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AmnioFix Injectable is composed of a natural membrane that provides

anti-inammatory growth factors for enhanced soft tissue healing.

Injectable Micronized Amniotic
Membrane Allograft for
Enhanced Soft Tissue Healing
AmnioFix Injectable is composed of
micronized amniotic tissue, uniquely
processed to optimize surgical performance
and ease of use. The proprietary Purion,

Process retains the amniotic growth factors
and cytokines inherent in this tissue. The
result is an injectable product that offers
surgeons a clear advantage.
Conta|ns a comb|nat|on ol rowtH
factors unique to placental tissue
beduces |nNammat|on at tHe |nject|on s|te
LnHances tHe norma| wound Hea||n
Product Offering
AmnioFix Injectable is processed using Purion,

a unique approach that provides an added level
of tissue safety and ease of use.
Lllect|ve m|crob|a| reduct|on, us|n
Purion System
1erm|na| ster|||zat|on us|n LBeam,
which does not harm AmnioFix Injectable
/mn|ol|x lnjectab|e |s never treated w|tH
|utara|deHyde or otHer cross||nk|n
agents, reducing concerns about potential
Ease of Use
AmnioFix Injectable has been specically
processed for optimum handling.
0ry powder preservat|on lor s|mp|e m|x|n
and application
byear sHe|l ||le at room temperature;
no special storage required
Soft Tissue Healing
In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that
the properties of amniotic membrane help
to reduce |nNammat|on and scar t|ssue
For use as an injection into
soft tissue, AmnioFix Injectable provides an
ellect|ve so|ut|on to reduce |nNammat|on and
support the natural healing process:
Inammation Reduction
Human amniotic tissue has been proven to
conta|n ant| |nNammatory prote|ns sucH as
|nter|euk|n |ll receptor antaon|st; t|ssue
|nH|b|tors ol meta||oprote|nase |1llls ,
Z, 3, 4; and llC
Human amn|ot|c t|ssue |s non|mmunoen|c
and does not elicit a substantial immune
Ordering Information
Customer 3erv|ce: bb.4//.4Z9
bC CHasta|n Center B|vd., 3u|te bC, bennesaw, 0/ 3C44 www.m|

|s a trademark ol l|ledx 0roup, lnc.


|s processed by 3ur|ca| B|o|o|cs, a l|ledx 0roup Company.

ZC l|ledx 0roup, lnc. /|| b|Hts beserved.
beduces lnNammat|on
Enhanced Soft Tissue Healing
Item Number Size
/lbZCC Z.Cm|
/lbZb .Zbm|

3o|omon /, bosenb|att l, lonroy 0. 3uppress|on ol |nter|euk|n a and |nter|euk|n |n Human ||mba| ep|tHe||a| ce||s
cu|tured on tHe amn|ot|c membrane stroma| matr|x. Br J 0pHtHa|mo| ZCC;b:444449.
3H|mmura 3, 3H|mazak| J, 0HasH| Y, 1subota b. /nt||nNammatory ellects ol amn|ot|c membrane transp|antat|on |n
ocu|ar surlace d|sorders. Cornea ZCC;ZC:4C3.
1oda /. et a| 1He lotent|a| ol /mn|ot|c lembrane//mn|on0er|ved Ce||s lor beenerat|on ol Var|ous 1|ssues.
J. lHarmaco| 3c| Cb |ZCC/, ZbZZ
Hao Y, la 0H, Hwan 00, b|m w3, ZHan l. ldent|hcat|on ol ant|an|oen|c and ant||nNammatory prote|ns |n Human
amn|ot|c membrane. Cornea. ZCCC;9:34-3bZ.

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