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Brickwork and Blockwork

Size of brick
215mm x 102.5mm x 65mm

Cement and sand (1:3) mortar (hand mixer) (m3)

Cement = RM17.00/ bag (50kg)
Sand = RM31.68/ m3

Material cost:
1 m3 cement =28 bag x RM17.00 =RM476.00
3 m3 sand = 3 m3 x RM31.68 =RM 95.04
ADD 1/3 for shrinkage and waste =RM190.35
Cost (4m3) =RM761.39

Cost/ m3 =RM761.39/4 =RM190.35

Labour cost
Labour =2 hours x RM40 = RM 10.00
8 hours

Material cost =RM190.35

Labour cost =RM 10.00
Total cost (1m3 mortar) =RM200.35
Cement and sand (1:1:6) mortar (hand mixer) (m3)

Cement = RM17.00/ bag (50kg)

Sand = RM31.68/ m3
Lime =RM3.50/ bag (10bag)
1 m3 lime = 400kg = 40bag

Material cost
1 m3 cement =28 bag x RM17.00 =RM476.00
1 m3 lime 40 bag x RM3.50 =RM140.00
6 m3 sand 6 x RM31.68 =RM190.08
ADD 1/3 for shrinkage and waste =RM268.70
Cost (8 m3) =RM1074.78

Cost/ m3=RM1074.78/ 8 RM134.35

Labour cost
Labour =2 hours x RM40 = RM 10.00
8 hours
Total cost (1m3 mortar) RM144.35
Half brickwork in common bricks in cement lime mortar (1:1:6) in stretcher bond with brick
reinforcement at every forth course (m2)

Common bricks = 63No. x RM0.55 =RM34.65
Mortar (hand mixer) = RM144.35/ m3
Brick reinforcement = RM0.60 /m

Material cost
Brick = 63No.x RM0.55 =RM34.65
Mortar =0.025m3 x RM144.35 =RM 3.61
Brick reinforcement = 3.50m x RM0.60 =RM 2.10 RM40.36

Labour cost
Skilled worker = 1.00 hour x RM91.67/8 hours =RM11.46
General worker= 0.35 hour x RM66.25/8 hours =RM 2.90 RM 14.36
RM 54.72
Allow 15% for profit and overhead RM 8.21
Rate /m2 RM62.93

113mm Wide horizontal damp proof course of single course hessian based bituminous felt
lapped 100mm at joint and bedded in cement, lime and sand mortar (1:1:6) (measured net- no
allowance made for laps).(m)

Damp proof course = RM5.00 /m2

Material cost
113mm Wide damp proof course = RM5.00 x 113mm/1000 =RM0.57
ADD 5% for lap and wastage =RM0.03
Mortar = 0.002 m3 x RM144.35 =RM0.29

Labour cost
Skilled worker = 0.02 hour x RM91.67/8 hours =RM0.23
General worker =0.01 hour x RM66.25/8 hours =RM0.08
RM 0.31
Allow 15% for profit and overhead RM0.05
Rate /m RM 0.36

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