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Technology: Good or Evil?

Pros: In media
Technology is used to defeat the aliens in Independence Day. There is the use of the alien technology as well as the part played by the computer virus that rids the alien ships of their shields. In the movie WALL-E, technology saves humanity. The film takes place in the future where there are no living organisms on Earth due to environmental degradation. WALL-E is a robot that ends up helping humanity return to Earth and heal the planet.

Cons: In media
Within the Matrix it is seen that life is a lie. Machines imprison the minds of humans in and artificial reality known as the Matrix and live off humans body heat and electrochemical energy.

The capacity for good or evil in media

In The Day the Earth Stood Still, Klatuu has technology that turns off essentially all lights on Earth nut this is not used with malice. This could easily be used to throw the world into chaos.

Pros: In modern society

Technology can be used to gain knowledge such as through TED talks and certain television programs. It allows people to get I touch with people far away instantaneously and allows for the spread of ideas.

Cons: In modern society

Internet bullying is a large problem that arose directly from technology.

The capacity for good or evil in modern society

Bankers could move money in accounts that they should not be, but they do not. There is the existence of hackers that could cause great problems in society.

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