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Celts vs. Romans vs. Vikings Worksheet 1.

0) The student will be able to describe the weapons of the Celts, Romans and Vikings including the helmet, shield and hand weapon of the three groups. 1.1) What sort of helmet did the Celts wear? 1.2) What sort of helmet did the Romans wear? 1.3) What sort of helmet did the Vikings wear? 1.4) What sort of shield did the Celts use? 1.5) What sort of shield did the Romans use? 1.6) What sort of shield did the Vikings use? 1.7) What was the main hand weapon of the Celts? 1.8) What was the main hand weapon of the Romans? 1.9) What was the main hand weapon of the Vikings? 2.0) The student will be able to describe modern comic book heroes that are of Celtic, Roman and Viking origin with a focus on their greatest feat of strength. What is the name of the Celtic comic book hero? What is his greatest feat of strength? What is the name of the Roman comic book hero? What is his greatest feat of strength? What is the name of the Viking comic book hero? What is his greatest feat of strength? 3.0) The student will be able to list the language(s) of the Celts, Romans and Vikings and the contribution of these languages to English. 3.1) What are the names of the Celtic languages? What was the contribution of these languages to English? 3.2) What was the language of the Romans? What was the contribution of this language to English? 3.3) What was the language of the Vikings? What was the contribution of this language to English? 4.0) The student will be able to compare and contrast Roman and Viking gods.

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