Be Thankful To God

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Be thankful to God

Lu 17:11-18 ...and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. So Jesus answered and said, "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? "Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"

WORD by Mukisa Emma

I heard an inspirational story talking about angels. Its said that there were two angels sent on earth with big baskets to collect the prayers of the saints on earth and present them to God. One was sent to collect petitions of the saints and the other thanks giving. They all collected the prayers and went and presented them to God, the basket of petition was full but that of thanksgiving was not even a quarter! Sad to say that this is true among believers, few people who receive the goodness of the Lord return to give Him thanks for what He has done. That does not keep the Lord from doing what is right for us. Basing on our opening scripture, He healed all ten of these lepers according to their request - not just the one who was thankful. However, there was only one out of the ten that was made "whole." Hallelujah The Lord desires that we prosper in spirit, soul, and body. He wants us to be whole - not just healed. Part of the reason God meets our physical needs is to prove to us His willingness and ability to meet our emotional and spiritual needs. The Lord is concerned about our temporal needs (Mt. 6:30), but He is even more concerned about our eternal needs. The Greek uses the same word to mean thankful and grace which means that being thankful is a way by which we walk in the grace of God. It is a sign of humility and complete surrender to God. It is one way that can help you put self in its right place. Put your flesh under and exalt God in your life by glorifying Him and being thankfull in all things!

I have the heart of thanksgiving because the grace of God is working in me. I am conscious of His divine presence in me for in Him I live, move and have my being, as I thank God for what He has done, doing and going to do, situations are changing and are lining up for my good in Jesus Name.

Php 4:7; Col 2:7; 3:15; 3:17

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