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WEEK 1-3 MONDAY- SPEED AND DYNAMIC LOWER BODY A- Jump Training In place heidens 4x4 each side

B- Speed Work 30 yard dash crossover start x 6 20 yard Baseball shuttle x 4 C- Squat (Movement learning/Explosive) Front Squat (start light and vary rep range) D-Unilateral Lateral Lunges 2-3x8-12 E- Light Posterior Chain Hyperextensions 2x15 F- Core Anti-rotation/Sprinter sit-up TUESDAY- ME EFFORT UPPER BODY LIFT A- ME Exercise Close-grip bench press B- Rep supplemental exercise Neutral-grip push-ups x max (1 set) C- Vertical pulling/Shoulder health Chin-ups/Band pull apart 3x12 D- Traps/Biceps (keep adding weight to shrugs) Shrugs/Curls 3x8 E- Grip Work 2 plate pinch gripping 3 max time sets THURSDAY- ME EFFORT LOWER BODY LIFT A- Starts Various positions 10x10 yard B- ME Exercise Sumo deadlifts C- Unilateral Exercise Reverse lunges from deficit 3x6-8 D- Posterior Chain GHRs 3x12 E- Core Side bends/Planks FRIDAY- REPETITION EFFORT UPPER BODY LIFT A- Repetition Exercise Chin-ups 60 total reps (least time possible) B- Horizontal Pulling/Shoulder Health DB Rows/Scarecrows 3x8-12 C- Push Neutral-grip Incline DB Press 3x8-12 D- Traps/Biceps Shrugs/Curls (try to stay constant and make progress on these) 3x12 WEDNESDAYS AND SUNDAYS- OFF/RESTORATION THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS- PRACTICE

Indicators WEEK 1 Strength -Upper: CGBP 60kgx4/65kgx2 -Lower: Sumo Deadlift 120kgx3 Power -Vertical Jump: Speed -30 yard shuttle: Left leg up 4,12 sec. / Right leg up 4,04 sec. WEEK 2 Strength -Upper: CGBP 60kgx5/65kgx3/70kgx1 -Lower: Sumo Deadlift Power -Vertical Jump: Speed -30 yard shuttle: Left leg up 4,16 sec. / Right leg up 4,10 sec.

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