Tips For Writing Resume

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Tips for writing resume

Design Aspects
Use the Best Quality Paper Font size should not be greater than 12 and less than 10. Do not use font styles like resume font style or resume font style or resume font style. A hint of colour in resume is ok. But it should not appear like a rainbow.

The colour should be the kind, if photocopied, it should be visible in black and white. No more than one colour and that too sparingly. The colour should not be tacky or in bad taste. It should also not be unreadable. The margins should be not less than .75

There should be consistency in margins. Do not use decorative bullets like , There should be consistency in management of white space.

Content Related Aspects

Achievements/Accomplishments Strengths/Skills Parallelism in statements.
Managed and controlled all aspects of the stores customer handling. [verb] Complete Control of inventory. [noun] Full Recruitment and Selection responsibilities. [noun]

Supervised inventory. Completely oversaw Recruitment and Selection

Be sure that the reader understands all the jargons that you write in CV. Eg. CR, VM etc. Eliminate pronouns. Ensure there are not any typyng and Grammar errors

There is no need to write hobbies and interests, if they are not relevant for the jobs. Do not write full length dates. They will only clutter your resume. Use action oriented verbs like: Supervised, Managed, Controlled, Coordinated etc..instead of was responsible for coordinating

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