For Immediate Release: Sept.3, 2013

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3, 2013 Contact: Steve Lee| Cell: 714/267-1235 | Public Relations Contact City Council President Todd Gloria Dismisses Four Mayor Filner Senior Appointees without Cause San Diego On Thursday, August 29, 2013, four senior appointees of Mayor Bob Filner were notified by the San Diego City Human Resources Department that they would be terminated at 5:01 pm on Friday, August 30, 2013, Mayor Filners last day in office. The staff members were terminated by Presiding Officer Todd Gloria. This was Glorias first action under the charter provision granting him limited mayoral powers. I cant say that I am surprised, Todd has been trying to sabotage the vision that Mayor Filner was elected to carry out from the first day of this administration, said Linda Perine, Director of Community Outreach and one of those terminated. Based upon Glorias latest action, many in the progressive community question whether he is committed to the mandate that the voters expressed when they elected Bob Filner last November. Given that Gloria is also a reputed progressive, his behavior is disappointing. Gloria terminated Lee Burdick, Chief of Staff, Nelson Hernandez, Director of Policy, Francisco Estrada, Council Liaison, and Linda Perine. It is not clear why Gloria would terminate those most directly involved in implementing policy. According to City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, Gloria cannot hire new people to fill these vacancies. This calls into question Glorias judgment, use of his new authority, as well as his political motivations. It is difficult for me to believe that Glorias actions are those of someone who is truly committed to neighborhoods and working people. Everyone knows we need all hands on deck during this crisis. Those fired didnt do anything wrong except to show up to work every day in very difficult circumstances, Perine continued. Gloria has consistently voted with conservative members on council to derail the progressive agenda. Personal relationship conflict should not hinder the progress of Americas Finest City. We have much to do, and Glorias actions have set an inappropriate tone.

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