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Good morning viewers. Today, on World in Focus, we will take a look at a small but fascinating country of Estonia.

Can you see it there to the right of your screen? Today, we will give you some facts and figures relating to the country, some brief history and some general information you may wish to know. Located on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea west of Russia, and to the north of Lativa Estonia is a mere 45, 227 square kilometers in size, which is, lets say, three-fifths the size of Scotland. The country is divided into 15 counties, 207 rural municipalities and only 47 towns. The official population is 1,462,130 million made up mostly of native Estonians (64%), followed by Russians (28.7%), Ukranians (2.7%) and Belarussians, Finish and others that make up (4.4%). The capital city, Tallinn, in the north-west of the country, is quite a beautiful city and has a population of just 420,470. Estonia is a rather flat country the highest point is just 318m above sea level. It has just over 1,500 islands and more than 1,400 lakes. The chief industries are the manufacture of agricultural machinery and electric motors. The main crops grains and vegetables. Okay, now you are probably thinking why dont we know more about Estonia? Well, it could be because the country only gained independence from Russia in 1991. Each year, it celebrates its Independence Day on Febraury 24 th. The constitution guarantees fundamental human rights, and Estonia, nowdays is, in fact, a democratic republic. The currency of the country is the Estonian

Kroon, worth one-eighth of a German mark, or about 4.5 British pence. The official language is Estonian, but given that the nation shares a border with Russia, its no surprise that a great many people speak Russian. Weather-wise, the weather in Estonia can be very changeable and quite unpredictable. It can be hot and sunny in summer, but can easily become cold and rainy in the same day. Estonians love sunshine and the streets are packed with outdoor cafes and restaurants. Winters are cold, with temperatures well below zero for about 5 months of the year but the days can be pleasant with some sunshine breaking through the clouds. Does that wet your appetite for the country? local travel agency near you. If you want more

information, then please visit our website www.estoniaonline or visit a

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