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You are on page 1of 2 Phrases for Conversation - Low Beginning 1. Greetings 2. Introducing self 3. Introducing people 4. Identifying people, things 5.

Classroom questions 6. Asking for information 7. Giving information 8. Simple sentences 9. Simple questions 10. Numbers and counting 11. Talking about family 12. Talking about favorite things 13. Talking about here and now 14. Describing people 15. Telling time 16. Talking about past actions 17. Talking about the future 18. Talking about life events 19. Talking about feelings/health 20. Expressing likes and dislikes 21. Simple shopping 22. Contractions 23. Short questions and answers 24. Closing a conversation 25. Expressing thanks 26. Situation: At the store 27. Describing a picture 28. Talking about occupations 1. Greetings 1. Hi. Hello. 2. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. 3. How are you? How are you doing? How ya doing? (Informal) 4. Fine. How about you? 5. Okay. Thanks.

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