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Mathcad Keyboard Shortcuts

Keystroke Commands
Action Mathcad Help Context sensitive Help Calculate worksheet Calculate region Redefinition warnings (toggle on and off) Insert text region Insert math within text region Addition with line break operator (within a math region) Character inside brackets as in chemistry notation Complex conjugate Enter special characters into math region Literal subscript Namespace operator x1 ... + ... [] _ x Example Keystroke [F1] [Shift] [F1] [Ctrl] [F9] [F9] [Ctrl] [Shift] R ["] [Ctrl] [Shift] A [Ctrl] [Enter] [Ctrl] [Shift] J ["] [Ctrl] [Shift] K [.] [Ctrl] [Shift] N

Calculator Toolbar
Operator Absolute value Definition Evaluate numerically Division Multiplication Inline division Example |x| x:= 5 x=5 x/y 34 Keystroke [|] [:] [=] [/] [*] [Ctrl] [/]

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Exponentiation Imaginary unit Parentheses Mixed number square root nth root pi

x2 i (3 + 4)

[^] 1i ['] [Ctrl] [Shift] [=] [\] [Ctrl] [\] [Ctrl] [Shift] P

Boolean Toolbar
Operator Boolean AND Boolean NOT Boolean OR Boolean XOR Boolean Equals Greater than or equal Less than or equal Not equal = Example Keystroke [Ctrl] [&] [Ctrl] [!] [Ctrl] [^] [Ctrl] [%] [Ctrl] [=] [Ctrl] 0 [Ctrl] 9 [Ctrl] 3

Calculus Toolbar
Operator derivative nth derivative Indefinite integral Example Keystroke [?] [Ctrl] [?] [Ctrl] I

Definite integral


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Infinity Iterated product

[Ctrl] [Shift] Z [Ctrl] [#]

Iterated product with range variables Left-hand limit Two-sided limit Right-hand limit


[Ctrl] [Shift] B [Ctrl] L [Ctrl] [Shift] A

Summation Summation with range variables Gradient

[Ctrl] [$]

[$] [Ctrl] [Shift] G

Evaluation Toolbar
Operator Custom infix operator Custom postfix Custom prefix Custom treefix operator Definition Evaluation Global definition Evaluate symbolically Example xfy xf fx f x y x := 5 x=5 x5 z5 [:] [=] [~] [Ctrl] [.] [Ctrl] [Shift] X Keystroke

Greek Toolbar
Enter Roman, then type [Ctrl] G for Greek.

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Greek Alpha Beta Chi Delta Epsilon Eta Gamma Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Omega Omicron Phi Phi(alt.) Pi Psi Rho Sigma Tau Theta Theta (alt.) Upsilon Xi



Roman A/a B/b C/c D/d E/e H/h G/g I/i K/k L/l M/m N/n W/w O/o F/j f

P/p Y/y R/r S/s T/t Q/q J

U/u X/x

Matrix Toolbar
Operator Insert matrix Example Keystroke [Ctrl] M

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Column Determinant Vectorize Transpose Range variable Cross product Inner (dot) product Vector sum Insert picture

M<1> |x| sin(M) MT 1..10 uxv uv

[Ctrl] 6 [|] [Ctrl] [-] [Ctrl] 1 [;] [Ctrl] 8 [*] [Ctrl] 4 [Ctrl] T

Programming Toolbar
Operator Add line break continue for if local assignment on error otherwise return while return while on error break continue for i 1..10 Vi i Example Keystroke ] [Ctrl] [{] [Ctrl] [ [Ctrl] ["] [}] [{] [Ctrl] ['] [Ctrl] [}] [Ctrl] [|] [Ctrl] ]

Symbolic Toolbar
Operator Evaluate symbolically Symbolic evaluation with keywords Example Keystroke [Ctrl] [.] [Ctrl] [>]

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