Black Swan by Caleb

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Scientific Name:

Cygnus atratus

its food by plunging its long neck into water up to 1 m deep. Sometimes the Black Swan will graze on the land.

Common Name:
Black Swan



The adult Black Swan has a mostly black body with broad white wing tips that can be seen when the bird is flying. .It has greyish-black legs, black feathers and bright red bill with a touch of white at the front. A male Black Swan (Cobs) has a slightly bigger and stronger bill than a female Black Swan (Pens). An immature Black Swan (Cygnet) has grey/brown feathers. An adult Black Swan will measure between 110 cm and 142 cm. weighing between 3.79 kilograms. Its wing span is between 1.6 and 2 metres and it has the longest neck among swans and it is curved in an Sshape.

Black Swan by Caleb

A mated pair will produce 4-8 eggs annually which both parents take turns to incubate for 36-40 days. The eggs are laid in an untidy nest made of reeds and grasses. The nest is placed on a small island or floated in deeper water. As soon as the chicks hatch they are able to swim and feed themselves. However, they stay with their parents up to 180 days depending on food sources. Family groups may stay together until the following breeding season and then the young birds find their own mates.

Black Swans are found throughout Australia, with the exception of Cape York Peninsula and are more common in the south.

Black Swans like larger salt or fresh waterways and permanent wetlands. They require 40 m or more of clear water to take off. When it is not the breeding season Black Swans travel large distances. The Swans fly at night and rest during the day with other swans.


The Black Swan is the only all black-coloured swan in the world.

References: gnus-atratus ack-Swan.htm

The Black Swan is a vegetarian and eats food such as algae and weeds. It obtains

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