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Childs Name_______________________

Parents Name______________________

Hello Parents, this is a questionnaire that I would like for you to fill
out in order for me to get familiar with your child. There will also be space
for you to leave any comments and/or questions for me in regards to your
child that you would like for me to know. Please return this questionnaire
along with the other forms that need to come back to the school. Thank you
for your time!
How was the students experience in the previous grade?
What are the students favorite subjects?
What are the students least favorite subjects?
What subject(s) did the student have the most difficulty in? Why?
Did the student have any issues/problems in the previous grade? (ex: Like
with other students/teachers/staff)

Childs Name_______________________
Parents Name______________________

What kind of personality does the student have? (Ex:

What kinds of treats/snacks is the student allowed to have? (Cookies, Fruit
cups, lollipops, etc)
Does the student have any allergies that I should be aware of?
Would you like to attend any of the class field trips throughout the year?
Is there anything that you would like for me to know about the student?
What will be the easiest way for us to stay in contact? By phone and/or via
email. Please provide your contact information

Childs Name_______________________
Parents Name______________________

Thank you for your time and please remember to stop by anytime to visit
our class!

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