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The Fixers EXT.

STREET - AFTERNOON FADE IN Our eyes are first met with a lonely figure staggering along a desolate, silent road. This mysterious figure is Donovan Chance who wears a scruffy leather jacket and scuffed jeans as if he had just taken a dirt bath. He doesnt say a word but has no apparent direction of motion. In his right hand he is holding a whisky bottle. Though there is enough left even for a maximum of two sips. Donovan is a young black man of seventeen years of age with a lean framework. Upon further inspection his facial features accentuate themselves to a ghastly degree - his eyes are sunken, his lips are cut and looks like trash. He comes to an abrupt halt after about 2 minutes of lurching along the sidewalk. EXT. OUTSIDE POLICE STATION - AFTERNOON Standing dead still, Donovans head levitates and turns toward the building next to him at which he stares intently. There is a sign above. The sign reads Metropolitan Police Station. INT. POLICE STATION (continuous) He hesitates for a second, but enters. We follow him through a series of corridors and hallways, but Donovan eventually arrives at a small desk behind which an officer is sat. There is a calendar behind him with the date marked on September 30th. DONOVAN Hello. Id like to make an official statement in regards to the murder of Callum Mars that happened in the area a few days ago. POLICE OFFICER Name? DONOVAN Arthur Curry. POLICE OFFICER No-can-do. You can fill out a form over there. DONOVAN takes a form and fills it out. He leaves it on the desk. His phone rings. Cut to AUSTEN who is on the caller end. AUSTEN Donovan, is the operation in progress? Cut back to DONOVAN

DONOVAN Im still waiting. DONOVAN hangs up the phone. Id like to request to see Detective Henry Steel. POLICE OFFICER Be quick, he gets off in 20 minutes. Pass through. POLICE OFFICER unlocks the door to a long hallway where the interrogation rooms are kept. POLICE OFFICER leads DONOVAN to his office. INT - OFFICE OF DETECTIVE HENRY STEEL POLICE OFFICER Man here claims to have information on Mars. Its his request to see you. POLICE OFFICER leaves and shuts door behind him. DETECTIVE HENRY STEEL Alright, fine. Lets see what hes got. Son, whatve you got? DONOVAN As your colleague said, I have information regarding someone in particular that you may want to know more about. DETECTIVE HENRY STEEL We get heaps of people in here, day in and day out. Listen kid, my wife made pork-chops, so you can go on ahead and cut to the chase. DONOVAN sits on chair opposite. DONOVAN I killed him. And I want to confess. CUT TO: INT. DONOVANS BEDROOM - MORNING CU: ALARM CLOCK TICKING DOWN TO 7.29am It is 7.30am and Donovan has just gotten up and is about to start his morning routine. He looks out the window and observes the life outside for a brief second and smiles, then hastily hurries to the bathroom. We hear a toilet flush and heavy footsteps coming down the stairs excitedly. By this point he is already dressed. He begins to prepare his breakfast of cereal and admires it as if it were the holy grail of breakfasts. He turns on the TV and picks up a newspaper..the date is August 12th. CU: SPOON SWIRLING AROUND BREAKFAST BOWL

DONOVAN finishes breakfast and grabs his backpack for school. Suddenly he turns to the family pictures that rest on various ledges that support them. He grabs one in particular, extremely polished, and stares at it for a second. It is of him and his family. He puts it down and calls up the stairs. DONOVAN Earth to Austen, this is me leaving the house. AUSTEN (after a pause) Request not understood. Youll have to come and get me. AUSTEN, seventeen, comes flying down the stairs all dressed with her backpack. You ready? DONOVAN For sure. AUSTEN Lets roll. EXT. STREET - MORNING

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