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Express English Women

What's the best thing about a woman?

Here's what people in London told us:

I think the best thing is probably is that you can pretty much do everything or anything that you want and I think that is probably the worst thing too because you have to make a lot of choices. I think the advantage is you know you can have it all. The disadvantage is that theres unnecessary too much pressure to be a superwoman, to be super-gorgeous to have a fantastic figure, have a whatever, because you know you can have it all. I think the best thing about being a women is that I think we can be independent we can be strong at the same time we can be feminine and we can be tender. Whats the worst thing about being a woman? Theres still a lot of prejudice in society even though its lesser than when in like, our mums generation, previous generations. Now women can do much more and they can like participate in more areas of society.

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Express English 2011

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