Aviation Timeline

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History of flight

1. Which Renaissance artist designed a flying machine in 1487?


2. What did George Cayley build? ____________________________________

3. In what year was the kite invented? ________________________

4. In what year did Jean-Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries cross the
English Channel by balloon? _____________________________

5. In 400 B.C. Archytas of Tarentum is reported to have made a steam-

propelled ____________________.

6. In 1852 who created a steam-powered airship that made a flight?


7. Who made first powered, sustained, and controlled flight in a heavier-

than-air flying machine? What year?

8. Who invented the first hot air balloon?


9. In which war were airplanes first used?


10. In 1908, who was the first woman to fly solo in an airplane?

11. When did the United States Postal Service begin airmail service?
12. Who was the French aviator that made the first airplane crossing of
English Channel? ________________________________

13. Who completed first solo, nonstop trans-Atlantic flight?


14. Which British inventor invented the jet engine?


15.Who was the first woman to fly solo a non-stop trans-Atlantic flight?


16. Who was the pilot of the Bell X-1--the first aircraft to exceed the speed
of sound in level flight? _______________________

17. The 'Hindenburg', is destroyed by fire when docking at Lakehurst in

New Jersey. 33 of the 97 people on board are killed. The Hindenburg is
from which European country? _______________________

18. What was the first commercial jetliner? _______________________

19. For what is the Model 76 Voyager known?


20. What is the largest commercial passenger plane?


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