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Rakhmanov Physics I Lab

Physic Lab Acceleration

George A. Garcia 2 / 28/ 2013

INRODUCTION The purpose of this experiment is to learn about acceleration by analyzing the phenomenon through masses and pulleys. Overall, this experiment allowed us to determine a theoretical time for the acceleration of two masses on pulley, and then allowed us to experimentally calculate the acceleration. Then, having the experimental and calculated accelerations, we could determine if they were alike, not alike and what were the reasons for our results. PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. Build 3 different experimental pulley setups with different masses each time. Measure the height of the mass that will be observed. Release masses, and measure the time of fall 10 times for each 3 scenarios. Calculate the theoretical acceleration using the following formula: a = g for each of the three different scenarios.

5. Calculate the experimental acceleration using the following formula: ai = for each of the three different scenarios. 6. Compare the theoretical acceleration and experimental acceleration for each of the three different scenarios.

RESULTS Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average time Average acceleration Theoretical Average Theoretical Calculated Avg. Scenario 1 (sec) 1.03 1.11 1.09 1.28 1.05 1.10 1.09 1.17 1.20 1.10 1.12 1.275 m/s2 1.157 m/s2 - .12 m/s2 Scenario 2 (sec) 2.14 2.99 2.18 2.07 1.97 1.97 2.05 2.00 1.97 2.11 2.13 .343 m/s2 .449 m/s2 .106 m/s2 Scenario3 (sec) 2.22 2.32 2.13 2.17 2.25 2.28 2.17 2.22 2.23 2.43 2.24 .33 m/s2 .59 m/s2 .26 m/s2

Dr. Rakhmanov Physics I Lab

George A. Garcia 2 / 28/ 2013

CONCLUSION Our experimental accelerations that we calculated were, relatively speaking, not that much greater than theoretical acceleration. The greatest difference that we had was in scenario three by a difference of acceleration of .26 m/s2 and the smallest difference in acceleration was .106 m/s2 . I think those differences in acceleration are due to the discrepancies in timing. (I also think that the mass that we chose is irrelevant to our difference in results because mass didnt play a key role in the equations that we used.) Finally, the acceleration differences could be either because the person releasing the mass, or the person keeping time, is not a robot and cannot track time perfectly. Moreover, even if it was a robot, there would still be marginal errors because even the timer may not be highly accurate.

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