchases made is derived through which the hypothesis is validated.

Submitted by: Anjali Attri(14311), Nidhi Gupta(14387), Rahul Sachdeva(144105)

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