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Appendix ‘A’
(Outlines of Tests)
Paper ‘A’: 100
Paper ‘B’: 100

Appendix ‘B’
(Syllabi and Courses of Reading)

Paper A: Marks
A Selection of Short Stories: Derek Hudson 40
“The Kite” Somerset Maugham
“The Little Willow” Francis Towers
“The Voice” V.S.Prichett
“The Women Who Had Imagination” H.E.Bates
“Maria” Elizabeth Bowen
“The Basement Room” Graham Greene
“Local Boy makes Good” John Moore
“On Guard” Evelyn Waugh
“A dream of winter” Rosamund Lehman
“The Duchess and the Jeweler Virginia Woolf
Selected Short Plays: Prof Ghulam Sarwar Qureshi & 40
Dr. Nousheen Khan
“Riders to the Sea” J.M.Synge
“Time’s Visitors” F, Siadin Smith
“A Parting” Gordon Bottomley
“The End of the beginning” Sean O’ Casey
“ An Old Friend” Edmund See

Animal Farm George Orwell 20

Paper B:

Method William Shakespeare 20

Glass Meanagerie Tennessee William 20
Poetry: (John Milton, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Robert Browning, Robert Frost). 40

John Milton: On His Blindness: How Soon Hath Time

Paradise Lost, Book I, Lines: 1-26
Paradise Lost, Book I. Lines: 105-124
Paradise Lost, Book IX, Lines: 896-916
Wordsworth: To Butter fly
The Sun has long been set
Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey
The Reverie of Poor Susan
Resolution and Independence
Sonnet: Composed upon Westminster Abbey Sep, 3, 1802
Sonnet: London 1802
Ode: Intimations of Immortality from
Recollection of Early Childhood.
John Keats: On the Grasshopper and Cricket
Ode: Bards of Passion and of Mirtn
Ode: To Autum
Sonnet: To Sleep
Sonnet: The Human Seasons
Sonnet: To Fancy
Meg Merrilies
Song: In a drear-nighted December

Robert Browning: ‘Meeting at Night: Parting at Morning:

“Incident of the French Camp”:

My Last Duches:
Prospice: Childe Ronald to the Dark Tower Came.
Robert Frost: “Neither Out Far nor in Deep”:
“Nothing Gold can Stay: “Bereft”
“The Oven Bird: free at my Window:
“The Trial by Existence”
“The Span of Life”
“Acquainted with the Night”
“Fire and Ice”
“The Road Not Taken”

N.B.__ All the prescribed books are for intensive reading.

A compulsory question on explanation of passages with reference to the context from the 20
prescribed books will be set in Paper B.

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