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Verbul : A fi

Present I am you are he is we are you are they are Past I was you were he was we were you were they were Future I will be you will be he will be we will be you will be they will be Perfect I have been you have been he has been we have been you have been they have been Pluperfect I had been you had been he had been we had been you had been they had been Future perfect I will have been you will have been he will have been we will have been you will have been they will have been


Liter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Nume a bee cee dee e ef, eff gee aitch, haitch i jay kay el em en o pee cue ar ess, es tee u vee double-u ex wy, wye zed, zee

AFI /e/ /bi/ /si/ /di/ /i/ /f/ /i/ /e/, /he/ /a/ /e/ /ke/ /l/ /m/ /n/ //, /o/ /pi/ /kju/ //, // /s/ /ti/ /ju/ /vi/ /db l ju/ /ks/ /wa/ /zd/, /zi/ (a doua variant doar n engleza american)


Formule de salut Greetings/gritings/ Buna! Hello! Salut! Hi! /hai/ Buna dimineata! (pana in ora 12 ) Good morning!/gu:d morning/ Buna ziua! (pana la ora 6) Good afternoon!/gu:d afternu:n/ Buna seara! Good evening! /gu:d ivning/ Noapte buna! Good night! /gu:d nait/ Pe curand! See you soon! /si: iu: sun/ La revedere! Goodbye! /gu:d bai/ Pa-pa! Bye-bye! /bai bai/ Ne vedem maine! See you tomorrow! /si: iu: tumorou/ Ne vedem saptamana viitoare! See you next week! /si: iu: nekst uik/ Ai grija de tine! Take care of yourself! /teik ker ov iorself/ O zi buna! Have a good day. /hev a gu:d dei/ O zi minunata! Have a wonderful day! /hev a uanderful dei/

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