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MINI-CHECKLIST for 2011-07294 BARREDO ELIZA KATRINA D - BSBIO-2002 Units to earn classifications : FRESHMAN<=38 : SOPHOMORE<=76 : JUNIOR<=114 : SENIOR<=153 Units

to achieve YEAR : FIRST<36 : SECOND<73 : THIRD<115 : FOURTH<153 FIRST Year, First Semester (17 units) NSTP 1 LTS 1 REGD PE 1 REGD BIO 1 REGD CHEM 16.0 REGD CHEM 16.1 REGD ENG 1(AH) REGD MATH 11 REGD GE(SSP) PSY 1(SSP) REGD SECOND Year, First Semester (19 units) PE 2 ____ BIO 70 ____ CHEM 40.0 ____ CHEM 40.1 ____ BOT 3 ____ MATH 26 ____ PHYS 3 ____ MCB 1 ____ THIRD Year, First Semester (21 units) BIO 101 ____ GE(MST) ____ STAT 1 ____ GE(AH) ____ GE(SSP) ____ MAJOR ____ MAJOR ____ FOURTH Year, First Semester (19 units) BIO 199a ____ FIL 20 ____ GE(AH) ____ GE(SSP) ____ MAJOR ____ MAJOR ____ ELECTIVE ____ FIRST Year, Second Semester (19 units) NSTP 2 NSTP 2(LTS) ____ PE 2 ____ BIO 3 ____ CHEM 17.0 ____ CHEM 17.1 ____ ENG 2(AH) ____ MATH 14 ____ GE(SSP) SOSC 1(SSP) ____ SECOND Year, Second Semester (18 units) PE 2 ____ BIO 30 ____ GE(SSP) ____ BIO 150 ____ CHEM 160 ____ GE(MST) ____ ZOO 3 ____

0 0 3 3 2 3 3 3

0 0 5 3 2 3 3 3

* Pri3 Pri1 Pri2 Pri4 Pri5 Pri6

0 * 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 Alt1

0 * 3 3 * 3 3 3 * 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

* Alt2 * * * *

THIRD Year, Second Semester (21 units) BIO 120 ____ BIO 140 ____ GE(AH) ____ ENG 10 ____ MAJOR ____ MAJOR ____ MAJOR ____ FOURTH Year, Second Semester (19 units) BIO 199b ____ PI 10(SSP) ____ GE(MST) ____ MAJOR ____ MAJOR ____ MAJOR ____ ELECTIVE ____

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

* * * *

1 3 3 3 3 3 3

Alt3 * * * * *

1 3 3 3 3 3 3

Alt4 * * * * *

LEGENDS for grades and remarks: * - specify subject/GE/PE 2 activity; % - lapsed 4/INC; # - conditional; PASS - credit earned/exempted; REGD - currently registered; PriN - Nth priority subject; AltK - Kth alternate subject SUMMARY for 1st Semester 2010-2011 : Units registered=0 : Dropped=0 : Earned=0 : Scholastic standing=(NA) SUMMARY for 2nd Semester 2010-2011 : Units registered=0 : Dropped=0 : Earned=0 : Scholastic standing=(NA) MISSING ELECTIVEs/entries in Plan of CourseWork = 21

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