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6th Grade Social Studies Reynolds Middle School 2012-2013 Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Leonard Contact Information: Phone: (717) 291-6257, EXT. 26214 **Available to provide extra help after school** Course Description: The Grade 6 Social Studies curriculum will allow students to study the geography, history, culture, religion,
economics, and government of civilizations including Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, and Rome from ancient times to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.


Text/Materials: McDougal Littell World History McDougal Littell World History: Geography Handbook
Academic and Behavior Expectations RMS: Respect, Make responsible choices, Stay safe Be prepared for class Be on time and ready to learn Turn in all homework assignments on time (points will be lost if not) Work in groups in the appropriate manner

All assignments should reflect your very best effort.

Assessment/Grading Policy 40% Class Work/Notebooks/Class Participation Class time independent work, literature circles, classroom discussions, small group work 30% Tests/Quizzes For example, the mid-term and final. 20% Projects/Essays For example, but not limited to: book jackets, pamphlets, research papers, power point, presentations, etc... 10 % Homework Homework is intended to reinforce classroom learning. It will be given with regularity and completion of homework is often critical to subsequent classroom learning and work.

Grading Scale 90-100% A

80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 59% and below


Marking Period 1 Marking Period 2 Marking Period 3 Marking Period 4

8/26/13 - 10/29/14 10/30/13 - 1/15/14 1/16/14 3/24/14 3/25/14 - 6/2/14

Grading Periods

Assessment Instruments Students will be assessed throughout the year using a variety of tools, such as teacher designed tests, quizzes, homework, and classwork. The SDOL district also administers a midterm and final exam in all Social Studies classes.
What You Need to Do to Succeed in Class 1. Bring your SS materials to class every day a. Green CA folder b. Textbook/workbook c. Pencil d. Silent reading book 2. Keep your SS notebook up to date -Inside of notebook class notes and class work 3. You are responsible for: a. class work b. homework c. class notes d. making up missed work and tests When you are absent, check missed homework schedule and come to the teacher if you need to make up a test. You may have to borrow a classmates notebook or stay after school and copy from the teachers notebook to get any assignments and notes you missed.

Plagiarism Policy: All assignments are given for your personal growth. Please do not take shortcuts by trying to copy or plagiarize any work. Plagiarism is defined as the lack of attribution from any source (internet, film, book, magazine, newspaper, television, song, art of all sorts) for any or all words, images, graphics, unique and original ideas and artistic expression. Any and all form of plagiarism will result in no credit for the assignment. All work should contain MLA Works Cited Section.

Tentative Course Outline: Marking Period Weeks/Units Topics/Focuses of Study-Including, but not Limited to: Instructional Goals: To be addressed across all units of study.
-Students will learn note-taking and notebook procedures. -Students will define and use appropriately selected vocabulary specific to content units.

Weeks 1-2: Text Organization

-Preview the textbook -Note-taking skills -Review of reading strategies -Nonfiction text organization


Weeks 3-7: Unit 1: Historys Beginnings-Mesopotamia and The Fertile Crescent

-Early History and Early Humans -How geography affected first civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Empires of the Fertile Crescent - Hebrews of the Fertile Crescent, and the rise and fall of the Israelites -Geography of Egypt -Transportation, farming, and housing. -The religion, daily life of Ancient Egypt -The geography, religion, and daily life of Ancient India, and Ancient China. -How Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, and Ancient China influence the world today.

-Students will extract information from maps (types of maps, purposes of maps, etc.). -Students will identify and use a variety of sources from which to extract information. -Students will classify and categorize information. -Students will evaluate data. -Students will develop oral presentation skills and demonstrate those skills in class. -Students will apply pertinent skills to writing an essay on a given topic.

Weeks 8-9: Unit 2: Ancient African and Asian Civilizations

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Weeks 1-7: Unit 2: Ancient African and Asian Civilizations

Weeks 7-9: Unit 3: Ancient and Classical Greece

-Geography of Greece -Ancient gods and literature -City-states and government

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Week 1: Unit 3: Ancient and Classical Greece

-The achievements and influences of Greeks in the Arts and Sciences

Weeks 2-5: Unit 4: The World of Ancient Rome

-The growth of the Roman Republic and how it evolved into an empire -Daily lives of the Romans -The decline and fall of the Roman Empire

- The achievements and influences of Romans in the Arts and Sciences

Weeks 5-9: Unit 5: Regional Civilizations and Empires

-Muhammad and the adoption and spread of Islam -How Muslim culture flourished under Abbasids and Umayyads -Japanese civilization and how it was shaped by Chinese influences. -The rise of feudalism and military rulers

Weeks 1: Unit 5: Regional Civilizations and Empires

Weeks 2-9: Unit 6: Medieval and Renaissance Europe

-Feudalism in Medieval Europe -The Roman Catholic Church and its power as an organization -The Reformation and Martin Luther -The Plague and The Hundred Years War -The effects of modern government in England and how those changes effect today -Italian Renaissance

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