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Nairobi County residents deserve to receive the services for which they continue to pay for and which currently support the wage bill. It is for this reason that I have asked the county employees to report to work following the events that took place yesterday. I would like to clarify that I held a meeting with the Union leaders and explained to them the County government's current financial position. While we would like to meet their demands on the 60% pay increment as agreed in the CBA signed in September last year, we have a huge wage bill which is consuming up to 80% of the county's revenue and this makes it impossible to meet their current demands. All the same the Nairobi County Government is ready to negotiate with the workers in order to come up with a favorable outcome for everyone. Yes, we face numerous challenges as a county but they are not insurmountable. Lets work together as we create platforms for long term resolution.

Thank You Evans Kidero Nairobi County Governor.

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