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How does setting impact the story and/or characters?

1. Draw a detailed illustration of your example of setting.

Where: Seal Rocks Nab had taken me to Seal Rocksthe island home of seals and pelicans(Cutting, 8). When: Close to sunset: The sun was slipping from the sky (Cutting, 8). Environment: Rock in the middle of a cold, turbulent sea: I hung to the rocksputtering and gasping (Cutting, 8). How does the setting impact the story or character? Why is this important? The setting impacts the story because the rock breaks the rope and makes it harder for the boy to swim. This is important because Nab takes the boy back to his birthplace. Being at Seal Rock is a turning point for the boy as he begins to feel bad for Nab and decides to let him be free.

2. Draw a detailed illustration of your example of setting.

Where: 100 yards from the shore: one hundred yards from the rock across to the beachI looked down into that green water and shrank from sliding in as if from death (Cutting, 8). When: Same: (Cutting, 8). Environment: Clinging to a rock in the cold ocean far from shore: I could not bring myself to let go the rocks felt so firm and good (Cutting, 8). How does the setting impact the story or character? Why is this important? The setting impacts the story because it is only once the boy is trapped in the seals environment that he realizes that it is not right to keep the seal trapped in his environment back at the shed. This is important because the boy is very fearful of drowning and decides to fight for his life and leave Nab to live in freedom.

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